

 India, US likely to sign pact on geospatial cooperation


NEW DELHI: India is now getting set to ink the fourth and final `foundational military pact’ called the Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial Cooperation (BECA) with the US to further tighten the strategic clinch between the two countries.


Officials on Monday said BECA, which will enable the US to share advanced satellite and topographical data for long-range navigation and missile-targeting with India, is “very likely” to be inked during the “two-plus-two” dialogue here. Defence minister Rajnath Singh and external affairs minister S Jaishankar will hold the dialogue with their US counterparts Mark Esper and Mike Pompeo on October 26-27.

相关官员周一表示,BECA“很有可能”在“2 + 2”对话期间签署。BECA将使美国能够与印度共享先进的卫星和地形数据,用于远程导航和导弹目标定位。印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格和外交部长苏杰生将于10月26日至27日与美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀和国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥举行对话。


India inked the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) with the US in 2002, which was followed by the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) in 2016, and then the Communications, Compatibility and Security Arrangement (COMCASA) in 2018.

2002年,印度与美国签署了《军事信息总体安全协定》(GSOMIA), 2016年签署了《后勤交换协议备忘录》(LEMOA), 2018年签署了《通信、兼容性和安全协议》(COMCASA)。

Despite constant prodding from the US, the previous UPA regime had not agreed to ink LEMOA, COMCASA and BECA during its 10-year tenure on the ground that it would compromise India’s “strategic autonomy”. But the NDA government has pushed ahead with them, stressing that there are “enough India-specific safeguards” built into these pacts.


LEMOA provides for reciprocal logistics support like refueling and berthing facilities for each other's warships and aircraft, while the COMCASA has paved the way for India to get greater access to advanced military technologies with encrypted and secure communications and data links like armed Predator-B or Sea Guardian drones.


The decision to expedite BECA was taken during US President Donald Trump’s visit to India in February. The visit had also seen the inking of two deals worth $3 billion for 24 MH-60 `Romeo’ naval helicopters and six Apache attack choppers, which has taken the total value of lucrative Indian defence deals bagged by the US to over $21 billion just since 2007.

加快签署BECA的决定是在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普2月份访问印度期间做出的。此次访问还签署了价值30亿美元的两项协议,分别为24架MH -60“罗密欧”海军直升机和6架阿帕奇攻击型直升机,这使得自2007年以来,美国从印度获得的利润丰厚的军火合同总额已经超过210亿美元。


译文来源:三泰虎  https://www.santaihu.com/p/51111.html  译者:Jessica.Wu


India should not miss this opportunity. If Biden wins it may never come up again.



Mahendra Patel

Great move by India .Let pak and ching know we have counter supporters



Bala Srinivasan

INDIA is making certain the INDO-US strategic security partnership is good&SOLID impervious to any outside interruption or interferance or even influence.



Arun Kumar

To nab further on ching bats, yes welcome decision and we need more such kind of strategies with US to strengthen our country..




Piggyback with US because this is to India's own benefit. There is only one superpower and there will be only one, that is US. is not even close. Russia is a lost empire, its glory is vanished like dimming candle.





Wait till the US dollar falls !

The empire falls too




Jagdish Chandra

With the advance of technology, World has interact or intermingled. Case of India is no exception of it. US are World unique economic and military power as well as has records exemplary liberal society. Proxmity of India with US or NATO camp may produce the logical result. It is significant to note here that post-independence; India has proxmity with Warsaw pact (Soviet Russia), but things has changing now with gradual pace as Russia is tilting to , in such precarious scenario, choice left with India to review it foreign policy.




Manoj Bharati

Very good...India needs to increase cooperation with the US ...Nehruvian and MMS foreign policy did no good for India..



Vinod Kumar

All these "co-operation" agreements are fine, but how they will help India if there is war with two  nations viz and Pakistan simultaneously. There should be a defence treaty in place between two nations.




The US has a huge tech advantage over and we can leverage that to match up.



Vjay San

Smart move for the moment!



Sam Singh

More power to India and its leaders. India loves America. God bless both India and America.




Good, India needs to work on quantum satellite technology etc. which is only available to US and India has no idea about it. We do have good satellite technology but US is the best. And we want the best!




This agreement between India and USA must be signed before US Election.



Pradip Kumar Shome

It is ok, but will US accept India in the permanent membership in UNSC?




Feku, aka Surrender Modi, tries to make India a satellite state of USA. The bottom line is that, even if India sees itself as a client state of USA, Trump Ji still will not give in on his visa and trade policies. However, as long as Feku follows 'America First' policy, Trump Ji will be more than happy to have another proxy in South Asia. But, we all know that Biden Ji hates the butcher of Gujarat. So, let's wait and watch how Biden Ji deals with Feku after the presidential election.





Da Da

India must keep in mind to have good relation with other super power and should not be depend on only one nation. We must keep equal distance with both Russia and USA.




US should never be trusted !


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