

Why do Russians like China but hate America?




Anna Vinogradova

“Hate” is a very strong word. Fear?

The US kills too many people, that’s the problem. The US civilians here aren’t at fault, they have no idea whatsoever how many are killed an their behalf. Besides, they are convinced that these people are killed for their own good, for freedom, or something like that. Whenever they do criticize their country, their criticism is always partisan. That’s so child-like, how can you hate someone so naive?



The Chinese are shrewd business people. Which is why the world likes China. Who doesn’t like a benevolent superpower?





Lytiek Gethers

Russians don’t really like China as a “Best friend” type of thing.

Russians speak respectfully of China, because China is important economic partner for Russia.

As for the USA, many Russians speak respectfully of Americans. But, the Russians hate stubbornness of Russian/USA elites going at each other’s throats.







Ben Solace

Generalizing much?

Anyway, I’m sure many Russians don’t hate America. I’m sure there are some that do. I’m sure there are Russians that hate China as well, and some who love China. There are probably many that are ambivalent. Russia isn’t some magical place where everyone is chugging vodka with an AK-47 and talking about how America sucks and capitalism is terrible and how westerners are pigs. Russia is like America in that people disagree. They have different opinions. No country will ever have every single person agree on something. Russia is no exception.


不管怎样,我相信很多俄罗斯人并不憎恨美国。我相信有些人确实恨美国。我也相信会有一些俄罗斯人讨厌中国,也有一些人喜欢中国。可能有很多人自己也很矛盾。俄罗斯又不是什么神奇的地方,每个人都会端着AK-47灌伏特加,谈论美国有多糟糕,资 本主义有多可怕,西方人有多愚蠢。俄罗斯就像美国一样,人们也有不同的意见。没有哪个国家能做到让每个人都统一思想。俄罗斯也不例外。


 Taelor Pickel

I do see Russians who like China, but I have seen very very few who outside of world leader exchanges that hate the United States.




Brody Fletcher

Because they have been taught to believe everything bad that has ever happened in Russia is America’s fault (NOT due to Russian corruption and mismanagement from bad leaders) by the same bad leaders who have actually caused the problem. Likewise, they have been taught to believe China is their friend, because China is PUTIN’s friend (not the same thing).


Case in point, “Yeltsin was a puppet put in power by Clinton to destroy us.” ONLY Russians believe this because Yeltsin was the first Russian president in ages who had decent relations with America.


North Korea, China, Syria, Iran, Russia…hmmm…which one of these things is not like the other?

But PUTIN spends so much time licking the boots of China, it’s no wonder the countries are close. That way, he can do the bidding of China on the world stage, but it’s RUSSIA that’s punished (increased sanctions, kicked out of the G8), and China gets to go on looking like the good guy.



For example, of course China wanted Trump to be President of the United States. The man even had a Chinese bank account there (with 25 million dollars in it). It was very clear he was as much a puppet of China as Russia; he was even impeached for calling China to beg for election help, asking them for dirt on Joe Biden. Now why would he do that if he didn’t feel China would prefer him to Biden?

But because Russia was the one actually buying ads on Facebook and doing some hacking, THEY were seen as the ones primarily responsible for Trump’s ascendency.



You see what I mean? Putin instructs his GRU underlings to do the work that China also wants done, but only Russia gets blamed for it.

Once that happens, I’m ho the majority of Russian people will wake up, look in the mirror, and say “why in the hell have we been against ‘the West’ all this time?”

The United States’s biggest allies in the world are England, Germany, and Japan. ALL of these countries were ones we’d gone to war with in the past. Hell, the US lost the Vietnam war, but it now makes socks there. …These are all countries with thriving, robust economies and happy populations. Why shouldn’t Russia be next?







Faan Louw

You have a point, the US are quite aggressive towards Russia, yet they are not really serious about it. They really did not impress how they handled the Ukraine crisis. Perhaps they should have been more assertive. But then again, liberals do not like confrontation. China took control of a few islands and nothing happened other than a few vague threats.


