

 China retaliates after Biden's Taiwan comment

拜登就台 湾发表评论后,中国进行报复

The PLA has announced it is organising combat drills around Taiwan. The militaries of China and the US are piling up lethal weapons in the region.  Is the threat of a war growing in the Indo-Pacific?

中国人民解放军宣布正在台 湾周围组织战斗演习。中国军队和美国军队正在该地区集结致命武器。印太地区的战争威胁是否在加剧?




50 years later: China sends its 'final' warning



The Laughing Cat

Totally intensional but it didn't come from Biden's brain. He just passed on the message.




In Europe they just lament about dead dolphins in Mexco while such things are happening. Absolutely crazy.



kakike ayemi

the World leaders should be cautious and realistic in their approach towards the other for the sake of humanity rather than sword rattling to mutually destroy each other.



Andrew Palma

I feel like children are running the world. It’s like everything is just a game and wng is the whole point, even if it’s a game that’s only been running for a few years that will destroy everything compared to how long humans have been on this planet…



Minerva Owl

The stress on our President is tickling-out his senility.



Elred Lenny

The  drills conducted within Taiwan airspace It's a Prequel for an Invasion. Russia did the same to Ukaraine and the same tactics is presently exercise on the India / China Border with Troops Build Up. India is a Trading Partner with Russia and also Russia is a Trading Partner with China, it will be VERY Interesting to see where Loyalty Lise

Concerning Russia China's / India's

Border Conflicts.





"When you are strong you can never be left behind " this is a chinese spokeswoman. With China   and Russia  the dollar is dead




You could tell Biden was caught off guard with that question. He was totally fumbling around trying to "think". It wasn't on his talking points, and he totally forgot where his administration stood on that. He needed to say something, and he didn't want to sound weak, although it's way too late for that.



Marvin Johnson

This is not looking good let cooler heads prevail. War does not affect those who started it but it affects innocent and peaceful citizens of these Countries physically. and the wider World economically.. I  emplore that these leaders will let common sense prevail



Imhothep 2000

China is constantly testing the readyness of Taiwan and has entered Taiwans airspace for years almost daily. China also continues to send threads. So I cannot see any change in the situation or in the Chinese policy.

中国一直在试探台 湾的准备情况,多年来几乎每天都进入台湾领空。我看不出形势和中国的政策有任何变化。


Sao Feng

The press are hel to intensify the conflict. We readers click on news with hope of reading and hearing some positive development towards peace but the press are more interested to fuel the fire.


UnTwisted Truth

Sounds exactly like the rhetoric of Putin "justifying" invasion of Ukraine: "independence forces."



Djordje Radovanovic

Second thought, what could be learn from Ukraine? Such a difficult question



Jason Luffy

These 2 countries will affect our economy globally with there ego's, think for the world sakes



Wonder Why

Joe effectively catalyzed the process of one China.



Daniel Shyr Angel&tree Org

This reminds me the US Independent War, the British (Chinese)troops were fighting for their king , but Americans were fight for “Democracy & Freedom”! I will defend my freedom at any cost!

这让我想起了美国独立战争,英国军队是为了他们的国王而战,但美国人是为了“民 主和自由”而战




It's a huge gamble because the Taiwanese looks lazy and not interested in joining the military, and, like Vietnam and Afghanistan if the people does not have the will to fight then hel Taiwan will be useless.

这是一场豪赌,台 湾人看起来很懒,对参军不感兴趣,就像越南和阿富汗一样


Phil Mipants

Don’t believe it, he had an earpiece in at the time so he didn’t make any gaffes, I’m guessing you’re saying it wasn’t working.



Derek Wilson

This is where it's always been heading I don't know one generation that hasn't seen a war



Luis Rodrigues

Someone (Yamamoto) said long time ago..."we just woke up a slee giant "

People forget how Americans are professional military's.

Their are patient, but they have limits...

Better don't wake up America!





shaun y

It may have been said to see what the PRC reaction would be. If so, then mission accomplished.



Mark McLean

30 seconds to midnight...We are closer to Armageddon than we know...The sabre rattling is deafening...Let's hope and pray that the world can overcome these trying times



Clifford Ting

Is Biden's statement a gaffe or an intentional comment? Well, since it's Joe we're talking about, it's an intentional gaffe.



just an opinion

Everyone has threaten everyone with military action and have everything turn to shit..Remember what they said back in ww1?The war to end all wars and mankind hasn't learned a thing and most likely never will




Doug Burge

And we still rely on parts, trade and everything from China. We have to be more self served.



Dennis The International Menace

US NEVER agreed on China's 1 China Principle.  U.S agrees on their 1 China POLICY

Both are similar but U.S has theirs vague.



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