

Congress sowed seeds of terrorism in India through Article 370: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath


LUCKNOW: “Be part of our campaign to reestablish Himachal Pradesh as Devbhoomi, where peace and harmony prevails, and do not vote for Congress party, which compromises border security, cannot provide internal security and protect your honour and puts hurdles in the way of development and welfare schemes,” UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Monday.

In the third leg of his marathon rallies in the poll-bound state, the BJP’s star campaigner Yogi Adityanath said: “Congress sowed the seeds of terrorism in India by introducing Article 370 in the Constitution giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir as part of their appeasement and vote bank politics.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi abrogated the article and today Jammu and Kashmir is like any other state in India where a man from Himachal Pradesh can buy land and start a business of his own.”




The CM added, “Congress’ hands have always been with the mafia – be it drug, animal, mining, land, or forest mafia.” Hitting at the then Congress government in Punjab, Yogi said that when his government was busy cleaning UP of mafia and gangsters, who ran a parallel government in the state prior to 2017, one of the mafia dons fled to Punjab.

“I had to knock the doors of the Supreme Court to bring him back to UP and make him rot in a jail for his atrocities on innocent people and businessmen,” he said, taking a jibe at the incarcerated gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari.

The CM said that prior to 2017, Uttar Pradesh’s roads were abysmal, electricity supply was very poor, water was supplied to many places through tankers and mafia prevailed across the state. He added that things were different now as there has not been a single riot in the state in the last five years.

这位首席部长补充说:“国大党一直和黑手党联手——无论是毒品、动物、采矿、土地还是森林。” 约吉抨击了当时的旁遮普邦国大党政府,他说,当他的政府忙着清理黑手党和歹徒时,一名黑手党头目逃到了旁遮普邦。2017年之前,旁遮普邦由国大党治理。



Continuing his attack on Congress further, CM Yogi said, “For the BJP, nation comes first whereas for the Congress nation comes last. Could you imagine free vaccines during Covid, a Ram temple in Ayodhya after 500 years of wait, abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir, or carrying out surgical as well as air strikes by entering an enemy country’s borders during a Congress government? All these became possible because of the dynamic leadership of PM Modi, who is sensitive towards the problems of the country.”

Yogi added further: “Congress may not have succeeded in making every house have a tricolour in 55 years of its rule in the country, but PM Modi has made it possible during the Amrit Mahotsava. India has emerged as the fifth largest economy of the world today, replacing the UK which ruled India for 200 years and which incidentally has elected an Indian origin premier recently.”





Madmax•2 days ago

Instead of blaming each other for every thing that went wrong in India, BJP and Congress should work collaboratively on the basis of each issue according to their honest logic (not for wng election} to carry India to a better position!!




Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla•2 days ago

For 70 years, Congress used article 370 with appeasement, and it was misused by world countries to ignore terrorism. Political parties like JD(U), RJD, SP, CPM added to the fuel, looked their own self interests, than nation interests.




User Srivastava•2 days ago

UP still has miles to go.




•2 days ago

He has become a top ranting political lunatic of BJP and needs to be admitted in the mental department of BJP's Baba Ramdev Yadav's Patanjali Hospital.




deje•Bangalore•2 days ago

You have survived by blame game... But this can not continue for long ulti ginti suru Hui hai...




Mohan•2 days ago

Any body debating , anybody questioning, anybody are anti India & anti Hindu.




•2 days ago





mmmm•2 days ago

Yogi Ji, you have just nailed on the head of Italian mafia dynasty family. Kudos BJP for repealing the Article 370.




Venkat•Bangalore•2 days ago

Cong only wants power with the current generation it has become difficult




Ramdas B•Bangalore•2 days ago

Nehru and Gandhi were the real terrorists of Hindus. Godse expelled one and other totally ruined Hindustan




Sanjay•Bangalore•2 days ago

Brick pitching will continue in politics. Everyone will blame predecessor for wrong doing and encash on what ever small good has been done.




