

Ex Person, Gold Coast, Australia, 3 hours ago

LOL! Who the hell would pay to listen an irrelevant old woman bang on about China?



SeamonkeyUK, Sydney, Australia, 3 hours ago

China backed and funded Hilary in the 2017 election, So did Saudi Arabia. She might lose some much needed funding if she carries on like this. I don't trust her or China.



SJG1065, New South, Australia, 3 hours ago

She is right but a bit late to the join the bandwagon there. When she had the power her and Obama did nothing about the situation. Now we have an even more powerful neighbour that is even closer because they allowed them to actually claim an area that is not theirs and build a man made island for military purposes. Her and Jacinta horse mouth? Yuk! Lefty ideologues.



Justus Octavìan, Twin Peaks, Australia, 3 hours ago

Awful woman but she is right about Chinese influence.



SkorComp, Leningrad, Russia, 3 hours ago

Make Australia Great Again



Troy Otway, perth, Australia, 2 hours ago

How about make Australia Great for once!



Snoop doggy dogg, Westside, Australia, 3 hours ago

Imagine if Australia tried to buy some land in China let alone influence their governments decisions... China has too much power over this country, we need change



Jack, London, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago

Wonder how much the Clinton Foundation received from China?



Getoutofmyface, Sydney, Australia, 4 hours ago

That¿s about the only sense I¿ve heard from her...too late anyway...we should never have scrapped the white Australia policy....European only...oh well..



Gaddaffy duck, across the pond, Libya, 5 hours ago

In 2018 China and Russia are not the biggest threat to ( western) civilization. The biggest threat is being welcomed on a daily basis with opens arms by the likes of Hilary and western leaders. ...But hey, when Trump says he wants to stop the US invasion. Hilary is the first to criticize him.



Dr1ven, Dover, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

Why never any interest in China's influence in the USA Hillary?


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