


TakohamoOlsen2, Fremantle, Australia, 25 minutes ago

Geez, thanks Hillary!! Shoulda told us this 50 years ago....



CON, Ballarat, Australia, 36 minutes ago

What happened to our strict immigration and border controls? How does this criminal, warmonger manage to get a visa to enter Australia? Nobody wants to listen to 'The Biggest Loser' here in Australia, go tell your story to Haiti, Hildabeast. Bozo was here last month and has already provided the US Lefty hate speech for our socialist puppets



sadandtired, Pittsburgh, United States, 40 minutes ago

Just check her and Bill's campaign donor when they were in office. Same genetic background that she's yap about now. He just cheated on their behalf.



Snowdog88, Itscoldhere, Antarctica, about an hour ago

Shut up Hilary ... you have zero credibility



wendy-js, Melbourne, Australia, about an hour ago

Of course we are influenced by China What a stupid ignorant typically Hillary comment Who does this old irrelevant bat think she is to have the right to tell Australia how to conduct itself Clean up your mess first you miserable old battleaxe



Scotty Mac, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, about an hour ago

There are 180 million Americas living on or below the poverty line because of their failed sick policies and most are white.



Scotty Mac, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, about an hour ago

You can buy property in China. But you may not be able to afford it.



Scotty Mac, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, about an hour ago

And how many trips did HC do to Australua when her husband was destroying the US and as SC. HC is going to Australia to make money. She is toxc and the middle east is a great example of her gross incompetance. She is not welcome in Asia.



sadandtired, Pittsburgh, United States, 38 minutes ago

You learn faster than we do. She's been skirting the law for 50 years, and we still have people crying because she's not the president.



Toothsayer, Green and Pleasant, United Kingdom, about an hour ago

A friend of mine left Australia for this very reason and came back to a less lucrative job. At the time I wondered if she was making too much of it, but apparently not. On the global stage many nations are being charged including the UK perhaps the outcome is inevitable unless we return to the stone age.



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