

Karnataka couple stoned to death four years after inter-caste marriage



BENGALURU: In an apparent case of honour killing, a Dalit man and his wife, who married against wishes of the woman's family, were allegedly stoned to death when they returned to their village in Gadag district in Karnataka, four years after fleeing it, police said on Thursday.


According to police, Ramesh Madar and Gangamma had married Gangamma, belonging to the Lambani community, disregarding the opposition from her family members four years ago. Fearing backlash from the family, they had fled their village Lakkalakatti near Gajendragad town and migrated to various places in Karnataka and worked as labourers.

根据警方的说法,Ramesh Madar和Gangamma(来自Lambani社区)四年前不顾女方家人的反对结婚。由于担心遭到家人的阻挠,他们逃离了加延德拉加德镇附近的拉卡拉卡蒂村,到卡纳塔克邦打工。

On Wednesday they returned to their village. Spotting them on a road, some people from the Lambani community attacked the couple and later stoned them to death, police said. "Our investigations are on. There's a progress in the case, which we cannot disclose at this point," said a police officer at the Gajendragad police station. The couple had two children.




译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/48746.html


Anjan Kesh • 17 hours ago

Instead of tacking this plague of casteism in 2019, this useless govt is busy with temples and mosques



Anjan Kesh • BLR • 11 hours ago

Government will never want to do away with caste it is their bhrama Astra, they can misuse it any where at all circumstances. First and foremost politicians are to be blamed for all caste based crime



Santosh Kumar • Vadodara • 18 hours ago

Shameful act by upper caste Indians...



Luke Cage • Bedok • 17 hours ago

If you don’t like couple, don’t help them but why killing this brutual way. I know only two castes in world living & non living... these stone pelters should be jailed.



Kinnu • BLR

People have the freedom to marry any one from any caste or creed. This type of killing is disgraceful to society. The culprits need to be arrested immediately



Babloo Sharma

On our way for $5 trillion economy competing with !



Aaaa• India

If India ever becomes $5 trillion economy will you leave India and move out to some other country with your whole family?



Anil Nair • Trivandrum

Caste and if possible, religion must be abolished.



arshad khan • 7 hours ago

Govt should create awareness and action on this since we are living in the civilised society and rip to the deceased



Vydhyaraja • Bangalore • 9 hours ago

first arrest those who have stoned these two to death and hang them in public place.



Nana • 11 hours ago

This is not just shameful but disgusting when there is one side of india which is looking at going to explore sun and other side is looking for ways to kill one another...




Aaaa • India • 4 hours ago

When will this menace of killing for marrying among hindus end... There is no honour in killing ..



Kumar • 10 hours ago

difficult to eliminate castism..



Guest • 11 hours ago

This is ridiculous .



Malaikallan • Malappuram • 13 hours ago

It is nothing to do with religion.



Guest • 40 mins ago

Horrible .



R Aloor • 1 hour ago

The epidemic of useless Casteism which prevented India to get Nobel winners in Science nor made a Technology super power is still there. The gene problem of Hinduism.



Biswajit Gupta • 1 hour ago

Wtf is caste it is created to spread hate.



Roger Federer • 14 hours ago

Very much ashamed to hear these things still prevailing in our society...



Kumar V • India • 17 hours ago

Would have liked to know what made them to come back, hope it was not treachery like in movies.


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