The Russia-China relationship you talk about is obviously not as strong as you suggest. It started with Mao and Stalin. The Russians funded china for many years

The Russians did not liked that very much.

A few border disputes are not hel to smooth the relationship either. Furthermore both countries hope to become the next world leader, given the current waning of US power. Thus the prospects of China and Russia cooperating over a longer period of time is rather slim. But as alway, greed usually over rule logic. So we will wait and see, but in the meantime you can sleep peacefully as the US is also protecting trading relations rather than geopolitics







Debra Downing

Probably because China treats them like people, while the West demonizes not just the Russian government but also dehumanizes Russians, too.





Martin de Mars

Probably because China never has intention to find Weapon o Massive Destruction in Iraq or any other country, and Chinese don't have the magic power to find evidence for Chemical Weapon usage at the whatever time they want and put into hands of those Chinese don't like.





Victor Volkov

Uh, Komrade. No one here hates america. It is just our american Komrades have weird habit of accusing us of installing their president, calling us terrorists, insist we’re guilty of poisoning some old time spy that isn’t even dead, and they love building military bases around our borders. And their media says that “Russia is rogue state that should be taught a lesson”. Have you been reading ze news, Komrade? You should really catch up. All of this became real tiresome, komrade and brings back memories of the Komrade khruschev who said “We’ll outlast you and will visit your funeral”.

俄罗斯人并不憎恨美国。只是我们的美国同志有个奇怪的习惯,总是指责我们扶持了美国总统,说我们是恐 怖分子,坚称我们毒杀了一些老间谍,他们喜欢在我们的边境周围建立军事基地。他们的媒体总说“俄罗斯是流 氓国家,应该受到教训”。你们看过新闻吗,同志?你真的该补补功课了。这一切令人生厌,让人想起赫鲁晓夫说过的话:“我们会比你活得更久,好去参加你的葬礼。”

However, China does no such things. And that is why it is liked more.





Mike Driscoll


Why do Russia and China hate America so much?

It’s not necessarily a question of hatred. We are the Big 3 on the planet. We have overlap interests & needs. There is bound to be some friction. We need to manage it as opposed to fighting it out.







Vincent Wu

As individuals, we can say a lot of cosy things about Russia. There are a few soviet songs that most Chinese people can sing even though they don’t read Russian. Soviet Russia the “big brother” (definitely a good phrase here) has had profound influence in China.

In international politics, things are complicated. When Cold War intensified, China betrayed soviet Russia. Brotherhood turned sour. As absurd as it might seem in 21st century, during 90s there were fears that Russia would join NATO and invade China. And then in late 90s people realised things do not work that way. Then Putin came.



China will support Putin till his death. He is viewed unfavourably in the West, which is why China supports him resolutely. Politically, China needs more trouble in West Asia and less trouble in Central Asia. This fits Russia’s goal perfectly.

China has taken numerous measures to help. For example, offering preferential prices to Russian oil and gas. Last winter northern China suffered widespread gas shortage, because several central Asian countries suspended gas supply to negotiate a higher price, the exact same price that China offers Russia. So indeed China will be viewed in positive light.



This may not last forever. Russia’s contradiction is its superpower illusion and shrinking economic power. This contradiction is not permanent. For now though, China is taking advantage of it. Russia has no alternative either.




Alexander Sokolov

Well, any county that doesn’t demonize every person in Russia is better. Besides, average Russian doesn’t hate America. We think it is a land of rich people, Hollywood, McDonald’s and a country that likes to invade countries for profit… I mean freedom, yes, freedom.


I mean, how would USA like if Russia have managed to successfully start a civil war in Canada (which is impossible due to their niceness) through various manipulations, then put a puppet president in Toronto, and after all that build a bunch of military bases and missile silos on the border with US (right next no New York) for “Defensive measures”.


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