

Jon, Manchester, 11 hours ago

They¿re not exploring, they¿re ho to open a Chinese tat shop, if they actually get there in their tat spaceship.



Phil, Hatboro, United States, 12 hours ago

It's the FAR side of the moon. There is no dark side of the moon, really. :-)



Major Hindsight, UK, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

It's not really dark, lol



Mestral, Carbon Creek, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

There is no dark side of the moon. Great album though.



Tired of this world, Leeds, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

The aliens that live there won't be happy. This prob will not land or come back.



Mick Mucktaggart, Potting Shed, Isle Of Man, 13 hours ago

No it won't, this is lies.



Linda, Fairfax USA, United States, 13 hours ago

Best of luck to China! I hope they publish the results.



Stone Head, London, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

What a co-inkidink this story appears with the Huawei arrest staged drama, to increase the appearance the US is in competition with fellow New World Order puppet state, China. A country the US Elite transferred most of America's industry to.



mczopko, corning, United States, 15 hours ago

Why wouldn't China keep up with the USA, they stole all the research and the science to get there.



Biffy Toosdale, Potomac, United States, 16 hours ago

China isn't that original looks like they copied the US lunar Lander exactly!



Mick1492, Midwest, United States, 16 hours ago

Wow, it looks a lot like the one we had.



Mick Mucktaggart, Potting Shed, Isle Of Man, 16 hours ago

Imagine someone blowing a massive raspberry. That's my comment.



slartibartfast, Up yours, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

WE already know what the Moon is made from. We've known for 50 years,



Ohdobequiet, topoftheworldma, Åland Islands, 17 hours ago

Well at least there is no atmosphere up there for them to pollute.



Cluebat, Atlantic Beach, United States, 17 hours ago

There is no 'dark side' of the Moon. You probably mean the far side.



John, Herts, 17 hours ago

We already know it's made of cheese ;-)



mika2010, Virginia, United States, 17 hours ago

Super exciting!



stargate, N VA, United States, 17 hours ago

how much of it's technology was stolen?



SpeakNupDotty, Brisbane, Australia, 18 hours ago

Awesome technology, it looks like I am going to have to grab my camera and take up moon watching for the next few days 'how exciting' but, I hope that the spacecrafts journey is also being broadcast live on the net somewhere!


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