

Jayaram-18 hours ago
this is why victims family don't want to go court..... shameless creatures.... Rotten system favors culprits..... atleast is there privacy, secrecy and confidentiality maintained..... is big NO



John-19 hours ago
They may be valid questions to rule out possibility of a false allegation which is more prevalent than rape itself



Justin Jose-19 hours ago
The lawyers who ask such pathetic questions must be hanged for showing lack of morality.



Nishu Aggarwal-15 hours ago
One does not have to be insensitive to reveal the truth. If a girl is framing someone for rape, she will easily answer as she is not reliving the traumatic experience.



K-16 hours ago
it is painfull but now a day we heard so many false cases....not all rape cases are genuine.... example.. when both adult get close n do sex but if there is breakup..then such rape case comes up...



Sajal-16 hours ago
More than 65% rape cases are false.. How can one do a trial without asking important questions.. All false cases by females Shud be dealt with a heavy hand.. Only then genuine cases shall be heard fast..



Sajal-16 hours ago
The main problem is lengthy trials.. Certain questions are critical.. And must be asked for trial.. Hence what's the need of the trial.. In murder cases you need evidence but not in rape cases.. Is not that too ironical



Jasmeet-17 hours ago
Police has no right to look into the past history of victim as it's protected under the new Right to Privacy given by the SC....



Kunwar-New Delhi-18 hours ago
heartless lawyers and ruthless legal system. no dignity of women.
is this what we want as India?
no wonder rapists are having a field day in our country!!



Ck Jo-19 hours ago

What is the relevance of this type of questions? Why do one in witness box have to answer every questions asked to him/her - Why can''t one remain silent or indifferent to such questions?


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