

 Kedarnath chopper crash: Pilot switched to hill-flying only last month


MUMBAI: The Uttarkhand helicopter crash which killed seven people on Tuesday and the Pawan Hans offshore accident near Bombay High that killed four people four months ago have quite a few similarities, pointed out industry experts. Both the accidents involved senior pilots who had recently moved on to flying a new aircraft type and so were low on experience on the machine that crashed.


Then again, both the accidents occurred in challenging weather conditions.


For close to 15 years, Capt Anil Singh, the deceased pilot in the Uttarkhand crash had been an offshore pilot, flying multi-engine Dauphin N-3 aircraft to Bombay High. "He joined Aryan Aviation in September, about a month ago where he began flying the single-engine Bell407. He was primarily an offshore pilot. The question to be asked is what kind of recurrence training was given to make him hill-flying proficient," said an industry expert.


"He was an Army pilot and so he would have flown in the hills, but that was in the early stages of his career. Flying over the sea in a multi-engine helicopter and flying over hilly terrain on a single-engine helicopter are two very different kinds of operations that demand some specifically different skill sets," he added.


A senior offshore pilot, said, requesting anonymity: "Multi-engine helicopters engaged in offshore flying are equipped with autopilot and other stabilisation devices. It relies on cockpit instruments for navigation, and so poor visibility doesn't pose as big a problem as say, when flying a single-engine helicopter visually over a hilly terrain." Preliminary investigations show that poor weather played a role in the crash, said a senior Directorate General of Civil Aviation official.


In case of the June Pawan Hans accident, the pilots had experience on the Dauphin N-3 helicopter. "They had recently moved to the more sophisticated glass cockpit Sikorksy. Apart from simulator training, they had less than 10 hours of actual flying experience with an instructor on board. Moreover, they began flying offshore during monsoon, the most challenging time of the year for offshore operations," said a source.




2 h

There would be a series of rapidly deteriorating circumstances that led to this accident. It is possible that this particular scenario was not practiced in a simulator, or maybe not discussed in a classroom, but such unique and dangerous sets of concurrent events will always occur and then blaming the pilots is the lazy and easy way to conclude the inquiry.



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With advanced satellite systems, weather conditions can be assessed before deciding whether to take off or not. Why the helicopter only knew enroute that it was too foggy and would have to turn back?



Nagendra Rajput

You can't alone blame pilot being inexperienced for hill flying.What happened in general rawat chopper crash although its pilots were decorated and experienced.



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First of all, terminate the services of aryan helicopters, then do anything, if at all you want to



0 1 • Reply • Flag

Helicopter flying, ho sake to, avoid karo, specially in hilly terrain.



Ajay Nath

company must be extracting the maxmum profit by providing the minimum facilities. then only such accident happens.



6 1 • Reply • Flag

Does all these Pilots periodically go for refresher training or check on their professional capabilities? There should be proper Govt agency wherein these so called expert Pilots are tested for their physical, mental and professional stability.


True Indian

 That would be become another hub for bribing business as like current RTO system of India.



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all due to greed



K Sridhar

This once again proves that the DGCA doesnt enforce strict regulations/guidelines resulting in these operators taking risky flights with hardly any thought to the passenger & pilot safety. Rooky pilots with not much experience in difficult terrain with deadly weather conditions are allowed to fly with aircrafts, in which they hardly have much training, risking the passenger and their own lives. Its is rediculous to blame the pilot when the whole system is rotten!!!!!



7 0 • Reply • Flag

Oh come on. The pilot was a living human being too and he did not want to die. It was an accident and we don't know why it happened. Stop jum the gun and blaming the pilot. It might have been anything at all.




Sad ! But operating company should have appointed someone more experienced. We have to have some Protocol while hiring pilots for such areas. Pilot also lost life unawares that he wasn’t suitable for hilly areas . RIP !!






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if this is true than why switched to Hill flying without proper training.....



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Has anyone noticed the large number of people of all Religions who die every year on Pilgrimages ? These people wouldn't have died if they didn't go for the Pilgrimage.,Think about it and the implications. I won't say anymore.


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A proper road should be built.



7 0 • Reply • Flag

This is a case of utter negligence on the part of operating agency and a result of not following the SOP.Management of agency and its owner/director must be prosecuted and hanged for adopting the shortcuts and they must pay the losses to the families of all the bereaved.



0 0 • Reply • Flag

the pilot was flying this chopper for more than a month. his was trained pilot. seem bad weather played role here. remember chopper carring CDS was crashed few months back that has most experienced pilots.




God is laughing at them..fool people



Megha Astro

India needs to do enforce strict safety regulations everywhere..safety and training is not conisdered important. The laboureres in construction many dont use hard hats and other standard safety nets ..fire alarms are not mandatory and no maintenance is must,,There are so many things there are no enforced safety standards ..,That needs to be implemented..



Myth Buster

Who cares.



shaleen mathur

Problem is India has a very small pool of capable pilots and majority are trained at private schools with suspect quality control. The government has ignored pilot training and we only have 1 government flying academy. Also in adverse weather conditions why is the helicopter allowed to take off???


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