

 Chennai may soon get 7.6km-long sea bridge



CHENNAI: To reduce traffic congestion in north Chennai caused by movement of containers to port, the state government on Tuesday urged the Centre to build a 7.6kmlong sea bridge connecting Gate No.1 (Zero Gate) of Chennai Port and Manali Road-Tiruvottiyur junction.

金奈:为了缓解金奈北部港口集装箱运输造成的交通拥堵,邦政府周二敦促印度政府修建一座7.6公里长的跨海大桥,连接金奈港1号门(Zero Gate)和马纳利路-蒂鲁沃蒂尤尔交叉口。

According to sources, the state has asked the NHAI to prepare a feasibility report for the project which may have a suspension superstructure for unimpeded movement of fishing vessels to the Kasimedu harbour. Highways minister E V Velu submitted the request to Union minister Nitin Gadkari in New Delhi on Tuesday.

据消息人士称,该邦已要求印度国家航空工业协会为该项目准备一份可行性报告,该项目可能会有一个悬架上层建筑,以便让渔船不受阻碍地驶向卡西梅杜港口。公路部长E V Velu周二在新德里向联邦部长尼廷·加德卡里提交了这一请求。

A source said, “In his meeting with the PM in June, chief minister M K Stalin had urged him to consider the project. The state has also been following it up with the Centre through letters.”

一位消息人士称:“在6月与总理的会谈中,首席部长M K Stalin敦促他考虑这个项目。邦政府也一直在通过信件与印度政府联系。”

“Traffic volume, particularly container traffic to Chennai Port has increased many fold over the last two decades


Minister Velu also urged Gadkari to speed up the implementation of a two-tier elevated corridor connecting Chennai Port with Maduravoyal along the Cooum river. The project initiated by the Karunandhi government was stalled by Jayalalithaa’s AIADMK regime citing environmental concerns. It was originally sanctioned by NHAI as a 20m wide six-lane elevated highway for a length of 18.3km at a cost of Rs 1,655 crore. Following Gadkari’s direction in February this year, the NHAI revised the detailed project report for the doubledecker bridge to be built at a cost of Rs 5,965 crore for a length of about 20.56km.




How stalin expects the centre to cooperate when his administration opposes everything the central govt does? He should do it with state funds.




None of this will happen, just talking shop.




They should consider to go one step further and do something like the Mumbai coastal road project (redvelop the area with walkways and all). This will take more time but will be worth it.



Kis Ore

One government proposes and another government disposes...what happened to mono rail project proposed by previous government...people are fed up...



Deepak Pillai

Monorail is not feasible for a city the size of Chennai and its population. Since it has very low capacity. Monorail was proposed by the previous regime out of its ego for its betenoire and nothing else. All for political reasons I would say.


Myth Buster

Mono rail is fit for short distances and for smaller number of passengers..



Jayasubrama Ramamurthy

Better to build tunnel road below the ground safe self controlled , which may be cheaper and need not worry about sea calamities.

CMRL experience is adequate to carry out this.

It can be BOT basis and government financial participation is reduced. LT Tata or others can operate this




Srinivas M

All talks in air for few days, it will be same story again people suffering within the city will containers movement to ports. PM wants growth, he should also ensure ports don't have road ways and rail ways hurdles in reaching the ports.



Hariharan Ramanath

Absolutely foolish to build a high cost road on sea, just because you have a congestion problem on land. Let us say, project on sea will cost Rs.10,000 crores. But an equivalent road on land will cost much less. Build another road on land parallel to the exsting expressway, pay Rs.5,000 crores as compensation for land acquisition and another Rs.2,000 crores for construction. The compensation for land acquisition should very high, so that people move out without much objection.



Kvs Sarma

Looks like So many lobbies involved in this proposal.



Kvs Sarma

Already the MRT lines have changed the look of the city evrrywhere, as they were built only on top of exsting roads creating many problems.



Kvs Sarma

Any sea bridge won't help Chennai city, as coast Line is straight and the city is growing away from the sea cost and city center.



Chinnasamy SP

Proposal of sea bridge towards North from Chennai port is very good. It will make competition with Ennore ports and benefit to public.


R K Surendar

Sir you are correct, but where from the land required is to be acquired



V Damodaran Damodaran

Better still is to convert Madras port into ship building facility.. Traffic to the port will be considerably less and manageable...

To build additional ports near Cheyyur ( south of Mahabalipuram) and at Enmore - expansion.

With increased defence and civil requirements, additional Ship building capacity, is an urgent necessity for India..





Plan for a second capital for Tamilnadu and move the administration out of Chennai. More and more ring roads and bridges will multiply population and in natural calamities like cyclone, mess up the whole population.


Kvs Sarma

If you take out administration from Chen na I, what is left in the city? A few dilapidated shops? And most population is connected with adminstration one way or other.



Ash Gau

First complete exsting projects that have been going on for decades and relay broken roads which run into several hundreds of kms across TN. All noise with zero action has become this corrupt defunct govt habit


Khalifathullah K

Why you have not raised voice during previous regime.



Advait Jani

At this rate Chennai will soon win the tag of India's most polluted costal city. No amount of road space will make things better. It will only add more vehicles to the road.



Balaji Moudgalya

Not advisable. World environment studies have identified many areas including Chennai which will experience rise in sea-levels due to global warming.


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