

 Iranian missiles land within 20 miles of a commercial ship and 100 miles from the USS Nimitz in Indian Ocean - but officials state that the launch wasn't seen as a threat



Long-range missiles from Iran splashed roughly 100miles from the Nimitz aircraft carrier, hitting close to a commercial ship in the Indian Ocean.


At least one missile landed 20 miles from the commercial vessel, according to anonymous U.S. officials who would not provide further info about the ship.

据不愿透露更多信息的美国官 员说,至少有一枚导弹落在这艘商船附近20英里之内。

Iran does typically test missiles and one source did share with Fox News that the projectile did not cause alarm and was a fairly standard routine exercise.


At least two Iranian ballistic missiles exploded on impact as they hit the ocean, causing debris to fly in all directions.


The concern stems from last May, when the Iranian Navy said that more than a dozen people died during training when one of their warships got hit by a missile.


American spy satellites did track the missile launch from the Islamic Republic, but it is unclear if the Nimitz aircraft carrier tracked the launch.


Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that its' long-range ballistic missiles fired off Saturday morning and flew more than 1,000 miles into the northern portion of the Indian Ocean.

伊朗伊 斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)称,远程弹道导弹于周六上午发射,飞越1000多英里,进入印度洋北部。

In recent days, Iranian forces have been conducting a series of military exercises. Those have included firing cruise missiles from Southeast Iran into the sea.



ellegrav, Leonardtown, United States

Biden will just give them 50 billion dollars.



AngelMom, Detroit, United States

Looks like they're testing the waters for Biden's response. He such a wuss he won't respond at all.



ellegrav, Leonardtown, United State

They knew they couldn't mess with Trump. Biden will pay them off.



RedTailedDeer, New England town, United States

They are launching missiles because they know trump isn't in control now.



ggee88, Denver, United States

Biden will follow the Obama Doctrine. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing.



gurule504, houston, United States

What you going to do biden??



USA-JS, Jersey Shore, United States

Biden is already getting money printed to drop on them.



Hollow81, Wisconsin, United States

100 miles is pretty far away.... and it is international waters.



Weaver Beaver, City, United States

I'm sure they were just trying to take down another domestic flight.



redbud9, usa

They know biden is a coward



Bluesky1802, Los Angeles, United States

Iran's way of telling Biden they need more pallets of cash



AlfredENewman8th, Texas, United States

"100 miles"... LOLOL They must be using North Korean targeting system.



Jon E M, Canberra, Australia

Iran is going to poke the bear once too often.



Liberty1972, Internet, United States

Let's face it, the Iranians know if they hit an aircraft carrier, that carrier will hit back and a lot harder since it'll have the full force of the US military behind it.



JLC E, SC, United States

Wonder if good ol joe will send another plan load of cash like his buddy did begging for mercy from the Iranians?



USA-JS, Jersey Shore, United States

For the Iranian"s that's considered a near miss.



TerraceWa2020, Terrace, United States

Don't worry Uncle Joe will be sending you your ATM card soon



Satobsat, Dallas, United State

Iran is testing you Joe. Are you going to bow down like Obama would do/has done or balls up and put a stop to this?


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