

 How China Became So Powerful





You should also make video researching how rich and big companies avoided their taxes.




Nice video. But as a Chinese who lives in EU, I'd say you missed one key point that China has a large population.

And consider to carbon dioxde emissions per capita, US has 16.1 tons, which is much higher than China which has only 7.2.



Info Tech

There was a terminology to define Chinese economy, it was call National Capitalism. Thinking about each industry was just a department of a big corporation. They can optimize capital allocation so that it can maxmize the profit as a whole (for example, they can allocate the profit from Financial and Energy industries to public health, education and transportation), even some industries may have lost money, but as a whole they can still have a gain, the gain was to prove its living standard.

the country was running like a big corporation any major policies had to win a majority vote from them, each member had the same voting power, there was no longer a so-called Dict tor in China. That will minimize the chance of wrong policies made.

有一个术语来定义中国经济,叫做国家资 本主义。考虑每个行业只是大公司的一个部门,他们可以优化资本配置,使其整体利润最大化,例如,他们可以将金融和能源行业的利润分配给公共卫生、教育和交通,即使一些行业可能是亏损的,但作为一个整体他们仍然可以获得收益,这种收益是为了证明其生活水平。



Azra Taslimi

You started as a great journalist and I usually love your videos but partnering with the likes of WEF or Davos is a dangerous road and when journalists lose their credibility - there is really no coming back from it.




The reality is like this: I used to work in a Boston based multi-national corporation. They have manufacturing plants all over the world. The production cost of their key product was ~USD400/ton in UK. So they closed down their UK plant and swap orders to Belgium and Italy where production cost was ~USD320/ton. Later, they closed down the Belgium plant and swap orders to Hong Kong plant where production cost was ~USD250/ton. Meanwhile, they built another plant in Dubai. The production cost in Dubai turned out to be USD160/ton. Then they further closed down the Italy plant and swap orders to Dubai. In 2009, they started to build the world's biggest plant of this kind in Tianin, China. And in 2012, they closed down the Hong Kong plant because the production cost of the Tianin plant was even lower than that in Dubai. One more point worth mentioning, the sales price remained the same throughout the years no matter from which country the product was produced. That is why for the average people, the fortune shifted from UK to Beglium to Italy to Hong Kong and finally to Dubai and China. But for the shareholders, their profit margin increased USD80/ton to 150/ton to 240/ton throughout the years. Thanks to globalization and opening up of China!














"If they fail, they bear the cost" see, that's never been a reality. At least not for those with (financial / economical / political) power.



miloslav veytsman

One correction: most studies have concluded that the decline in manufacturing jobs in the Midwest has most resulted from automation, not jobs moving to China.




I generally agree with and applaud you for a well researched video and try to understand the historical background of China’s rise and fall.

However, I would beg to differ on one point. if you look at the international relationship and environment during that period, you will find that it is a period where survival is the utmost priority.

  If you look at it through that lens, it would actually help to explain the rise and fall of many other countries as well. For example, Japan. Yes, Japan recovered from war in a matter of years and became the leading economy in the world, but at what cost? By handing their economic and sovereign independence into the hands of Americans and forever live in its shadow and at its mercy. For any one interested in this topic, I highly recommend Henry Kissinger’s “On China”.






Interesting, however I was ho for a deeper look at China



Jesse James

Well said about climate change It has become numbing and we were desensitized and sick of hearing about it




Very thoughtful and revealing ... The two graphs of economic winners-loers and CO2 emissions are excellent.  China's economic growth is a proof of capitalism economics which does not need to couple with a particular political system.

非常有思想,很有启发性。这两张关于经济赢家和二氧化碳排放量的图表非常棒。中国的经济增长是资 本主义经济学的证明,它不需要与特定的政治制度相结合。



As a Vietnamese, we care about our big neighbor who has huge affect on us. I love to understand about China that help much to understand about the world nowadays.




I feel like it would’ve been worth it to talk a lot more about socialism here, not only because it’s putting forth a take on trying to direct capitalism in a new direction (worth it to at least acknowledge socialism in that conversation), but also cuz this is about China. I don’t think there is any understanding modern China without understanding its relationship with socialism.

我觉得在这里多谈谈社 会主义是值得的,不仅因为它提出了将资 本主义引向一个新的方向(至少值得在对话中承认社会主义),而且因为这是关于中国的。我认为,如果不理解现代中国与社 会主义的关系,就不可能理解现代中国。


Larry K

I love this video because it dives deep into what Americans don't know about world history or even history in China. The only thing that Western people knows about China is Genghis Khan and the Great Wall. My teacher did talk about the Dynasties that ruled China but that was it. Thank you for this video.



