

Why does China refuse to grant green cards to expats having lived there for decades?




Vladimir Prostran, has MA degree in Chinese studies

This is a good question.

It is true that most expats who have been in China cannot easily secure long term residence. Even spouses of Chinese nationals need to apply for a separate work permit and visa, in spite of being in China long term.



I would say there are two reasons for this.

Overpopulation. China is the world’s most populous country and this has put a significant strain on the resources such as housing, infrastructure, water, electric power, education and health care. There is a concern that approving long term residences might even make the situation worse in this aspect, especially if long term residences among foreigners become more common. The government probably does not want to encourage this.





History. Due to the Hundred Years of Humiliation (百年耻辱) when the Westerners moved to China without even bothering to ask the chinese about it and then contributed to the exploitation of China, there is a certain skepticism about foreign immigrants to China and their motives and intentions, which then translates to the slow approval of long term residence permits. China is not an exception in this aspect - many Asian countries, especially the ones with the colonial traumas, have similar policies.




Sekiguchi Masanori, Had and has dealing with China.

Good question.

It has nothing to do with over population as China’s demographic demise is upon it. It has nothing to do with history either.

they need to maintain their rule and so they do not trust “outsiders” no matter what.





Dong Shan, Software Engineer at Google

First, China grants a few green cards for who have great help on China.

China already have a big population, so we can’t accept many immigrants. And we don’t have detailed law for immigrate as well, Chinese have time to do so.

With the growing of economy, many expats lives in China, and our government is doing something to give them right to live here forever.






Shan Liu, Been Chinese all my life. LOL

China is not an immigrating country, you cannot get green cards on the grounds of having lived there for decades. There are pathways to citizenship, but you have to become Chinese first, when you qualify as a Chinese then they will process your application. How is your Chinese, why do you want a green card?



Jack Ye, Academic Tutor

Most expats work and live in large metropolis, such as Guangzhou, Beiing, Shanghai…

If they are granted green cards, they will have the right to healthcare, public education, right to purchase properties in those cities, and so on. Those are scarce opportunities that should be reserved for Chinese citizens first.





Peter Elliott, B.Arch Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington - Architecture and Design (1997)

Don’t need them. China has all the people they need and have enough foreigners to fill the skills gaps with short term visas. No country is a charity lol.


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