Such practices are prevalent in all States. Unless we break the nexus between politicians, bureaucrats and contractors corruption cannot be eliminated.
This is the case in all walks of life in India. No government can eradicate bribe because it has become a part and oracle of life. The people suffer because of corruption. But they vote for corrupt politicians.
This is true of other sectors also. For example, construction of ROADS. I frequently here that this contractor is BHAU'S contractor (politician's) - meaning the contractor works on behalf of the politician.
Peace O•8059• •Unknown• even if they are caught.. this is what will happen. the dam will break in 10 years... ..the conviction will take 20 years.... and at the end.. . .. then a new case will be registered saying Dam never exsted. .... and the neta lived happily ever after........ Supreme Court needs to understand that corruption starts because of slow and sluggish judiciary. ..
Well this is the case in all government organisations, infant the case is worse in Indian army, where there maintenance handling arm call Military Engineering Services is called "Money Eating Services" Each contractor has to pay a bribe right from office boy/puen to the top official, each has a fixed percentage, For every acceptance the Garrison engineer is paid 4 percent and his office 3 percent. And for getting your bills cleared Garrison engineer is paid 3 percent his office another 3 percent, Engineer in charge ( Assit. garrison engineer) 3 percent, Junior Engineer 3 percent, Unit Accountant 0.3 percent, cashier 0.1 percent, Clerk 0.1 percent and Commander work Engineers office 1.1 percent. Apart from this for every visit of Technical examiner 1 percent is to given to him. Total amounting to over 22 percent. So if a contractor has to first finance the project pay all this bribe and then run behind officers and offices for clearing his bill he is bond to inflate the rates or do substandard work. What choices he has, he also has to earn money and take care of his family.
If the government finds a way to curtail corruption then it would end up saving a lot of money.