

 Fearing ‘water war’ by China, government puts Arunachal dams on fast track

担心中国发动“抢水战”,印度政府加快了在“阿 邦”修建大坝的进程

NEW DELHI: Fearing a Chinese threat of “water wars”, India has initiated its biggest hydroelectric project of 11,000 megawatt (MW) in Upper Subansiri in Arunachal Pradesh. Responding to Chinese dams coming up close to its borders in the north-east, India is also expediting three stalled projects for possible allocation to NHPC after recommendations of an evaluation committee and in-principle approval by ministry of power.

新德里:由于担心中国的“抢水战”威胁,印度在“阿 邦”(注:即我藏 南)的上苏班西里启动了最大水电项目,发电量可达1.1万兆瓦。为了应对中国大坝靠近印度东北部边境的局面,印度还加快了三个停滞不前的项目,在评估委员会的建议和电力部的原则上批准后,将这些项目分配给印度国家水电公司

According to government sources, a 60,000MW Chinese project on the Yarlung Zangbo (Brahmaputra) planned at Medog on Arunachal Pradesh’s border could be a cause for concern for multiple reasons — scarcity of water if China decides to divert it, floods affecting lakhs in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam if China sudenly releases water, as well as environmental concerns.



For India, the Brahmaputra accounts for nearly 30% of freshwater resources and 40% of total hydro power potential of the country. Almost 50% of the basin of the Brahmaputra is in Chinese territory.


Sources said India’s 2,000MW Lower Subansiri project would be completed in the middle of this year. The multiple hydroelectric projects, apart from generating electricity, are expected to help mitigate water scarcity for up to a year in case of a Chinese diversion besides controlling flooding in case China releases unusually high volumes.


The hydro electric projects overdrive in the north-east, and especially in Arunachal Pradesh, which shares its border with China, is seen as a strategic move to counter the potential impact of Chinese flow diversion through the dams it is constructing, considering that 50% of the river basin of Brahmaputra is in the Chinese territory.

考虑到雅鲁藏布江流域的50%都在中国境内,东北地区,特别是与中国接壤的“阿 邦地区的水电项目被视为一项战略举措,以应对中国正在建设的大坝分流的潜在影响。



Ashish Jain

Nehru gave away our Tib land and now we have to deal with Chinese manipulating Brahmaputra waters. Nehru created so much trouble for India, if he was alive he would have been thrashed black and blue by Indian public.



Ramdas B•Bangalore

Have we learnt anything after 1962. Chinese new way of waging war is through cyber attacks of AIMS, power grid, airport networks, critical infrastructure, germ and biological warfare like Wuhan virus. Chinese are one step ahead of India.



User A John

Why fear when mistakes are done by Nehru, Akbar and Birbal..



Rajeev S•Jhumri Talaiyya

India should negotiate with BD to get northern parts of BD so that it can increase chicken neck width. Even if India has to pay $10 Billion to buy northern district of BD, it will be a fair deal.



Muhad Asghar

The Indian RSS-BJP mandiry cabal are learning fast as to how to choke and annihilate the national community harmony



Sankara Menon•Boise

How long will these war projects stand if war comes?



Russ• Manohar Sharma•Mum

Hate Instigations bound to happen they are showing their power as India did in 8 years boasting only thing they have is the monies to do it. Other neighbours like Afghan, Nepal, Malaysia are flexng muscels indirectly doing doll drums India or China, on benefits..lol



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Innocent people of Bharat, we are totally dependent on China and import more than $ 100 billion of goods every year from them.



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It is extremely important & strategies as well to build dam & reservoir for the safety & security of North -eastern region along with Bangladesh. It will be a strategical blunder to defer the date anymore as it will cause another blunder like 1962.



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Panauti, first create fear, then says, we done this and that. Were they slee for 8 years, that suddenly, Dam has become an urgency? Congress was corrupt, but so does this government! In India, people goes in politics only for 2 reasons, first to feel powerful, second to make money. This nation is doomed anyway, whoever comes to power.



MV Rao•Unknown

It is not FEAR... It is Preparedness for the worst. That is making Bharath fast pace projects on Brahmaputhra. Just like Pakis, Chinkis too can turn around and can throttle water sources that flow into Bharath. Bharath has seen the past wars and the result. Even now, if we do not learn to be pro-active, then nobody can help Bharath.



0 0 •Reply•Flag

Preapre ypurself for a third world war on water . It is snyhow going to happen . Galwan episodes are just drawing attention away from core planning of china against india who is constructing many dams to cut water supply and take control of natural resources.



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we never learned from our past.



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Wish to know the wise view of Maha Tapaswi Rahul Gandhiji.



Grassbag Destroyer

Hope 56 inches drowns in the floods caused by the dams. Lolz



Sanket Peri

China is a rouge nation and can never be trusted. Congress sold the country to China and Pakistan for 60 years. That is why we have been struggling for so many years. Looks like we have finally woke up to the reality.



Sridhar Raman

Finally... first it was rafael, next it was bank accounts and digitization, clean india and now this. If they can somehow have the technology of converting sea water to potable water, it will be the best.,All the namoonas of congress can sit wanking themselves.



Aam Aadmi•India

India can not use fresh water of indus river due to indus water treaty between India and Pakistan but China can use water of Brahmaputra unabetedly........why......? Useless 60 years of ruling by Congress party !



Tan Shukla - Tanmaya•Sydney, Australia

Congress is fully responsible for the situation we are in today, all these opposition politicians are disgusting only want to loot money for their family business of politics... All the opposition are DISGUSTING



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Govt. shall do whatever is good for the nation, if some idiots want to play politics on this sensitive issue, they may be getting bribes to safe guard the interest of the enemy.



Hindustani Forever

rahul gandhi - water is already taken by china . modi is fooling us. i have gone to arunachal and chinese people army were there . modi is lying . only i am the solution . please please make me PM

拉胡尔甘地:水已经被中国拿走了。莫迪在愚弄我们。我去过“阿 邦,那里有中国人民和军队。莫迪在撒谎。只有我能解决问题,请让我当总理吧


Mad Mb




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We need this govt for 10 more years. This govt alone can take quick decisions. Not like congress.


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