•2 days ago

And btw Terrorism in Kashmir started only when BJP alliance govt under VP Singh came into power. Why not before that if Congress is responsible? Terrorism in India is 100% Pak sponsored and grown under BJP govt tenure only.

顺便说一句,克什米尔的恐 怖活动是在辛格副总统领导下的人民党联盟政府上台后才开始出现的。如果国大党有责任,为什么之前没有呢?印度的恐 怖活动100%是巴基斯坦支持的,而且是在人民党执政期间才日益猖獗的。



•2 days ago

Shame on Yogi! He is indirectly justifying terrorists as victims. Why is Yogi speaking Pakistan's language? If you can't comprehend national issues than better don't comment for your local politics

约吉真不要脸!他这是在暗示恐 怖分子才是受害者。为什么约吉要替巴基斯坦说话?如果你搞不懂国家问题,最好少评头论足。



•2 days ago

congress made hindus secular that is the greatest crime. destroyed indian Gurukul system.. intentionally westernised us. there are some decisions which govt in power at that time take due to various compulsion. article 370 may be one of such decision.




• Dean Mishra•2 days ago

Hinduism is the only secular religion of the world.




Arvind•2 days ago

so according to this stpd, art 370, which gave autonomy and thus more freedom, actually creates MORE terrorists? Only a true fascist terrorist himself can believe more freedom=bad. But given that the terrorism and pandit exodus is even WORSE after 370 removal, it is the reality the rest of us will consider. Andh bakhts like him can never accept reality, only the imagination in their own heads. No wonder UP has gone into the gutter even more since he took over.

照他这么说,第370条赋予自治权和更多自由的条款,却让恐 怖分子越来越多了?







• Arvind•2 days ago

will you please stop blabering nonsense??




• Arvind•2 days ago

stop hiding behind a Hindu name dumbo, ur ilk are exposed as desert thug p3d0file pr0phet andhbhakts!!!




Abhay Sandwar•Hazaribag•2 days ago

CM YOGI is correct to a great extent ,Terrorism borrowed still a threat and needs thrashing into for PEACE and Development

在很大程度上,约吉说的没错,恐 怖主义仍然是一个威胁,为了和平和发展,我们必须打击恐 怖主义。




Good step by bjp




Common Man

Even after abolishing article 370, terrorism is not only there but increased. How long you will blame congress for everything to win elections even after your party being in power for last 10 years?




User rizwan

He is an another super feku... talks always about religion/ terrorism/ pakistan.... talk about unemployment, inflation, literacy and ch e invasion- these cowards will run away like their mentor and will ask for mercy... useless people ... ha ha ha

他就是莫迪二号…总是纠缠于宗 教/恐 怖主义/巴基斯坦....但是一说到失业、通货膨胀、识字率,这些懦夫会像他们的导师一样落荒而逃,饶他一命……没用的家伙……哈哈哈




Hzda lehngewale babaji, as usual talking rubbish from watsapp during election time.

Terrorism quadrapuled in bjp govt, KP are running back, Jawans n Civilians getting klled daily basis.





People Voice

He is the star campaigner of BJP who only spreads hatred and slander when he opens his mouth! The people of Himachal Pradesh will pass the verdict in this election against hate politics and corruption.




Krishnamurthi Narrainen

Krishnamurthi NarrainenQUATRE BORNES MAURITIUS2 days ago





Sanjeev Seema

Cong is history, they create slave mentality in india




Ashok Kumar

2 days ago

Congress is really wise to achieve its targets. Dividing India, 370, Seperate Prime Minister, Constitution, Flag for Kashmir, Seperating SCs STs from Hindues, PoK given to Pak, 3 River Waters, Ladakh to Pak, China and now Love in Pak, Love in China.




Pralhad Kulkarni

Not only Art 370 , but there are many Laws ,which are anti Hindu, anti National , Supporting and Upbringing of Only one community . For the % of rise Population of that community they are wholly responsible .




User Left

Terror Sympathisers hate Yogi Ji !!




No Human Rights In India

Last year 9.18 lakh people flew from india and settled in a different country permanently....98% of them were hindoos


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