Alice Fox

somehow I don't think that Walmart, Davos, and corporate social responsibility is going to be the vanguard of a clean and equitable society ....



Jessie Liu

I’m in finance and To be honest I don’t really believe corporations, I.e. controller of capital would actually work for the benefit of the overall benefit of the society. They would still want to maxmise the profit, social responsibility is always going to be a label they put on but they won’t do enough.



Beija Flor

Great idea. Other members of society should also benefit not just shareholders. I think we can call it "Common Prosperity" model of Capitalism in the 21st century.

好主意。除了股东,其他社会成员也应该受益。我认为我们可以称之为21世纪资 本主义的“共同繁荣”模式。


Hardly Confused

Can't agree with you more.  That's exactly what I told people 15 years ago.  You truly understand the problem of China and globalization. However, the solution may not be feasible.  The limited free trade among countries with similar political systems is more realistic.



intton godelg

"yes, the planet got destroyed. but for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders"



Anzar M.A

The solution johnny talked about here is pretty much the same as the indian government at the time we gained independance. But as everything in india, we got 'Influenced' by the west and copyed them. And after 2014 it has been moving towards capitalism really fast.

这里谈到的解决方案与我们获得独立时的印度政府几乎相同。但就像印度的一切一样,我们受到西方的“影响”,并模仿他们。2014年之后,我们开始转向资 本主义


Raheel Jamil

Your videos were not pure click baits but this one felt like you hooked the audience and then did not talk enough about China and its economy / money / growth. Sure you related that all with capitalism but was that all you were supposed to produce? Unlike how you did with stories of middle east and those islands US stole, this one felt bit tasteless. Shortly, it lacked precision and details.

充分谈论中国及其经济、货币和增长,当然,你把这些都和资 本主义联系起来了,但这就是你应该做的全部吗?不像你对中东和那些被美国偷走的岛屿的分析,这篇文章感觉有点乏味。简而言之,它缺乏精确性和细节。



When watching this guy is more educational than the lesson you had at school.



Justin Gabriele

This quickly became “how to solve capitalist crises” not “how China became powerful”.



Valeriia Antonova

My goodness gratious, how much is debated in the comments  I'll leave it to know-it-alls.. I'm here to say thank you for your videos, 'cause for once I'm genuinely interested in the world's history and economy. Usually, I would just skip videos like these.. So, good luck with the search of future topics and findings! I wish you lots of inspiration!

P. S. Would love to see some coverage on the history of Ukraine



Johnny Woo

A informative but one-sided view of Chinese rise. In my view, and I am not alone, the first 50 years of the PRC is crucial to her success. Without the industralisation in the second half of 20th century, China would not have enough skilled workers to power all these newly invested factories. That's one of the reason why it's China not others (India for example) that benefited most from gobalisation. The 60s and 70s was a time when China had sour relationships with both the USSR and the USA, sanctions and military threats from both sides account much for the poverty at that time. Development is impossible when your own survival is under constant threats.








Dmitry Fomin

I got two questions: first, what about the opium wars? I'm living here right in the area where those westerners landed and started drugging the nation, so I hear all kinds of tales about it. Second, is Johnny into sound design? Lots of references like "granular", "morphing" hahaha




Respect China - From India. You are an inspiration for all who suffered at the hands of foreign and rose back to greatness.




A little knowledge of a complex topic is worse than ignorance.

I find this video to be lacking and misleading (not in a malicious way, but out of ignorance). The superficial explanations of the different economical systems




 Every time china's CO2 emissions are mentioned, and the fact they have half the emissions per capita of the US is omitted, I cringe.




As a Chinese,It's very interesting to watch this video.I am curious about foreigners' views on China.



Fabio Colella

It's funny how, in the USA, "socialism" seems to be a kind of taboo word, so much so that any policy that takes care of people is automatically labelled as such and considered "socialism" and hence "bad". At least, that's my feeling from Europe

有趣的是,在美国,“社 会主义”似乎是一个禁忌词,以至于任何照顾人民的政策都被自动贴上这样的标签,被认为是“社 会主义”,因此是“坏的”。至少,我在欧洲有这样的感觉。

三泰虎原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 大国 » 中国是如何变得如此强大的,印度网友:我们是受到西方的影响
