

grim reaper, houston, United States, 8 hours ago

So Turnip has blinked first in a tradewar he started......



phila_guy, Philadelphia, United States, 8 hours ago

Soybean and hog farmers should start worrying, their tariffs are going to increase if China plays hardball.



Brooksie1, New York, United States, 8 hours ago

So, wait a minute. The orange blowhard isn't going to be there with his bigly words & excellent negotiating experience? Hahahahahaha! That's probably a really good idea!



Jibba Jabba, Hogeye Texas, United States, 8 hours ago

Making America great again. Trump is dealing with issues his predecessors dare not tackle in case of failure. Well done to Trump for having the b@lls to try.



jerrad sheldon, Carson City, United States, 6 hours ago

Not just for trying. His north Korea plan is working, the economy is roaring, unemployment at record lows, etc. Etc. Etc.



Ann, Northeast, United States, 9 hours ago

Trump's had a year to remove all of his family's businesses from China and put them in the US, but nope, he isn't going to impact HIS bottom line. Do as I say, not as I do, is pretty much is motto. Hypocrite.



Brian_Speakman, Atlanta, United States, 9 hours ago

Trump, you're full of sht.



Patchos1, Leeds, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Checking on his red hat factory and Ivankas workers



MoeMentum, Inside the borders, United States, 11 hours ago

He's fixng things for America, not like the last clown who gave the store away !



Cluster, Somewhere out West, United States, 10 hours ago

Orange Idiot has the brain of a rutabaga.



Nixliberalis, Newtown, United States, 9 hours ago

Since we are in the veggie patch, most liberals I know exhibit the logic of a turnip, some graduate to a parsnip, but never your actual asparagus.



Blah324234, Washington DC, United States, 10 hours ago

Trump wants to know how China runs their successful economy, because Trump's economy back home is a complete chaotic disaster. The market is down 300 points again, for what, the 70th time this year? If it weren't for Trump, the DOW would be at about 45,000 points by now.



Trojanapolis, There, United States, 3 hours ago

How did the world survive without Trump? This lizard knows the answer to everything, but is never able to fix anything!



dcn8ve, Alex, United States, 11 hours ago

Difference between Obama and Trump.. One was a manager, the other is A LEADER!!!



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