Rajeev (Location) A very shocking incident, indeed! Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)
Sudhansu Mohan Mishra (Unknown) The defused grenade was discovered after the plane took three flights. It may be possible that the grenade could have made it to the business class during the embarking at any of these points. Only after an investigation is undertaken and completed, the truth can be known.
Raj Kumar (Bangalore) Defused? Someone is trying to send a message!
Radhacharan (Nasik) Take care that the PM lives for at least his tenure of five years. Otherwise there is no meaning of absolute majority. Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)
Dr.Anant () why use air India's planes??why not buy separate jets for pm n president?? are we so poor??when adanis can afford a private jet then m sure pm and president can have a custom jumbo plus a backup
smmark35 (Location) This is a serious security lapse and should be thoroughly investigated. However, if anything happens to Modi, people can't fathom what the consequences would be.
piyush kumar (India) if the terrorists did have to put a bomb, why would they put a defused one... seems to be someone's mischief or an intelligence exercise.
jsk dwivedi (bsp) Air India Aircraft meant for PM found with defused grenade! Only Army can be trusted.
ekdesi (USA) The plane traveled from Delhi to Mumbai to Hyderabad to Jeddah. Security at the first 3 airports did not know what a grenade looks like, or they don't have scanning equipment! Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)