

Rise above political differences to address terrorism, 26/11 will never be forgotten: India at UN meet

印度在联合国会议上称:超越政治分歧,解决恐 怖主义问题,11.26永远不会被忘记

NEW DELHI: The UNSC Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) Special Meeting Friday saw India renewing its push to bring the 26/11 perpetrators to justice as foreign minister S Jaishankar said the key conspirators and masterminds remained ``protected and unpunished’’ and that the Security Council had been unable to act against some of them because of political considerations.

The 2-day CTC meeting started in Mumbai with all UNSC member-states participating in a wreath-laying ceremony at the 26/11 Memorial at the Taj hotel, one of the main targets of the Mumbai attacks.

周五,在联合国安理会反恐委员会特别会议上,印度再次提出要将11.26恐 怖分子绳之以法,印度外交部长苏杰生表示,恐 怖活动的主谋和从犯仍然“受到保护,未得到惩罚”,出于政治考虑,安理会还未对其中一些人采取行动。


Jaishankar specified 5 points before the CTC to block financial resources that allow terrorism to thrive, one of which was to ensure effective and transparent functioning of the UNSC sanctions regime and make sure they are not rendered ineffective for political reasons. This is important in the context of C’s repeated forestalling of UN sanctions on Pakistan based terrorists. While highlighting in a presentation Pakistan’s links with the attacks that left more than 170 dead, Indian authorities played the recording of one of these terrorists, Sajid Mir, directing the 26/11 perpetrators as they wreaked havoc on the city.



印度当局在演讲中强调了巴基斯坦与造成170多人死亡的恐怖袭击之间的联系,同时播放了其中一名恐怖分子萨伊德·米尔(Sajid Mir)指挥肇事者在孟买发动袭击行为的录音。

"Objective and evidence-based proposals for listing of terrorist groups, especially those that curb their access to financial resources must be seen through," said Jaishankar, as he called for rising above political differences to address the scourge of terrorism. He was speaking at the informal briefing on combating terrorism-financing.

His proposal included a call for effective and sustained efforts at countering terror-financing, and also international cooperation and concerted action against terrorists and their sponsors, including through ``dismantlement of terrorist safe havens, sanctuaries, training grounds and financial and ideological as well as political support structures’’.

苏杰生说:“我们必须通过客观有据的提案,将恐怖组织,特别是为他们提供财政支持的组织列入名单。”他呼吁各方超越政治分歧,解决恐 怖主义的祸患。苏杰生是在打击恐 怖主义资金来源的非正式简报会上说这番话的。

他的提案包括呼吁各方有效持续地打击恐怖组织的资金通道,并呼吁开展国际合作,采取协调一致的行动打击恐怖主义分子及其出资人,包括通过“拆除恐 怖主义的避风港、避难所、训练场地以及财务、意识形态及政治支持结构”。

Jaishankar called for strengthening action against terrorism’s nexus with transnational organized crime, illicit drugs and arms trafficking. Also among the 5 points he highlighted was the need to address the issue of exploitation by terrorists of the anonymity afforded by new and emerging technologies such as virtual currencies for fundraising and finances.

Jaishankar recalled how the UNSC met and in one voice condemned the act of cross-border terrorism that was 26/11 even while the attacks were still unfolding. As some of the victims recalled their horror stories in the Meeting, the minister said it was incumbent on all, as responsible members of the international community, to persevere in their efforts to bring the perpetrators of terrorism to justice. ``We owe this to every victim of terrorism across the world,’’ he said, adding 26/11 will never ever be forgotten.



Jaishankar recalled how it wasn’t just an attack on Mumbai, but an attack on the international community as people of specific nationalities were identified before being murdered. As a result, he said, the commitment of each and every member state of the UN to combat terrorism stood publicly challenged.

``The task of bringing the perpetrators to justice remains unfinished. Together, we should send out the message that the international community will never give up on holding terrorists accountable and delivering justice,’’ said the minister.

苏杰生回忆说,这次恐 怖袭击不仅针对孟买,也针对国际社会,因为恐怖组织是先确认了受害者的国籍后才将他们杀害的。因此,联合国所有成员国打击恐 怖主义的承诺都遭到了公然的挑衅。

“将罪犯绳之以法的任务尚未完成。我们应该联合起来,对恐 怖组织发出这样的讯息:国际社会永远不会放弃追究恐怖分子的责任和伸张正义的努力。”



Sudarshan T•2 hours ago

Great one sir, calling spade is a spade with authority.




•3 hours ago

UN is just a showpiece and waste of money. Countries like China and USA is making the UN most uneefective. So current method is to deal it by yourself. Soft power won't work.




Discreet Signal•3 hours ago

Feku Lal and his slaves can only beg and rant like village women. He doesn't even have the guts to call China by name. And feku says everyone is scared of India.




caaknidee•Bahrain•4 hours ago

This failled government only knows how to blames others like congress, nehru, UN, opposition, etc. Most inefficient and cry baby ever




•4 hours ago

The VETO powers to some nations either enlarged or removed then only all the nations will get justice 26/11,attacks is actually war against sovereign nation More than 160 people have died and many injured Why UN is not declared Pakistan a terrorists state China is blindly supporting Pakidtan because of VETO powers Every year at UN ,Pakista.n is raising Kashmir issue knowing well it is settled issue America is supplying arms to Pakistn and at the time says that Pakistan is dangerous state Why double standard







User Ramaswamy•4 hours ago

The UN is a faithful servant of the west. They will happily accept financial and physical contributions from Asian nations and others.. The UN will not change, but we can change to suit our conveniences and needs.




