

Chandra Deshpande - pune - 2 hours ago -Follow

Sadden ! Irrespective of all odds,why most of the Indian Talent is not doing work in the Nation itself. Japanese,Germans and even Taiwan-is have had not leave their homeland and have had made good work of innovations.



raghav Rao - 2 hours ago -Follow

India is a country of brains. Few hundreds of Rohit Prasad''s use their brains with positive energies and leave the country for good while a hundred thousand Rohit Vemula''s rot their brains in universities to be fed by govt''s under the reservation schemes.



Fire Breathing Dragon - Sikkim, India - 2 hours ago -Follow

Good for him. I hope more of them leave India. General category and meritocracy has no future in India. Let these slum dogs run country like they have run it with scamgressi help.



Jagdish Chandra - Debai UP - 3 hours ago -Follow

It is pleasure moment to note that Indian bright asset establishing milestone at international level in such short stint from India backward-hinterland that proved that intelligence is not granted to particular swath or fiefdom of anyone, it is Opportunity that perform miracle. Govt lend deep ears to this lacuna and its defective archaic policies to provide opportunity to bright assets of nation so they bring honor to nation



KKR - 3 hours ago -Follow

Good he left the country and went to US to utilize his skills. If he had continued to stay back in the country he would have been rotting in a government organization or working for some company doing some third level tech support but company claiming its into product development or managing large crowds of people contributing nothing.



Sanj - 1 hour ago -Follow

Surprised to see some people comment asking only governmnet to invest in research. The guy is a amazon employee and amazon hugely invest in its R& D. I dont understand why we indian do not question the big indian corporates making huge profit from india and yet every year would be mentioned among richest in the world and still instead of investing for contries development and reasearch like what we see in other developed nations they cunningly try to get government adds for their own institutions!!

看到有人在评论里要求政府部门独力为科研投入资金,我很惊讶。这家伙是一个亚马逊员工,亚马逊在研发方面投入巨资。我不明白为什么我们印度不质疑印度大企业每年从印度赚取了巨额利润,他们的财力雄厚到能位列世界最富有的人群,他们不愿像其他发达国家那样为研发工作投资,他们总是耍滑头,让政府为他们的机构出钱! !


Skrishna - 1 hour ago -Follow

Congratulations to you for giving us a brief bio of our young Artificial Intelligence scientist Rohit Prasad of Ranchi-US. He ranks high along with other India's geniuses. Such articles on the positive side of India's progress will surely inspire the younger generations and make us proud.



Varun - Bangalore - 2 hours ago -Follow

India spends very less in R&D, that includes private sector too. Finally Indian industries depend mostly on imports and many technically qualified persons move to West, looks like the system does not improve



Sanjoy Pandey - 18 mins ago -Follow

India is unable to use the great brains for the interest of the country due to 70 years old reservation policy.



Predator - OUTER SPACE - 53 mins ago -Follow

Can't these engineer give life to india economy...



Bullendra Bahubali - 1 hour ago -Follow

Reason for his success, one glass of gomutra every morning for past 7 years.



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