

Rachael SA, South Australia, Australia, 2 days ago

Great news that he is ok, god knows what he was bloody thinking embarking on such an endevour! Great real life practice for our navy I guess, is Australia¿s tax payers funding this? Just curious...



Ug, Exeter, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Thank goodness for that - hope he make a good recovery



GrandMarshalKimII, Tooting, North Korea, 2 days ago

So at least he ended up close to home then.



Arfan Medni, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Bet his 'round the world' trip was to have ended at the coast of UK



Sir Stamford Raffles, Little Gollop, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Rock on Tomy!



Jennifer, Sydney, Australia, 2 days ago

Wonderful news. Who pays?? Surely the race organisers have insurance to pay back the Australia taxpayers

好消息。但由谁掏钱? ?当然,比赛组织者有保险来偿还澳大利亚纳税人的钱。


skinflintdan, steyning, 2 days ago

Congrats to all concerned.



quality, mel, 2 days ago

Fantastic news that he has been rescued. Thuriya is a beautiful looking ketch. Hopefully she will be found sooner or later with only the damage she has now.



IcehouseUndertaker, midwest, United States, 2 days ago

There's no record to be set, why risk it alone? Sailing is like hiking- shouldn't do it alone no matter how good you are.



IcehouseUndertaker, midwest, United States, 1 day ago

If that's how you want your taxes spent , by all means- support their risk



NullDev71, Hereford-Worcester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Excellent news, and better luck next year to both the Indian and Irish sailors.



Capt Dan, jupiter FL, United States, 2 days ago

Occupational hazard. Survived this time. There wouldn't be a next time for me. Go home and hang up your guns.



Varane., esp, Spain, 2 days ago

Where did this happen??




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