

Modi’s double-engine Sarkar


WHEN Prime Minister Narendra Modi barrels around India to support allies running for state government elections his war cry is: ‘ab ki bar double engine ki sarkar’ (this time a double-engine government). At face value this means having the BJP at the centre together with BJP governments in every one of India’s 28 states. State residents are promised that two engines pulling together will deliver twice the power.

But the true meaning of Modi’s double engine metaphor transcends India’s state-level electoral politics. It’s actually about reinventing national ideology, culture, and education. To understand why India presently stands so high on the world stage — and also how it could crash down — let’s peek inside the two engines. The lessons for Pakistan are immediate and obvious.



The first engine pulls India along the road to prosperity and modernity. It has sent Indian spacecraft winging to the moon and Mars, placed India’s IT and pharmaceutical companies among the world’s largest, filled America’s best universities with professors who are graduates of Indian universities, and created some of the world’s biggest business empires. Several top Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are Indian.

The secret of success is well-known — strong systems of education that create skills, knowledge, attitudes and social behaviours suited for modern times. Together with that, a strong work ethic in the labour force. Stated differently, high national achievement springs naturally from the quickness with which a country universalises or ‘Westernises’ its education and creates positive attitudes towards work.

Here’s how India grew into the present. Empowered by the scientific and industrial revolutions, Britain colonised India and sought to spread Western education and values. Conservative Hindus emphatically rejected this modernisation but reformist movements such as Brahmo Samaj under Ram Mohan Roy and others made deep inroads.



But Hindu nationalists now want India’s goals and self-image drastically revised. Modi’s second engine, fuelled by febrile imaginations, pushes India towards emulating some kind of Hindu rashtra from an idyllic past. My friend Prof Badri Raina, now retired from Delhi University, says that “this backward engine would have us believe that in ancient times we had knowledge of plastic surgery, aeronautics, satellite vision, even as streams of foaming white milk flowed down our plains, and golden birds perched on the branches of trees”.

What if the likes of Roy and Nehru had never exsted? Under engine #2 India’s education would have been Sanskrit-based with English only barely understood. Post-independence India would have become a garbage dump for every kind of crackpot science. Medical research would have focused on medicines made from cow urine and cow dung, the celibacy of peacocks would be under intense scrutiny, astrology would be taught in place of astronomy, and there would be Vedic mathematics instead of actual mathematics.

印度教民族主义者现在希望印度的目标和自我形象得到大幅改变。莫迪的第二个引擎,是脑洞大开地推动印度效仿历史上的印度教国家。我的朋友、现已从德里大学(Delhi University)退休的巴德里·雷娜教授说,“这个倒行逆施的引擎会让我们相信,我们在古印度时期就掌握了整容、航空学、卫星的知识,甚至白色的牛奶在平原上流淌、金色的鸟儿在树枝上栖息。”


By the time Partition came around, there was a massive Hindu-Muslim gap. Nevertheless, for the first few decades, Pakistan’s engine #1 steadily gained strength and was consistently stronger than its second engine. Among other things, Pakistan’s space programme (born 1961, now dead) much preceded India’s.


Forward motion slowed then stopped in the 1980s after Pakistan’s engine #2 took over. Standards and workforce competence sank. Institutions and organisations steadily crumbled for lack of modern-minded people. Industrialisation flopped in spite of the billions pumped in by America, China and Saudi Arabia. Finding graduates of Pakistani institutions capable of performing even basic tasks became harder and harder. Throwing more money at education was tried but learning outcomes kept worsening.

Pakistan’s regular schools have now come to resemble madressahs with the difference shrinking by the year. Many surveys indicate student learning has descended to Somalia-like levels. Adding more fuel to engine #2, the PDM government has accelerated implementation of the regressive Single National Curriculum conceived by Imran Khan’s government. Helplessly, we gravitate downward. Will India eventually suffer Pakistan’s fate? That depends upon which of its two engines can pull harder.






Great article! Love the deep analyses !!





Fix your triple engine sarkar first.




RAaja Raman

Brilliant analysis and spot on. Prof. Hoodhboy never ceases to amaze. Stay safe...Sir





By the way sir, who was the first education minister of India?





