
Navneet: 身处香格里拉的中心


I too want to go and I am often inspired by your writeup about your pilgrimages, but I am not that religious. I will need stronger mental resolution for taking up such journeys but I have a sincere desire, that if ever I could establish a tourism service between India and China, I will ask my Sulekha friends to join me in my maiden adventure. Should we choose such challenging journeys or settle down for more attractive Shanghai- Beiing tours, will depend on how my Sulekha friends respond to my offer if it ever materialized.





Shangri-La comes from local tibetan accent, which means sun and moon in one's heart. It is very easy topoliticize everything you see. What matters most is citizens' well-being and life of decency. Obscurantism is ideal for explorers who seek for some primitive society. If past is darkness, once enlightend, no matter how a society changes, you will always find your own sun and moon.




Hello Ocean,

I admire you for your views which are contrary to the conventional. I am not aware of what the foreigners say about such places as Shangrila but bringing commercialization to a place has its good and bad points. It's not possible to say whether improvement in financial status brings happiness to a person or not but it surely makes his life easier in many ways. I have come back to China and I am once again at the same place Gaogang. I will be happy to meet you some day if I could. Where are you these days and what is your phone number?





Navneet Ji:

what a good new to know you back to China and what a bad new to know I am not in China right now, I am in other country, and I think I will not return to TaiZhou anymore because my contract has done. and the factory is in very bad situation so I have no reason to stay there. but if you have time, welcome to visit my hometown. it is a bad place, but still not seriously bad to tourist.

improvement in financial status maybe not brings happiness, but personally, I think it is better to let it happen, then vertify it is true or not. if someone's financial status is not improved, he live in unhappiness, see what is happen in Bhutan. Bhutan once the world "mostly happiness country", and most of Bhutans said they live in happiness. however, recently some reasearch show the Bhutan's happiness index has obviously fall, because what? because now they have TV. now they know outside world. and that shit Shangri-La, to me, just another example same like Bhutan.






Navneet Ji:

Ah, the Shangri-La, the vocabulary which I hate mostly in this world. sometimes I told myself that if I am the god, the first thing I do is to ban this word for all life who lives in this planet.

I hate this word not because this place is awful, no,no,no. LiJiang and this region, is beautiful, even more beautiful than anybody's imaging. I hate this word because I think this word is created by west, and itrepresents such idea - a man has right tostereotying other man, and force other man to do whatever takes to comply hisillusion. no, nobody has such right. that how those westner come and feel deeply disappointment about Lijiang because in their illusion, they think they will see some monks who extremly poor but do not care any shit of outside, so harmony and so on, then they will fell they are saved, escape from indurstrial world or upleft to heaven or something. but reality is a communicial world full of poor vendor who wants to sell little plastic shining stuff for some foreign exchange. so they disappoint for that and said Chinese governmetn break the culture of this place, too much commence so and so. but what about those poor villagers and vendors, ban them from better life, make them ignorant from outside, just because westner need one such place for their kindergarden style illusion? that is what Shangri-La represents, and I must say I will cheer and hat-off to anyone who destroy this word.

however, it is a very good article, thanks for you uncle Navneet







Yes, it is patriotic way of think but I think seeing the world as a whole is holistic.





At least we Indians are driven by faith. I don't know what drives the Chinese and other apostates to such high places- perhaps the spirit of adventure which is very basic to man. Whatever be the motivation, I believe its a gift from God.




maybe the worship towards Motherland, a belief in people's own hands





As usual wonderful pictures and your thoughts.Yes it is the faith which takes you to any difficult place of worship. Though I am not a good climber because of age and weight I could walk on uneven 400 steps to Gurushikar in Mount Abu (Dec.2014).Your pictures of Lijiang were awesome.The small town appears to be very clean




Hello Vijay,

Thanks for a wonderful comment. I would say that my thoughts came gushing forth like a stream on seeing the pictures so the credit for it all must go to Andrew although my thoughts become poems when they come in torrents.


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