FayeUK, UK, 22 hours ago What asick world we live in !!
jummaiyahya, abuja,21 hours ago thisanimal killed another man's son to make a son for himself? really twisted! poorboy, RIP
Andrea Mack, Ilford, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago Do notcall these people animals. Animals act through instinct, not choice orignorance.
HPL2007, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago Animal'sare better. This guy can't imagine that maybe he is the reason he can't havekids, nutcase.
G5nb, Norwich, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago India has a space program in which it wastes billions when 3 quarters ofthe country have an empty space inside their heads and follow superstitions andpaganistic beliefs because Indian fails to give them an education. To think westill give them millions in aid yet it's wasted on rocket fuel, time to revokeall this so called aid once and for all
sagar7, melbourne, Australia, 16 hours ago 3quarters of the country follow superstitions and paganistic beliefs? Where didyou get these facts?Its like saying the uk is filled with pedophiles.
PM, Ronda, 21 hours ago Likeso many countries who demanded their independence, they seem to be goingbackwards.
S Johnson, Youdontneedtoknow, United States,18 hours ago Such ageneralization for 1 incident.
AlexakaDonkey, Barcelona, Spain, 21 hours ago Thesepeople need educating
shgibby, Hellhole, 18 hours ago Yeah,like education is going to help this. America spends billions oneducation, and has some of the dumbest people on the earth. Spending money on"education" does not make people educated. Do a study on what realeducation is. It isn't going to college, hearing lectures from a professor, memorizinginformation to get a good grade on some test( outcome based education).
a bit annoyed, not liverpool, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago sothis man's logic was that he kill someone else's child so he could have a child.I really hope he is unsuccessful, he is exactly the sort who shouldn't be ableto reproduce.
Vollum13459, Heckmondwyke, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago Incredibleindia
Mukund Barot, London, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago Everytime a country like Indiaand Pakistandoes something there is always someone like you talking about "Aidmoney". Just tell me one thing does whole of India run on the money from Aidmoney from U.K