


译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:A Chinese Marriage

Some days ago Project Manager of the ship we are building, invited us for his marriage. China has a rich cultural heritage and strong traditions. I searched and found the following pages very interesting and was amused to notice quite some similarities between our customs and theirs.

The Old Customs

The Proposal

The process began with an elaborate marriage proposal and acceptance. This process was placed in the hands of a go-between, who acted as a buffer between the two parties. The important parties in proposal and betrothal negotiations were the parents of the prospective bride and groom, rather than the bride and groom themselves.

“Marriage was for continuing the ancestral line and creating alliances between families –; too important a duty to be left in the rash hands of the young,"

When the boy’s parents identified a likely bride-to-be, they would send the go-between to present gifts to the girl’s parents and to sound out their feelings about the match. If the proposal was well-received, the go-between would obtain the date and hour of the girl’s birth recorded on a formal document.

The groom’s family would place this document on the ancestral altar for three days. If no inauspicious omens, e.g. quarrels between the parents or a loss of property, took place within that time, the parents would give the information to a astrological expert to confirm that the young woman and their son would make a good match. If the boy’s family found the horoscope to be favorable, they gave the boy’s birth date and hour to the go-between to bring to the girl’s family, who would go through the same process.

Only after the outcome was favourable would the two families arrange to meet. Finally face-to-face, each family evaluated the other in terms of appearance, education, character, and social position. If both were satisfied they would proceed to the betrothal.

The Betrothal

First both sets of parents exchanged family credentials as tokens of intention. Then, after extensive bargaining, the two families would arrive at the amount of money and goods that would make up the gift to the girl’s family. After presenting engagement tokens, the go-between would ask the bride’s family to chose among several auspicious dates suggested by the boy’s family and also set a date for presenting betrothal gifts.



My purpose of visiting that page was to find how Cultural Revolution had suppressed religion and severed links with culture and traditions. Let’s get back to the topic of marriage.


女孩穿着一种Sehra(图片来自网络) 女孩穿着一种Sehra(图片来自网络)

As such there is no dowry from the girl's parents. The boy has to bear it all. He propses and unless he has buys a house for the girl..he can't even propose.


新婚夫妇亲自迎接客人 新人亲自迎接客人

婚礼大厅 婚礼大厅

讲台 正等待新人.....

灯关了 灯关了

船厂老板上台讲话。在印度,你无法想象Mukesh Ambani 会去参加工厂里一位领班的婚礼 船厂老板上台讲话。在印度,你无法想象Mukesh Ambani 会去参加工厂里一位领班的婚礼

主持人对新郎说着一些话 主持人对新郎说着一些话

新郎手捧花束等待新娘 新郎手捧花束等待新娘

新娘和父亲一起来了 新娘和父亲一起来了

新娘和她父亲 新娘和她父亲

接受新郎的一束花之前,新娘和她父亲拥抱 接受新郎的一束花之前,新娘和她父亲拥抱

新娘面对着新郎 新娘面对着新郎

新娘接受花,瞧,新娘是一直单膝跪着的 新娘接受花,瞧,新郎是一直单膝跪着的

面对观众 微笑着面对观众

舞台中央 舞台中央

sam (16)

共同点燃蜡烛 共同点燃蜡烛

新郎考验新娘 新郎在问话

公开拥抱 拥抱

当然也包括接吻 接吻

再次面对来宾 再次面对来宾

两个孩子走向他们。也许是图个吉利吧 两个孩子走向他们。也许是图个吉利吧

向新人表示祝贺 向新人表示祝贺

新郎给新娘戴戒指 新郎给新娘戴戒指

新娘也给新郎戴上 新娘也给新郎戴上

一起向来宾展示戒指,作为婚姻的证明 一起向来宾展示戒指,作为婚姻的证明

烟花响了 烟花想起象征着未来日子红红火火

sam (28)

倒酒,不知道象征什么意思 倒酒,不知道象征什么意思

一个人在吹萨克斯管 一个人在吹萨克斯管

sam (31)

sam (32)

The dinner is served unlike in India where the guests make a beeline for a buffet in the adjoining Pandal and  worry that it will be over by  the time they go there, or there will be no plates or Chicken would have taken a flight and only gravy will be left and whether they will be able to eat enough to justify the "shagun" money  ...Prawns here are waiting to be eaten up.


sam (33)

sam (34) 满脸微笑,新人走下来招呼来宾

新人和家长站在一起,司仪叫一位家长发言 新人和家长站在一起,司仪叫一位家长发言

我们餐桌上的菜 我们餐桌上的菜

sam (37)sam (38)

sam (39)

sam (40)

司仪考验新郎,父母在一旁观看 司仪考验新郎,父母在一旁观看

此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 在华印度人 » Navneet:中式婚礼