•4 hours ago

Are we able to send Tahir Husain of AAP to gallows who organised killings in Delhi. Shamey Delhiites still kee Kejari as CM who was mastermind and financier of CAA and Farmers protests. Shockingly the same AAP and Kejari captured Punjab with Khalistani supporting antinationals. There are also enemy within who chants Pak indabad in India.,We had to isolate the enemies within also before complaining to UNSC about Pak terrorism.








•4 hours ago

Useless nation is managed by mafia of people paid by china and USA, higly corrupted and biased group




James Morrison•Unknown•4 hours ago•Follow

Pakistan was not involved in the terror plot. Rather they were Kashmiri separatists who took part in it and caused this terrible tragedy. Pakistan has always been an apostle of peace and tranquility and these reports by the Indians here are unfair and extremely biased.




Indian•UK•4 hours ago

Why India needs UN help to act for a terrorist attack that happened on Indian soil? It was India's problem, and the govt. at that time failed to act. If Indians still feel so concerned, then launch a counter attack against Pakistan to settle scores. Thats how the new world order works. Organizations like UN are more of a showcase window dress room, with no powers.








•4 hours ago

UN is a parrot in cage. Every country defy, no one care. Defunct body.




•4 hours ago





•4 hours ago

UN is a Ch se puppet. Trump was right when he asked for closure of UN




•4 hours ago

un has been weak since its inception. we should be very careful of China,, who supports Pakistan. At the same time we should not forget that Russia has supported us by its Veto in the past.




•4 hours ago

UN is a toothless body and Jaishankar is crying in the wilderness . Be like Israel, ignore these UN bodies and take unilateral action whenever and wherever required in the country's national interest.




Aspire to Inspire•Imperfect World•4 hours ago

UN can draw a chart on the origins of all terrorists and it will be clear to see the epicenter of terrorism.. is it too difficult a task ?




Be Very•4 hours ago

I have made several complaints on karnataka government and Bangalore Police looting and corruption to the PM why no action has been taken ot is three years..




•4 hours ago

As long few countries enjoy certain special powers the UN will never be in a position to serve it's purpose for which it was established. Further, non-de ocratic auth rian states should never be granted veto powers as they will have ony selfish interests.

只要少数国家仍享有某些特殊权力,联合国就永远无法实现其成立时的宗旨。此外,非民 主的威*国家不该享有否决权,因为它们只会考虑自己的私利。



Guest•2162•11 hours ago

No wonder haters are getting along with india’s enemies to defeat de ocratically elected Modi.. without realising they are untimately harming our nation in their hatred and political differences..




Pkm•51332• Guest•Kurung Kumey•7 hours ago

India should not buy Cheap Russian Oil smelling of Ukrainian blood and Misery and finance Putin's misadventure in Ukraine




Bala Srinivasan•38203• Bala Srinivasan•saginaw USA•10 hours ago

INDIA needs to keep its pressure on CHINA relentlessly for its support of TERRORIST state of PAKISTAN,s.TIME INDIA ABANDONED ONE CHINA BS.




Muhad Asghar• Bala Srinivasan•8 hours ago

India is simply playing with its delusions against a well-installed mighty China.




Paki Cursed•13179• Paki Cursed•9 hours ago

No one would do anything. You have to go US/Israel way. Find your enemies and neutralize them along with their handlers.




User•1913• Paki Cursed•Iraq, Baghdad.•3 hours ago

It's not only india that is having atomic bomb. If you call pakistan a terrorist state, then don't you what will happen when you enter the house of a terrorist with atomic bomb. That pakistan is desperately waiting to wipe out india off the map, and unfortunately they can do it very easily. I know india will do the same. But unfortunately, terrorists aren't afraid of death!







User Vazirani•10924• User Vazirani•9 hours ago

Dr. Jaishanker was 100% on the mark when he said that Europe's problems are world's problems but world's problems are world's problems. White nations including USA has not shown any concern for terrorism carried out on India but killed over 200,000people after 9/11 on the pretense of terrorism. All these nations should be called out about their hypocrisy.





Ravi Sunder•7081• Ravi Sunder•6 hours ago

There is no point in crying at UN, an organization has no spine and controlled by US and Europe. We should start hitting terrorists at their den in a dpine chilling manner. Terrorists should get shivers when they hear our name India






Ravi•30274• Ravi•Bangalore•6 hours ago

There are many countries who wants Modi to step down as their natak is not producing any result. Jaishankar is doing everything to counter them




Ramdas B

America never asks UN to protect its homeland. They enter Pakistan and do the job. Congis should have done the job. But no use of dragging the matter. It’s like flogging a dead horse. India external intelligence is not up to the marks of Mossad or CIA to covertly carry out the job






DoggyPose•14686• DoggyPose•4 hours ago

When 9/11 occured US did not cry before UN...we will attack now...no body will be spared, even country who harbour them ..it was a clean message...that is called guts




Chetan Gadi•2012•11 hours ago

India need to run court trials in India on these terrorists in Indian courts, prove the allegations in Indian courts and decide punishment of heinous crime , ultimately execute the punishment by taking some tips from Israel and Russia .


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