

Ending country cap in Green Cards may allow India, to dominate path to US citizenship: Report



WASHINGTON: Eliminating the country quota from the most sought-after Green Cards will end the current discrimination in the US labour market, but would allow countries like India and to dominate the path to American citizenship, according to the latest Congressional report.

华盛顿: 美国国会最新报告显示,取消最受欢迎的绿卡的国别配额,将结束当前美国劳动力市场的歧视,但将让印度和等国家垄断美国绿卡申请。

Having a Green Card allows a person to live and work permanently in the United States.

Indian-Americans, most of whom are highly skilled and come to the US mainly on the H-1B work visas, are the worst sufferers of the current immigration system which imposes a seven per cent per country quota on allotment of Green Cards or the Legal Permanent Residency (LPR).




译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/46791.html  译者:Jessica.Wu


GOOD INDIAN - India Against Corruption - 4 hours ago -Follow

reservation at home means talent would seek opportunities elsewhere



Sachin - Waterloo, Canada - 4 hours ago -Follow

Will they be called anti-nationals for giving up Indian citizenship? - Just a question, not a statement.



Baljeet Singh - 4 hours ago -Follow

One question from people there was no reservations before 1947. Where was these high caste achievers then.why india was under forieign occupation for last 600 700 years.



Tarang Doshi - 2 hours ago -Follow

Why Americans, Europeans, Australian not dying for indian citizenship. Why indians are begging for citizenship in other countries.



Abdul Salam - 4 hours ago -Follow

modi government should charge ten lakh rupees as traitor charge per person to allow anyone to settle outside india



Raghu Kashyap - 3 hours ago -Follow

Sensible thinking on the part of USA. Compare & contrast this thinking with that of Indian mind set of reservations , for various clans/ castes/ region.



Jai Bharat - 4 hours ago -Follow

The country cap must be there so that Indian should come back and work of mother country.



Joe Jacob - 4 hours ago -Follow

Who wants your citizenship?We are self sufficient.We invented aircraft( ravanan)!!! Bjpeeee spokes person



Team Bharat - 3 hours ago -Follow

Bharat has trenendous oppotunities



Jai Bharat - 4 hours ago -Follow

It is not high skill only it is median skill low wage immigrants want to settle in US for dream life.



Thinking Common - 2 hours ago -Follow

Never understood these bhakats .. Day night they claim India is develo under Modi and we are proud .. blah blah n blah .. and the first opportunity they will run for a visa to USA or Canada



Ruru - Bangalore - 2 hours ago -Follow

Beggars who went to US for money say that they are proud of India .. Stay in that country and praise another country...That''s like a Paki staying in India praising Pak... Get lost you NRI''s...



Sachin Telgavi - 4 hours ago -Follow

Indians are good for making excuses about Indian problems. And use those excuses to go serve rich hegemonic countries. Everybody wants to join the wng side instead of trying to make their own side a winner.



Rohit Bhatia - 4 hours ago -Follow

The border i.e loc should be removed



Schnell Rai - Bangalore - 6 mins ago -Follow

Brain drain at its best because in our country Brain is not given priority but cast is given the priority.

Reservation is ruining the country.




Pbch Chowdhuri - India - 33 mins ago -Follow

USA will turn into little India after some time since the best brains from India are migrating there. Most of the higher caste Hindus of India had no other option but to migrate to the USA for better job or research opportunities/facilities since only the ''reserved'' class was prefered for jobs and promotions in India.



Jumla Expert - 1 hour ago -Follow

Indians are running away from FEKU ji''s Pakoda Stalls. Har har FEKU, Ghar Ghar FEKU.



Anand - 1 hour ago -Follow

At this rate there will be an Indo- border dispute there too...Lol



Samadhan - Pune - 1 hour ago -Follow

Gud move by American govt as the flow of Indian skilled IITans ,engrs would b ceased.



Sarthak Chawla - ND - 2 hours ago

Sure keep blaming reservation for this. As if there is reservation in private jobs. With such a huge population how can there be good paying jobs for everyone. Even good earners have to deal with pollution, dirt, traffic, bad infra and culture which stops people from doing what they want



Bhaskar Bhattacharyya - 2 hours ago -Follow

Get rid of caste based reservation system, create environment for employment generation increase wage and then people may stop going to USA.


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