

Pranab Das (India)

Some years ago, I had a debate with an US friend who attacked me on the caste system in India. Governments came and gone, there is no innovative action thus far that has the potential to remove this social stigma: women being the most deprived caste of all! Now that a married brahmachari came to head the government we don't know how will he handle the caste bias! Can't NaMo do something to bring smile on his wife's face before serving the nation?


dr.chinna (Pune) replies to Pranab Das

No PM can change the mentality of Indian men. Women are not deprived caste, the truth is it's women who cover mistakes of male child, offer undue respect to male child and fail to teach them respect women. Habit prevails, that's how Indian men are grown. If you had stayed in US, you should be knowing that 5 year kid eats independently, but in India even at the age of 30 Indianmen expect feeding from mother and wife. It's mother-in-law who would have male child demand most of the times. The fundamental problem in Indian society is women failiing to train male child and make them civilized.


Sushmita Khiratkar (Pune)

who will work to get raped in the hell on the planet i.e North India.

谁会在这个星球上的地獄 - 印度北方去为工作而遭强奸。

Nirmal Sasilatha (Unknown) replies to Sushmita Khiratkar

So are all women working in North India are getting raped?Don't generalize things and insult the country.


narayanaiyer viswanathan (Bangalore)

If they step out into the street alone they may be physically abused . Or they may be sexually harassed at their work place . When you return from the office in the evening also you have an issue . You can't travel in the city buses alone . So you have to be a highly paid exec driving around in cars or be a male or be a construction worker and accept physical abuse with resignation .


Abhishek Oza (Unknown) replies to narayanaiyer viswanathan

If the problem is what you stated, then it is the men who should be stopped from going to places where women want to go. Because it is always the perpetrator, not the victim that needs to be jailed.

如果问题如你所说, 那么男人该被禁止前往妇女要去的地方。因为总是作恶者,而不是受害者需要被关起来。

ganshyamlondon (London)

Did you know that, as per the Evidence Act, the husband, his siblings and his parents can be arrested on 'abetment' if the wife commits suicide within seven years of marriage? The wife may be suffering from depression. Or she might have other reasons. But the Indian law ensure to make a pulp out of the man. Guys, if you are not married yet, thank your stars, and please please remain a batchelor! That is paradise on earth! You can NEVER EVER get anything right with a woman - unless she is your mother. Do something, and it is TOO this, and TOO that. But NEVER RIGHT. And after all those TOO judgements, she packs her bags and takes you to court for 80% of your property. Men, by nature, need sex. Sex is not a disease. It is just part of being a male. That is the reason why men marry - ho to meet the biological needs. But once women deliver the children they want (one or two), women do not allow the men to have sex! So men have to look elsewhere. Then the women start screaming that the man is cheating. The man's cheating (or really meeting the biological need) is entirely dependent on the wife! Women hardly ever accuse their husband of cheating in the first five years of marriage. Because, during this time, women willingly participate in sex. And then no sex! Women do not marry for the sake of a man. They marry for the sake of a baby (or two). So any sex after the baby is born does not make any sense to women. Women stop all sex after getting the children they want. In the olden days, women wanted 8-10 children, so a man had the hope for sex for about 20 years (albeit with long interruptions). But now, once women have delivered two children, ALL sex is over in 4-5 years of marriage. The man may do anything, but sirrah, no sex. Worse, once the children are born, women quite naturally start pushing the man out of their life. He must pay the money of course. But on every other count, he is not wanted. That is the reality of today's marriages. So, if any foolish young men still want to get married, ensure to get absolutely clear prenup agreement which covers all the expectations of both partners, including sex. If this is not covered, heaven help the man'

你可知道,依据“证据法",如果妻子在婚后7年内自杀,哪么她丈夫及其兄弟姐妹和父母就可能因教唆罪被捕?或许这妻子患有抑郁症。或许有其它原因。但印度法律确保把男人搞成有罪。伙计们,如果你还未婚,要感激你的星座,千万、千万保持独身。那是人间天堂。跟女人,什么事情你也永远、永远搞不好 - 除非她是你的娘。做个啥亊,太这个了、太那个了,怎么也不对。这么多“太”之后,她又收拾包裹把你弄上法庭,要分你80%的财产。男人天生需要性。性不是个毛病,它只是男人的一部分。这就是男人为什么要结婚的原因 - 希望满足身理需要。但一旦她们生下她们要的孩子(1到2个),女人不再允许男人与她有性生活。因此男人得往别处寻招。然后这女人就开始鬼叫这男人是骗子。这男人的欺诈(或实在是满足身理需要)全由这老婆而定!结婚头5年里女人几乎从不遣责她男人欺骗。因为在这期间女人乐于参与性生活。然后就没了。女人结婚不是为男人。她们结婚是为要1个(或2个)孩子。所以生了小孩性生活对女人就一点也没意义。女人得到她们要的孩子数后停止所有性生活。旧时,女人要10个8个孩子,因此男人抱希望过上20年的性生活(尽管有长期间断)。男人会想各种招数,可是小子,性生活没门。更糟的是,一旦孩子生下,女人相当自然地开始把男人赶出她们的生活。当然钱他还是必须付的。但所有其它事情,就不要他了。这就是当今婚姻的现实。所以,如果哪个傻哄哄的青年男子还想结婚,务要搞个绝对明确的婚前协议,涵盖拍档双方的所有期望,包括性生活。如果这一点未包括,那么老天照应这男人吧。

bkhegde11 (Location) replies to ganshyamlondon

Ghanshyamji, you are in London. When you have so much dairy products in super markets why should you buy a cow?


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