

 149 Countries Joined China's Belt and Road (Is the Debt Trap Real?)

149个国家加入中国的“一带一路”,债 务陷阱是真的吗?

2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative...but is China's Belt and Road just one giant Debt Trap for the world? Western media sure wants you to believe that narrative, but what about the fact that China has never seized a single asset from a country who has defaulted on a loan? Let's break down some common myths surrounding the Belt and Road

2023年是“一带一路”倡议提出10周年。而中国的“一带一路”对世界而言只是一个债 务陷阱吗?西方媒体肯定希望你们相信这种说法,但中国从未从一个拖欠贷款的国家没收过一笔资产,这一事实又如何呢?让我们来打破关于“一带一路”的常见误解吧



Adam Beaulieu

Speaking of "debt", the United States is now over $31.4 trillion dollars in debt and counting.




There is a lot of Western and Eastern studies that said the BRI is not a debt trap. Some BRI projects failed and some succeeded. When you have hundreds of projects going on, some are not going to go as planned. However, it is said that Western media only focuses on failed projects and not the successful ones, and use the failures to paint the entire BRI project as a whole.

西方和东方有很多研究认为,“一带一路”不是债 务陷阱。“一带一路”有失败,有成功。当你有数百个项目同时在进行时,有些项目不会按计划进行。然而,据说西方媒体只关注失败的项目,而不关注中国成功的项目,并利用这些失败的地方来描绘整个“一带一路”项目。


Olive Weir

It's a brilliant idea... Connecting countries by road rail air and. sea so they can connect and trade more effectively. A country cannot develop without infrastructure and transport



Steven Tan

The irony is that countries that do not join the BRI are more likely to fall into the debt trap of western financial institutions.

具有讽刺意味的是,不加入“一带一路”的国家更有可能陷入西方金融机构的债 务陷阱。


Irving Lee

The countries who receive the loans from China don't call it a debt trap. They support the Belt and Road Initiative. It's the western imperialist loans via the World Bank and IMF that are the Debt trap!

接受中国贷款的国家并不称其为债 务陷阱,他们支持“一带一路”建设。西方帝国主义通过世界银行和国际货币基金组织发放的贷款才是债 务陷阱


Mohd Fauzi Mohd Shariff

Maybe Death Trap Diplomacy should be directed to IMF (International Monetary Fund)...




I've always thought it was ridiculous, the amount of misinformation that is shared about China's BRI. Every negative video of China's BRI, there is never specifics or data on the subject; just them berating without evidence or research. Sri Lanka was a very common one



Tony McDonald

I find the western approach almost laughable. Surely if spreading the principles of de ocracy and capitalism are the goal, then working towards offering a competitive alternative to China would be the logical way of maintaining dominance. Fear, envy and greed will not cut it.

我觉得西方的做法几乎是可笑的。当然,如果传播民 主和zb主义原则是目标,那么努力提供一个具有竞争力的替代中国的选择将是保持主导地位的合理方式。恐惧、嫉妒和贪婪都不能解决问题。


sy chan

US never want, never allow other country to be properious, to be rich, to be strong that would threaten to share, let alone to surpress its monopoly of world's resource. BRI is a direct challenge to its national philosophy.




Sri Lanka's story is similar to my country of Pakistan, Pakistan asked the u.s to fund or build a port in Gwadar but the u.s refused and then Pakistan worked with China and it's starting to help Gwadar a little more and now the port is called the world's deepest sea port




Thank you so much, Cyrus, for always telling and explaining the truth about China to the world!



Dr. Carlson

There was another critical reason why Sri Lanka failed port project and entire economy, that is they de ocratically elected a corrupted and imcompetent presiedent who ran the country as his home business. No one mention that Sri Lanka is a typical example of failed de ocracy.

斯里兰卡港口项目和整个经济失败还有另一个关键原因,那就是他们选举了一个腐败且无能的总统,把国家当成自己的家族来经营。没有人提到斯里兰卡是民 主失败的典型例子。



The term was coined by Indian academic Brahma Chellaney to describe how the Chinese leverages the debt burden of smaller countries for geopolitical ends.[3][4] Other analysts have described the idea of a Chinese debt trap as a "myth" or "distraction" as Indian do not wants it's poor neighbourly countries to develope or prosper

“债 务陷阱”这个词是由印度学者布拉玛·切拉尼提出的,用来描述中国如何利用小国的债务负担来达到地缘政治目的。其他分析人士将中国债 务陷阱的想法描述为“神话”或“干扰”,因为印度不希望其贫穷的邻国发展或繁荣



China is big power country, has ultimate voice in UN and the most preferable is their peace loving countries. Never threatening or warring any countries like warmongering US, UK, india, Japan, European, South Korea, Vietnam, etc, etc



Daniel Wong

China is indeed a saviour for Sri Langka since they were rejected by all countries including India many time over. Here comes China with its hugh reserved and advance technology unparalle in more ways than one. Sri Langka is blessed with the help of China and has so much to thank China.




