Robert.R, Paris, France, 12 hours ago
Chinese ca build it and the UK won¿t. Sad
a male, Australia, 12 hours ago
...and China has a really good model of the aircraft carrier to prove it! (decals are extra)
Cedric Egg, Windsor, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Wow. The USA has had these for over 40 years. Not very impressed.
PaddyCasey, Derry, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Some American probably sold them a copy of the plans of an America air craft carrier
Bri99, North, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
The West will rue the day we allowed the gras few to offshore our manufacturing so they could bank greater profits.
lustgarten, LiverpoolC, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Doesn't sound like much of breakthrough
loveable_weirdo, Bradford, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
What could possibly go wrong...
capejc, Cape Town, South Africa, 13 hours ago
Why the big deal, the US carriers are just the same.
Paranoid Android, Bosworth, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
Remember when the New Zealand government refused to let a British Carrier into its city docks because the captain and the British government refused to confirm or deny whether it was carrying nuclear missiles? It finished 12 miles offshore while my brother and his Royal Fleet Auxliary vessel took the nuclear missiles right into the middle of the city.
Howard the 1st, London, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
This is what happens when you outsource technology manufacturing to China.