

 ‘US wants India to move away from its long-term history of non-alignment’


NEW DELHI: The India-US 2+2 dialogue on Monday will be against the backdrop of a senior US diplomat saying earlier this week that Washington wants New Delhi to move away from its “long-term history of non-alignment G77 partnership” with Russia.



US deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman told members of the House foreign affairs committee that America shares a very critical relationship with India. “They are the largest de ocracy in the world. We have a strong defence relationship with them,” she said.

美国副国务卿温迪·谢尔曼告诉众议院外交事务委员会成员,美国与印度有着非常重要的关系。“ 她说:他们是世界上最大的民 主国家。我们与他们有着牢固的防务关系。”

Acknowledging India’s condemnation in the UNSC of the Bucha killings and support for an independent investigation, Sherman said, “We have had very direct conversations with them about how we can address their very legitimate needs... I think there’s progress being made to see what we can do to be supportive to them, while, at the same time, urging them to be more forthright regarding what’s happening in Ukraine.”


Sherman also said that there is a great opportunity for defence trade with India. The US, she said, has told India that it will be very hard now to get spare parts or replacements from Russia because of the sanctions. “They have increased their defence relationship with us...,” she said.




译文来源:三泰虎   译者:Jessica.Wu


Myth Buster

The US has no commonsense. It must stop thinking about India whose stand has no impact



0 0 • Reply • Flag

US has mastery in giving veiled or open threats to nations who doesnt tow its line. The current indian govt also needs a reality check of the US true nature and style of cooperation. The underlying policy Behind Howdy…….is to bring India under its umbrella of influence and use India a s stick to hit or punish China and Russia just like they tried with Pakistan and now the world can see what Pakistan has become of a nation..



Emancipated Cavalier

She has lost her mind. US is unreliable. India as an independent sovereign country will pursue independent foreign policies



0 0 • Reply • Flag

We have 1000s of demands for USA if they fulfill we will do so. Make visa free for all Indians first then we will stand next to you.




Now that you want what Indians must do, let me also tell you what INDIANS want you to do (1) Stop preaching (2) If you wanted to punish 145 million Russians, you should have found a way to punish only them NOT 1.4 BILLION INDIANS AND ANOTHER 1.4 BILLION AFRICANS. Who gave you the right to punish us.


(1) 停止说教

(2) 如果你想惩罚1.45亿俄罗斯人,你应该找到一种方法,只惩罚他们,



0 0 • Reply • Flag

This Biden should understand that India is not US. Under the able leadership of our PM, we need no suggestions or orders from this rogue and failed country. We know our interest best and will continue to do our job with full dedication....



Banchharam Ganguli

All these sort of cryings are of no use in front of today's India of whom Modi is the leader. You continue crying and India will act as per their own requirement.



2 0 • Reply • Flag

And India wants US to stop aligning with any country in the world just to further their political and esonomic interests - will the US really listen ? No, right ? So the answer from India too is equally obvious. Possibly India really doesn't need to get vocal about justifying the reason unlike US who are trying so much to make us go against Russia






kumar khan

India is a failed beggar nation that does not respect human ri hts . Why will beggar India condemn another Beggar Russia which is violating human ri hts of Ukrainians? THieves and criminals always stand together.



you meant Pakistan ?



0 0 • Reply • Flag

US can prosper and exst only with defence trade. China's emergence as a super power in technology, manufacturing and trade has dented the American and European domination of the world. India too has broken the import dependent shackles and are becoming self-reliant and this is too spooky for the US. Asia becoming a powerful continent as Europe is no good news for many. India till it reaches the super power stage should be careful as they are surrounded by countries envious of it.




US can never dictate terms to India. it has to be what India wants.




US want, this is going to be history.It should be India want!!



0 0 • Reply




2 0 • Re

US will never be an ally to India. All they mean is profit & are very shameless fir the same.



3 0 •

US should learn to mind its own business.



User Balakrishnan

US does not get to decide what India will do..why US did not faciitate cheaper arms offers to India or better still partner with Indian companies to manufacture them in India?




The world would align with INDIA in few years due to the power of MODI-SHA-BJP combine.



User Shee

India is not a puppet nation of NATO or USA. 1.4 B citizens of India will decide its fate and future.

印度不是北约或美国控制的傀 儡国家。14亿印度公民将决定印度的命运和未来。


Sk Kapoor

stop dreaming, the US.



Arun Choudhary

DO not make fool to INDIAN govt ,,,this time strong leader like MODI JI ,,,



Jasbir Wadan

India always does the right things. Will do what it likes, No threats please


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