India's engine #1 (institutions) has gained so much strength over the decades that the engine #2 (religious fervor) has become almost irrelevant. Let us hope Pakistan can turn around and replicate that model as well.





A good timely warning




Ijaz Durrani

Insightful article by the learned author. Double ENGINE SARKAR is doing IND a lot of good. Currently, Indians occupy 60% of the CEO jobs in the World's TOP CORPORATIONS, while we have just one --CEO KFC in kee with our cannibalism!! IND have always been Nationalistic, we have many Quislings in our Ranks.





I am an avid admirer of the learned Professor, but this time I have to disagree. Mr. Modi does have a religious agenda for many reasons, but it is wrong to say that this has affected the modern curriculum in the schools or in higher education.





A Hindu mindset always gravitate towards Education and prosperity irrespective of party in power.





Good analysis. Modi's growth engine # 2 can't be compared to Pakistan's engine growth # 2 as it is way too ancient, unorganized, incoherent and it will fail at very first step of practicality, hence, in real sense it will neither do any good nor any bad, however, it has sentimental value for Hindus which is being encashed electorally by Modi's BJP. Modi is using religion to get votes, however, his policy decisions such as Digital India and Make in India shows a completely different thinking.





There is a reason Modi is infinitely more popular than any other leader within the BJP. He has really energized the Indian bureaucracy from their 70 year slumber.




Anwar Kazi

The good professor is assigning ills to the second engine without much evidence.





Japanese didn't adopt English education, but they are more advanced than any other country in the planet. So don't just write off native science. If India had adopted non English system, it would have been a different route to prosperity.




John The Baptist

Pakistan learn from Modi? Perish the thought!





You don't need to learn from India, learn from China and others Asian nations who are growing, but learn from some where, let Pakistan grow in the same manner. BJP Election rhetoric is one thing, but no one has challenged so far that Indian welfare schemes are biased for any community.





Every other institution in pakistan is being "managed" by bureaucrats or generals. Their bureaucracy won't let qualified individuals work. It is these unqualified leeches that have sucked professional institutions in the country dry.





Prof uncle has little or knows nothing about the land his forefathers were born.. His only window to understanding is through some baised tv, newspaper articles.. What a shame....





Among East Asian countries, the article ignored to mention Indonesia and Malaysia, Muslim majority countries, with Per capita income that is almost two and four times that of India. It also ignored the success of Pakistani Americans, who , just like other Asian Americans, outperform others in many metrics including education and per capita income.




Saeed Ahmed Khan Leghari

A rational, down to earth analysis. Hope it awakens some lethargic souls in this part of the world.





As the author has mentioned in a previous article, Pakistan got 1 out of 16 universities at the time of partition. The share of industries was also lopsided, against Pakistan. The country started off with a big disadvantage in key areas. Getting involved in Afghanistan in the 80s was also a big drag.





A single large market is also a big advantage. Economies of scale is quite helpful in industrialization.





India is ranked at 107 on world hunger index, with Pakistan doing slightly better , being ranked at 99.





World Top 500 chess players have over 60 Indians. O Pakistanis. More than just engines.





It seems to be a game of see saw. Pakistan was ahead first. Then India pulled ahead. Now Bangladesh has pulled ahead of India in nominal per capita GDP.





Pakistani Americans, just like other Asian Americans, outperform others, in education and per capita income. A lot of them maintain firm roots in religion. It is not uncommon to see Friday sermons give by Doctors ,in uniform, or other professional.





Superb as always but ignores the contribution made by Hinduism.





The author has missed a vital point. Even an uneducated Hindu wants English medium western education for his child. That will keep engine number 1 chugging along the road to development in India.





The forward pulling engine was disengaged a long time ago. The level of ignorance and backward thinking is depressing among Pakistani communities.





I have the same kind of anxety about the education in India and Pakistan. Be proud of your heritage but don't abondon the system that helps you progress and becomes self sufficient.




Ahmad Alvi

In both India and Pakistan huge level of ignorance and illiteracy still exst. While Chaos in Pakistan looks like continuing in India independent thinking is fighting back





As long as BJP is in Government, India is unstoppable in every field. They are just correcting the failures of the Congress Party. Hope Pakistan can learn something from it. In India, everyone has the right to freedom.


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