
为什么印度早早投资太空技术, 本该投在基础设施和人民福利上的

Quinton Quade, M.S. from The University of Utah (2011)

This question assumes the fungibility of human capital.

You could say the same thing about India’s nuclear program.

Different people have different personalities, strengths, and aptitudes. Some people make good accountants, others make good artists.

India has an abundance of excellence in STEM. You can’t expect people who can do aerospace to spend their lives building affordable housing and soup kitchens, just because you think that’s what the country needs. Those people would have just moved to other countries and pursued aerospace there.

Apart from that, a lot of people get the impression that present day humanity has the means to end poverty and suffering. No amount of resources can end poverty. If India had decided to devote all of its aerospace resources to fighting poverty, it would have exactly the same amount of poverty and no space program. Instead, now it has an asset in addition to the usual set of liabilities.








Sayandeep Gupta

In a way the questioner has pointed out one thing. Researching Space Technology is an investment indeed. As with all investment the benefits are reaped not then and there but a few years from the time the investment is made.


Well by welfare of people you mean to say that people go hungry so they should be fed, provided with better medical facilities. Now my friend there are already programs for that and the amount allocated to space research is so miniscule that if it would have been added to the already exsting programs it wouldn't have made a big difference. However, think about the remote sensing satellites that India made and launched. They help in meteorological predictions, in study of soil composition, land under cultivation, river catchment areas. All these help the agricultural scientists to make better land use and get better crop yields. The better yields in crop can better feed the hungry than a simple food for all programs.


Mangalyan helped understand the environment on Mars and could pave the way for future Mars colonization. This can reduce the population pressure experienced by planet Earth and make it more habitable.


Chandrayan helped us understand more about helium 3 on moon which can act as a fuel for rockets and hence the moon can act as a base for longer space missions.


Aditya the upcoming solar mission can help us understand the sun better and might help us predict solar storms that can have catastrophic consequences on tele-communication systems namely satellites in space.


The cheap but reliable launch capability achieved by ISRO can help add critical foreign exchange to the economy by hel launch foreign satellites.


The research done will only add to our knowledge and humans are what they are today because of the progress made using such researches.


A space scientist can elaborate and explain many more things and the things I mentioned far better.


So my friend just as building roads have a multiplier effect on the economy. Space research also has a multiplier effect not only on the Indian Economy but also on the whole global economy. Not to mention it promotes scientific temper and rationality which India desperately needs now.


If you chose to work on kee your brain, heart and lungs functional while neglecting your other organs you will definitely not have a very healthy life. In the same way a country that focuses on only certain aspects of living while neglecting others is only going to suffer. So investment in space technology is absolutely worth every rupee we spend on it.



Vinay Kumar Rautiya, MBBS from Government Medical College, Nagpur (2020)

Because the aim of investment in space technology “was not to compete with developed nation for manned space-flight or exploration of moon & planets. Main aim was to application of advanced space technology to aiding country for economic reasons and real problems of society”— Vikram Sarabhai (Founder and father of ISRO)

因为“太空技术投资的目的不是为了与发达国家竞争载人航天飞行或探索月球和行星。其主要目的是将先进的太空技术应用于解决经济和社会问题,造福国家。”——Vikram Sarabhai (ISRO创始人)

A country cannot progress without the applications of space technology; and it was a must situation for India- being a large and diversity country suffering from poverty at that time.


Aryabhatta, Bhaskara- I & II, Rohini- I&II, APPLE. All these were the satellites launched initially in the history of ISRO. Aryabhatta, launched in 1975 was aimed for Earth Sciences and Space Physics. Similarly, the main objectives of satellites were — Astronomy, Communications, Engineering, Earth Sciences.

Aryabhatta, Bhaskara- I & II, Rohini- I&II, APPLE,这些都是ISRO最初发射的卫星。Aryabhatta号于1975年发射,目的是用于研究地球科学和太空物理学。同样,这些卫星的主要目的是应用于天文学、通信、工程和地球科学。

Applications of these were in Telecommunications, Resource Management, Military, Academic etc.. mainly to benefit Farming and Forestry.


No satellite means no facility, that means dependent on other nations for this. India couldn't have developed at this far if they hadn't invested in space technology at that time.


Now at this time, there is no or very little need to invest in these type of satellites; India has moved on to other missions. Like launching the other nations satellites, Chandrayan I &II, MOM and now man mission. And Yes. It helps to build the reputation and attracts money from other countries.



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