

 China feels proud that Indians are using Yuan to trade with Russia





In March, India and Russia were in talks to revive a Cold-War era rupee payment mechanism which would allow companies in both countries to make deals without dollars, though it has not come to fruition.



Akhil Kumar- Indian Armed Forces Worshipper

From the past few months India’s reputation has been hurting due to internal issues.



Hal Jordan

Using Yuan may get us some discount, but it will be disastrous for us in the long run.

Like it or not, the money lies in the west. There is no point in severing relations with the western countries, provided our relations with the eastern superpower are not going to improve.





Wildlife and Adventures

Every country can go up to any extent for its own geopolitical needs, so it should take every step not to make other countries happy but for it's own need



Ayush Surana

Yuan should be prohibited to do trade with Russia.... If we are using Yuan then we are walking on double edge sword that ultimate hurts our long term interest.... Government should use other payments options just like crypto currency, commodities etc






Surabhi Kashyap

For internationalization of Yuan, China has to give up some control. It would be interesting to watch how China is prepared for internationalization of it's currency. Because with stronger currency, trade surplus which China is enjoying right now will also reverse.





Harshit Khilani

I think we should be using multiple currencies kee the majority trade still in USD approxmately 60% or 70% of what it is today  and diversify the rest with INR RBL YUAN. Considering the fact at this point of time west can’t take any strict actions against India and risk loosing India considering china and Russia both.




Ankit Chaudhary

Before choose the currency yuan, always remember that CHINA is our BIGGEST THREAT




It's ok for now that we used Yuan but we should never become dependable entirely because in the long run it's not good for our country's interests & sovereignty.

We must actively find other solutions ASAP




Viral & Funny videos - Nitesh Kumar

Certainly we are sending a bad message to our Western partners by using Chinese currency and also hurting our Boycott China campaign. We should definitely look for other option. At present BARTER SYSTEM is the only way we can trade effectively with Russia, other option are risky and undesirable.



Girish Jois

India should maintain equal distance from USA and China; both are equally damaging to us and largely try to stabilize INR and promote it as part of an international basket of currencies, in the medium to long term





India's bilateral trade with China, for which companies largely pay in dollars, has flourished even after a deadly military clash between the two in 2020, though New Delhi has increased scrutiny on Chinese investments and imports, and banned some mobile apps over security concerns.



Efrat Mizrahi

So, effectively, the US, by banning the use of the dollar to execute trades, is supporting the Yuan's importance and is building its importance. Well done, USA.



Shubham Sharma

We should find an alternative for yuan otherwise China will be benefited much more than what we expect.

Jai Hind



Nishant Sharma

And according to me we should never use Chinese Currency. We can find other alternates and we as an Indian, are very much capable of it. Jai Hind



kishor mehta

We can also focus on BRICS payment system like euro in European union .



Jitendra Rout

Indian government should bring alternative instead of using Yuan for trade. It will damage the global image of India and quick action should be taken in this regard.



bhavesh soni

I think Indian government should disclose clear guideline to every company to refrain them selves to trade in Yuan and should impose heavy penalty who ever does not adhere to guideline.



Aman Jha

"There are no permanent enemies or friends in geopolitics, only permanent interests."

~ 1st Rule of Geopolitics




Harsh Singh

Indian Central government must strongly intervene in this matter and direct to Indian companies that they can not use yuan for any such trades from Russia.



Kapil Jodh

Most of the western countries have a problem with India purchasing discounting oil from Russia. But Dr. S jaishankar said that if the west removes sanctions on iran and Venezuela then India can negotiate with them to get the best oil deal. Secondly yuan can be substituted with Euro, which can also be considered as an option for trade.




Edu Matrix

Why to make Chinese currency stronger and more internationalised as it's the no.1 enemy of India? It's not in India's favour  





A customs document reviewed by Reuters revealed UltraTech Cement is importing 157,000 tons of coal from the Russian far east port of Vanino, priced at 172.6 million yuan, or about $25.81 million. The invoice was dated June 5.

路透社查阅的一份海关文件显示,UltraTech Cement从俄罗斯远东港口Vanino进口了15.7万吨煤炭,价格为人民币1.726亿元(约合2581万美元)。发票日期是6月5日。


Rahul Roy

In the one hand, rising prices of hydrocarbons  due to western sanctions on Russia widen our current account deficits, on the other hand, it makes the poor vulnerable to starvation. We have to make efforts to peacefully end the ukraine war. I think Government should intervene in this matter and should try to make some arrangements of payments for trade in other currencies except yuan. We should not allow china to fish in trouble waters.



Harish Vishwa

The GOI has to immediately step in and warm such companies so that others don't commit such mistakes.



dhruv ghosh

Sir you have to understand one thing that value of Chinese yuan is controlled by China but value of Indian rupee is decided by market force of demand and supply.

It is obvious that Chinese yuan will be stable. If Indian rupee were also regulated by Indian government, our India rupee would have been stabled also.




Rajesh Kumar Arukha

Western countries are more important then Russia and China. Although Russia is a time tested friend; trade relation between Russia and India is very limited. Where China factor come, we shouldn't forget China's stance to oppose India in global level. So we should avoid use of Chinese currency. If we use , it may deteriorate India's relation not only with US but also other western countries, which may cause disaster for India.





Sam Anderson

Yes.. we have to find other option and in other side we can't ignore the importance of dollar because its importance will remain high as of now so we should focus how we can make our rs stronger..  




Rajesh Khatavkar

I personally feel India should as  much avoid Yuan looking at the long terms goals. Tomorrow or  day after Yuan will eventually fall and it will fall considerably.




Practically, we should stop comparing us from countries like pak and start competing with china. We have to understand that we are far behind of china economically and in technologies. We have to become competitive.



Neelesh Ranjan Kumar

Trading in Yuan will ultimately boost China's economy.



Amit Savran

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised to see this change…. As ₹ has fallen disastrously against $ more and more companies will choose other currencies.


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