

Why do some people hate Mahatma Gandhi?




Arbaaz Sandhu

Lives in Ferozepur, Punjab, India5y

Why do people hate Mahatma Gandhi so much?

First of all stop calling him a Mahatama. The actual question should be “Why is that Greedy Gandhi not hated by everyone”?

Now, There are three reasons why i dislike Mohandas Gandhi:-



First, His role in partition of India which resulted in bloodshed and forced migration of millions of people from both sides of the border. People were uprooted from their ancestral homes(especially in the Punjab region), and were forced to live homeless and hungry. I myself belong to a Punjabi refugee family from Sialkot(Western Punjab), therefore i can understand the pain which my family had to suffer during the partition. Similarly i can feel for the innocent Muslims of Eastern Punjab who were forced to migrate to other side of the border. I am not saying that only innah or Nehru were involved in partition, but Gandhi is to be equally blamed as he did not prevent partition even though he could.

首先,他在分裂印度中所扮演的角色,导致了流血事件,迫使边界两边数百万人背井离乡。人们被逐出原籍(尤其是在旁遮普省),被迫过上居无定所、食不果腹的生活。我自己就来自锡亚尔科特(西旁遮普)的一个旁遮普难民家庭,因此我能理解我的家人在分裂期间所遭受过的痛苦。同样,我也同情旁遮普省东部无辜的穆 斯林,他们被赶出了国界。我不是说只有真纳和尼赫鲁参与了分裂事件,但甘地也应该受到同样的指责,因为他没有采取行动来阻止分裂,他是有这个权力的。

Second, Selection of a Womaniser Jawaharlal Nehru over great leader Sardar Patel for the PM of India, IN 1947 Japan was much behind India in economy but due to its own efforts it re-established itself, and India lagged much behind Japan after 60 years of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. Sardar had visions for the development of the nation. If Sardar were the PM, neither we had any Nehru-Gandhi rule and nor we would be lagging behind even after 60 years of independence. We would be much ahead of all the developed nations.


Third and the most important, his bias against revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose. Everybody knew that how much influential and powerful these both great leaders were that time and Mohandas Gandhi was much behind them, so to overtake them, Mohandas Gandhi killed both of these great personalities. No Punjabi or Bengali can ever forgive Gandhi for this shameful act.


Do you know when Godse was in Jail he wrote a book “Why i killed Gandhi”, but this book was banned by the government as they knew that after reading this book all people will start hating Gandhi

Well, the truth was submerged long ago and the true books were banned in the public, and their distorted version was placed in the public , and now some ignorants on quora are asking me to read those distorted books.





Sayan Mukherjee

Proud IndianAuthor has 611 answers and 25.2M answer viewsApr 2

Gandhiji once recited the Quran at a Valmiki Basti Temple in Delhi. The woman got up from the crowd and asked Gandhi not to do that. Gandhi asked, "Why?" The woman said it was "against our religion." Gandhi said, "I don't believe so." The woman replied that we do not consider you worthy to order our religion.

Gandhi said to take the vote of the people present there. "Can religion be determined by votes?" the woman asked. Gandhi responded, "You are hindering my religion." The woman replied that he is illegally interfering in the religion of crores of Hindus



Hundreds of Valmiki youths stood up for the woman. Seeing the growing protests, Gandhi called the police who arrived and caught the protesters. 107 cases were registered against them.

Some people don't like Gandhiji because of his hypocrisy.





Santhosh Rajamani

Lives in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IndiaAuthor has 119 answers and 459.1K answer views4y


Why do people hate Gandhiji?

Here is a conversation with a random Gandhi hater.

Me: So, why do you hate Gandhi?

Hater: He is not as good as people believe. There is a hidden dark side to Gandhiji which most people doesn't know.

Me: Ok. How did you come to know about this? Did your grandparents who lived during pre-Independence era tell you?

Hater: No. They don't hate him. They were all brainwashed. They don't know the real facts either.

Me: Dude. Then how on Earth did you come to know to about this?

Hater: I read somewhere in the internet about the dark side of Gandhi. He was responsible for the death of Bhagat Singh and Netaji.

Me: …………….








我 : ................

Internet is always right you know!!!!

But I don't understand why they believe only the conspiracy theories about Gandhi but ignore all his great deeds which is also all over the internet.

If you don't agree with Gandhi's ideology that's perfectly fine. But stop insulting him personally.

It was the same British he fought against, has installed a statue of Gandhi in the British Parliament building. Gandhi has statues and monuments built after him in over 100 countries including our supposedly enemies Pakistan and China.

I don't think he is perfect. He never claimed he was. He did have his flaws. He made lot of mistakes. But nothing takes away from the fact that he did achieve something truly extraordinary.







Saketh Reddy Kolan

Works at EXL ServiceAuthor has 71 answers and 195.5K answer views7y

No! People Don't hate him!

People just hate the fact that he is overrated!

