译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:At 160kmph, trains to save 2 hours of Mumbai-Ahmedabad travel time

MUMBAI: The Western Railway (WR) has prepared a Rs 1,100 crore plan to reduce travel time between the city and Ahmedabad, the busiest Indian Railways corridor, by at least two hours. The WR has plans to increase the speed of some trains on the corridor to 160 kmph.
For this, the WR will have to undertake improvement of tracks, barricading of vulnerable locations and regulating the over head equipment (OHE), among other things.

"We have submitted initial estimates for the speed improvement project to the railway board for approval," WR chief public relations Sharat Chandrayan said.
If the initial estimates are approved, a detailed estimate will be prepared and tenders invited.
“我们已经向铁路局提交提速项目的初步概算以获得批准。”西部铁路公司的公关主管Sharat Chandrayan说道。
"The entire exercise can be completed in a year," a senior official said. "We can complete the infrastructure improvement work on the 493 km corridor between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in five to six months after the contractors are appointed."

译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014112401.html
vandana lko ()
good but we need more on aerodynamic of these trains
A Varada Rajulu (Hyderabad)
In , the high speed trains (not bullet trains but trains with track on concrete) run at a speed of initially 350 Kmph which take 3 hours and 15 minutes from Wuhan to Gaungzhou, a distance of 1050 Kilometers, with 2 stops. But after an accident, now the speed is reduced to 300 kmph. The problem is it requires separate tracks other than the normal ones as the high speed train tracks should have walls on both sides so that human beings or animals do not cross the track and to save the lives.
R Jayaraman (Chennai)
People will be happy if travel time is reduced.
Murthy b (India)
Bringing all trains to 160 km level is the first step. It will be great if this can be done in one year .
G (Unknown)
simply put, India does not have infrastructure for high speed trains ...also you cannot have trains running at 100kmph + with open doors, Windows like most of our trains
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