Westerners will NEVER read this information in the mainstream media. Without researchers like you, we might never know the truth.



Eddy Tan

If China BRI is a death trap then all Housing loan is a death trap because if you default the bank will auction you house and recoup their loan. Did the bank force you to take the loan?

如果“一带一路”是一个债 务陷阱,那么所有的住房贷款都是债 务陷阱,因为如果你违约,银行将拍卖你的房子,收回他们的贷款。是银行强迫你贷款的吗?


Beetle Camera

debt trap is real, but not the debt from China. Africa has tons of debt from both western countries and China, but only the Chinese debt convert to roads and ports.

债 务陷阱是真实的,但不是来自中国的债务。非洲有来自西方国家和中国的大量债务,但只有中国的债务,换来了道路和港口。


Kenny Lam

From a Chinese view point, the business case for the BRI is simple. China needs a bigger market for it's manufacture outputs, especially high tech goods, in the next 10-20 years. It cannot continue to rely on western markets due to increased animosity and hostility in the coming decades. The alternative is to create a market that is economically developed and sizable. Outside the United States, Western Europe and Australia China has the South ie the bigger part of the world to work with. Looking at this from a long term investment perspective. The trillions of dollars investment in the BRI will pay back many trillions more over the next two decades. And it makes China more powerful politically on the global stage. This is something that the United States and the West cannot comprehend from their short term mindset.








Low see see

Great . Sri Lanka had his debt to US parties, world bank, imf. China only had only abt 10%.



Richard Kenneth Eng

Thank you, Cyrus! Your research is impeccable. Now, we have a sound understanding of BRI.




Glad to see america and canada getting left behind on this.




Righteous people always tell the facts instead of lies, the world needs more people like you




The debt trap idea is counting on the fact that most people do not understand the basics of politics, economics, finance, well just about anything. Ask yourself a simple question, is the road built in front of your house making money on its own? No, but it has made it possible for your to go to work and produce the value which you do at your job. Infrastructure does not generate profit. As a matter of fact, it does the opposite but add value to nearly everything else in the economy.

债 务陷阱的观点是基于这样一个事实,即大多数人不了解政治、经济、金融,以及几乎任何事情的基本知识。问自己一个简单的问题,建在你房子前面的那条路本身赚钱了吗?不,不过这方便了你去工作,并产生你在工作中所做的价值。基础设施不产生利润。事实上,它的作用恰恰相反,它为经济中几乎所有的东西都增加了价值。



hopefully this video helps alot more people to understand the fear of debt trap! i have been replying to many videos in regards to this debt trap for several years! it is sad how western media spins the actual facts!

希望这个能帮助更多的人了解对债 务陷阱的恐惧!

几年来,我一直在回复很多关于这个债 务陷阱的问题!




Wow. The quality of your research and how you deliver the facts far outweighs the Mainstream Media and those who work in those organizations and calling themselves journalists. Thanks again, Cyrus.



Zen DrJenn Chong

The BRI cooperation has helped many develo countries get bigger shares in the pie of the world economy. One thing is for sure a win-win situation is developed for multiple levels of society from top to bottom, a truly shared future for mankind in multilateralism in a multipolar world. If only more develo countries become hybrid embracing the vision and the mission of the chinese's philosophy, then we will have a more equilibrium world between the poor and the rich and the West and Asia. Facts tell all of us, that CHINA is a GREAT COUNTRY.



Fernando Peña

19th century- UK 20th century- US 21st century- China




The more haters trash talk about China, the more I love China!



Simon Ooi

The wealth of the west was built mainly from more than 500 years of colonial hegemony over hundreds of nations globally. Their motives behind any humanitarian programs, financial assistance, collaborations, joint ventures, trades, and joint research works, cooperations, etc were mainly one side deal where the big benefits would be dictated by them ultimately from behind. In other words it was in the DNA of Anglo Saxon western Christians somehow they must bully and exploit others who are not their type. Just research the history in Latin America, Africa, central Asia, South East Asia, Eastern Asia, Pacific, central America and so on, you will understand how the west was the most inhuman barbaric human species ever exsted on earth.




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