

 Navy pushes for third aircraft carrier after INS Vikrant to retain edge over China in Indian Ocean Region


NEW DELHI/KOCHI: With China aggressively building new aircraft carriers and a blue-water navy to counter the US and project power around the globe, the Indian Navy is now pushing hard for its long-standing case for a third and much bigger aircraft carrier to retain its combat edge in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).


With India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC) set to be commissioned as the 45,000-tonne INS Vikrant on September 2, the Navy believes the project for a third carrier should be launched as soon as possible since it will take at least a decade to build a 65,000-tonne one.


The force has for long said three carriers are needed to ensure at least two are operationally available, one each for the eastern and western seaboards, while the third undergoes its maintenance-and-refit cycle.


India, incidentally, has been without an operational aircraft carrier for almost two years now since the 44,500-tonne INS Vikramaditya, acquired from Russia for $2.33 billion in November 2013, is undergoing a major refit.


“The indigenous ecosystem has been created by building the IAC. The stage is now well set to take the next step forward to indigenously build the next aircraft carrier to ensure the expertise gained is utilized to the maxmum in times to come,” Navy vice chief Vice Admiral Satish N Ghormade said on Thursday.


INS Vikrant, once fully combat-ready by mid-2023, will play a role in ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. “Commissioning of the carrier will provide the required deterrence, considering the growing strength of our neighbours, and enhance our maritime capability,” he added.





When more and more money is spend to buy new war machines to match opponents strength we feel more assured....but since technology is fast changing today's equipment becomes obsolete in short period of time and we keep again spending to upgrade and buy new. This drains resources meant for development. Covid has shown how I'll prepared our healthcare network was so government should focus on health and education and control pollution rather than investing lot more in equipments.



V Ramakrishna S

Yes We need to establish permanant Naval base in Nikobar Islands



Vein Himasa

What is this talk of building one more IAC, when China is building ten at a time every two years? We need maybe twenty more IACs, and they should all be built within the shortest span of time. Someone with the vision, efficiency, integrity and commitment like Nithin Gadkari ji is the need of the hour for the Indian navy.





Michael Alumkal

I firmly believe that PM Modiji will surprise the Navy with the announcement of IAC 2 when he comes to Kochi. I think he understands more than anyone else the importance of a strong Navy to guard the vast coastline of India



james paul

What edge is India talking about.? India is a poor country. It's a fact. Financially and technologically China is miles and miles ahead of India. They can deploy many more aircraft carriers in the Indian Ocean to out muscle India to pulps.,Stop dreaming and stop taking weed.







We must go in fr the Third Aircraft Carrier. India has proved & has expertise &infra to build the Third --Like it or lump it...we hv to deal& face China with a DETERRENT FORCE ! MODI MUST SANCTION YTHE THIRD AIRCRAFT CARRIER AND "MADE IN INDIA " no middle men no corruption ! Shaabaash India ! Look the Chinese squarely in the eye !


莫迪应当批准第三艘国产航母,没有中间人,没有腐 败



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More power to IAF, Jai hind!


1 0 • Reply • Flag

Bro, you mean INS - Indian Naval Services.



User Bongale

Aircraft carriers are the past, In modern day warfare where China already has hypersonic missiles, these big carriers will be sitting ducks. Big is not always better( check how huge Japanese and German war machines failed) Modern warfare will be based on multiple small stealthy platforms with advanced weapons. Our own current submarine fleet is extremely small and won't be able to counter both China and Pakistan. Need to focus on nuclear attack submarines first which can make Chinese carriers run out of our territory.







1 1 • Reply • Flag

Instead of making new design cycle , India should stick to same configuration & design for quicker manufacturing process ..



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India is suriunded by enemys,we must have most advanced triforc ,



Aam Aadmi

China will regret it's misadventure against India in future, if any !



Jagdish Madan

Right demand projected by the Indian Navy. Only an economically and militarily strong India can face the bullying by its co unist disease spreading co unist neighbor.



1 0 • Reply • Flag

they are dreaming and working hard to make it a reality only political will is required which was not there with the previous government



Ramdas B

The third one should be nuclear powered. Take the help of strategic partner France. political and bureaucratic decision making process is hampering many projects and acquisitions of defense equipment. But nothing comes in the way if it’s for politicians benefit




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today with hypersonic missiles you can strike anywhere in the world sitting at home . Can someone explain what is the use of aircraft carriers for india ?


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Using missile with first line of defense will end up in full blown war, so we should show case and threaten enemy with aircraft carrier, of course i agree we should build indigenous unmanned aircraft as well



True Indian

You can be a super power if you can dominate in Naval Power.



0 0 • Reply • Flag

A decade to build a third one? that itself states that this is dream project and will only be realised in their dreams. Shameful if we cannot expedite even after knowing what kind of friendly neighbours we have.




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