

sabhajit singh•6660•
Deepika Ranade At least North Indians are Indians which you can not stop them from coming to Maharashtra. But why do not you stop Bangladeshis coming to Mumbai and Maharashtra. BalaSaheb had always taken stand on Bangladeshis, did you ever support him.

Deepika Ranade,至少北印人是你无法阻止到马哈拉斯特拉邦来的印度人。但是你为什么不阻止到孟买和马哈拉斯特拉邦来的孟加拉人。…

Rahul Singh•1139• • sabhajit singh•Unknown•
Very True.migrations a trend .....When jobs move so do migrants move.......Scores Migrated to the fertile Land of the Ganges.............you can find scores of Southies in Noida or for that matter laks of Marathis in Gwalior, Indore and Delhi......
Anyways this is not problem due to Migration it is a local problem......


Vinayak Bhide•
This state has witnessed many such paid agitations to enable the industry to move out .


sabhajit singh•
No hooliganism to be tolerated at any cost. Let this be handled by police very determindedily.


Sagar •814• •India•
Vandalism will not work


India is sliding into civil war
When a mass murderer and criminal becomes PM, what else can you expect?. Disintegration of India has begun.

印度正在滑向内战 …当一个大规模杀人犯、犯罪分子当上总理,你还指望别的什么?印度解体开始了。

Holy Blogger•7919• • proudbrahmin•India•
Mass murderer? Pigs were killed there after they burned down the train with innocent childern and ladies.. you and your Kaum is on verge of destruction


Unemployment, Corruption, Crime, Pollution, Poverty, Naxalism, Hindu-Muslim hatred, Jihad, Looting, Scarcity, Overpopulation, Collapse justice, failure of law and order and what NOT?.
My advice to every capable Indian is "QUIT" !!.
India is marching towards a biggest civil war in human history very soon. God save India.


我给每个有能力的印度人的劝告是, “放弃”!!。


Satya Meva•2447• • proudbrahmin•Hyderabad•
You sound Anti national.


karun bhatia•
The real truth is the GTI port workers (goan walad)are least bother to work and are purposly creating jam at the gate to fill their pocket with bribe to enter the gate the watchman collect 100₹ to 500₹ bribe from each driver or elce they are halted at the long que wich takes more than 48 hours to cover 5 to 10 km and this is everday sean at jnpt,nsict,gti terminal. The drivers get no basic amenities at this places as its isolated with no dhaba or hospital in this areas or a shed to sleep.


nearmsp MN•16019• •USA•
this is the face of Indian labor. Worst productivity in the world, lazy, rude, willing to become violent in a jiffy. The labor protection laws will ensure cost of Indian made products are not competitive. It is cheaper to manufacture in SL, , Vietnam, Mexco or Thailand than in India or Brazil. The problem is even if India imports stuff, they need unruly Indian labor to unload ships.


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