Freedom struggle was never a one-man lead movement and Gandhiji wasn't alone involved in motivating people to fight for swaraj! He alone doesn't deserve a national holiday and a dry day on his birthday!

Congress party wasn't the only party fighting for Independence.





Remember these people?

Chandrashekar Azad

Bhagat Singh

Subhash Chandra Bose

These people were too involved in the freedom movement as much as Gandhiji! How many of them are to be seen on the currency notes? How many roads are named after them?






These people were mainly ignored because they didn't belong to the Indian National Congress which re wrote the freedom struggle history after gaining power.

Gandhiji was as patriotic and wanted to see the dream of a Republic India coming true as much as these people wanted. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders the world would ever have. But the fact that these leaders are comfortably ignored disappoints me. In fact, I feel the history of India's freedom struggle in my school curriculum undermines these leaders' contribution since they chose violence over non-violence. It claims Gandhiji and his ideologies the sole reason behind India's Independence.



India can never forget Gandhiji or his contributions! I just hope it remembers the names of other freedom fighters as well!




Urvika Sakaria

Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, IndiaUpdated 4y

Why do people hate Gandhiji?

I don't think people hate Gandhiji just criticize some of his stands and statements and rightly so.

I think our history is so distorted we were made to believe that Congress led by Gandhiji was the reason we got independence.

Well now the statements given are public by then PM of Britain who signed India's independence document. When asked what was the reason for Britain to grant India independence he said not Gandhiji but Netaji which got us independence.




I'm not saying that Gandhiji wasn't a great freedom fighter who inspired India but by this false narrative the role of many other leaders like Lokmanya Tilak, Swami Vivekananda, Lal-Bal-Pal, who were deserving of the same respect somehow forcibly diminished.




Vansh Sharma

I enjoy reading history11mo

Much has been said about, Gandhi's apathy towards hindus, his comments on the jews, unrealistic idealism, his many antiques with his nieces etc. I, however, find displeasure in the way Gandhi approached the whole freedom struggle namely the whole, 'be non violent, get beaten, don't eat’ stuff.’

We know, that Gandhi often advised people to NOT fight back. Like he famously did, in 1924, or when Uddham Singh killed O’ Dwyer ( a man responsible for death of hundreds of Indians). This was partly based on his following, of Christ's teachings which did not work back in Christ's time nor in modern times. Why did he believe in such ideas? Because of some vague sort of idealistic belief in him, that : 'By allowing the oppressor to beat you, you are letting his humanity wake up’



Remember, this was a time of a belief in the racial and political inferiority of non whites to whites. The only way, to break this belief (by the non whites ofcourse) was if you could fight and send europeans back to their homes while defending your land. Ethiopia, did this to the Italians. Japan did this to the Russians. Cubans did this to Spaniards(albiet eith american help). Turks did this to literally half of Europe. After the Second World War, Vietnamese repeated this feat to France, USA etc.


No such, event came for the Indians. As a result, if you have a chauvinist Britisher, proudly stating their superiority to Indians you cannot reiterate back with, 'Well guess what? Remember when we refused to eat and you had to run away? It proves you are wrong’

Gandhi was highly charismatic and a capable leader. On his call, millions of Indians were ready to sacrifice their lives, don't you think they would be ready to pick up a weapon and fight back?

I would not call it hatred of Gandhi, but certainly it did put among Indians a sense of inferiority that continues well into modern day.






Prarabdha Sharma

Integrated MSc in Chemist in Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, RourkelaJul 30

Gandhiji had become a globally recognised leader even before his death…and i think he didn't spend a penny on publicizing himself. What happened aftermath is politics….every big leader trying to link himself in howsoever manner possible to Gandhiji, whether it be having same ideaology or family relations.

Most of the people who supports BJP, hate Gandhiji….bash who follow Gandhiji…





Spector Dawson

Avid lover of the game Author has 540 answers and 268.6K answer viewsApr 10

A) He involved Muslim religious fundamentalists in the Khilafat movement and opened the Pandora’s box

B) He was a pacifist and too much of an idealist

C) He was anti-industrialisation and had no vision for modern India.

Some people often perceive him as being too secular and anti-Hindu.

But again these all are opinions, Gandhi had flaws like any other human being, best is that Indian analyse him objectively without holding him on a pedestal.

A) 他将原教旨主义者卷入了基拉法特运动,打开了潘多拉的盒子。

B) 他是一个和平主义者,但是太理想主义了。

C) 他反对工业化,对现代印度没有发展的眼光。





Kedar Bhat

Perpetually confusedAuthor has 72 answers and 95.6K answer views7y

Why do some people criticize Mahatma Gandhi?

Some people have a natural inclination to point out the flaws in masterpieces they themselves could never create.

Because Gandhi is so revered, he attracts these types who fail to realize his greatness doesn't come from his perfection, but rather it comes from his ability to overcome his own limitations to leave a mark on humanity which isn't likely to be forgotten.




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