

Why are South Koreans and Chinese usually taller than the Japanese?







Tiffany Cheng

Koreans are taller because they are genetically close to the Northern Asian nomadic tribes such as Mongols, Manchus, etc. who often have taller stature.


Chinese from the Northern area of China are taller because they are genetically mixed with the Northern nomadic tribes especially Mongols and Manchus who often have taller stature, then there are also Chinese who are of Northern nomadic ancestry which could be found at the Northern area of China. Chinese from the Southern area of China on the other hand are shorter because they are genetically mixed with Southern tribes who often have shorter stature.


Some Japanese are of Jomon tribe ancestry and there are also Japanese who are of mix Jomon-Yayoi tribes ancestry, Jomon tribe people often have shorter stature. On the other hand, Japanese of Yayoi tribe ancestry could be pretty tall because Yayoi people are also quite genetically close to Northern Asian tribes.




Glas Miro Jr.


Is it true that Koreans are genetically taller and bigger than the Japanese?

Yes. The average differential is about 4cm for both genders which is about an entire standard deviation.




Height of Koreans was noted even in 19th century anthropology.





Feng ian

Chinese isn’t a good comparison because China has 56 ethnic groups (including Korean) as well as a huge internal diversity within the largest ethnic group Han. Comparing Chinese with Japanese, Korean is like comparing European with British or Ukrainian.





Vivian Chen


Considering the Japanese average height is closer to South East Asians than Chinese, Koreans, Mongolians, are Japanese considered as South East Asians?

Height has nothing do with being Southeast Asian or East Asian or whatever.

Your statement is not totally correct anyway. Young Japanese men are slightly taller than young Mongolian men on average. Young Mongolian women are taller than young Japanese women though. I wonder if its a beauty standard in Japan for the women to be short so they practise more caloric restriction (eating less).





Apart from living standards and diet, there is a correlation between height and the prehistoric populations these groups draw their ancestry from. The more Yellow River ancestry the East Asian population has, the taller they are. This is because the Yellow River had the tallest ancient populations in East Eurasia, especially from the freak ass tall Shandong Longshan culture who are taller than even modern Shandong people. This might be because northern China is very flat so having longer limbs makes it easier to move around.


Meanwhile having more ancestry from the Amur River (associated with Siberia/North Asia) and Yangtze River (associated with southern China/Southeast Asia), makes the population shorter. So it’s not true that the “more northern you are, the taller you are” like a lot of people seem to believe. Or that the northern Han Chinese are somehow taller due to Mongolian genetic inputs, because that would in reality have the opposite effect on the northern Han. Besides, there was actually more Chinese-related gene flow into the Mongolian gene pool than the other way around and that’s probably why Inner Mongolians are taller than Mongolians proper.


Yamato Japanese people are most closely related to Koreans out of the mainland Asian populations but there is a pretty evident height gap between the two because Japanese people have much more Jomon ancestry. The Jomon were genetically heterogenous groups of divergent Basal East Eurasian people, and Jomon people were very short. Okinawa has the shortest heights out of any Japanese prefecture because Ryukyuans are the closest related ethnic group to Yamato Japanese but have a lot more (southern) Jomon ancestry than Yamato Japanese do.






Yong Jian-Yi

They are all within the region of 170+cm for males and 160cm for females. South Koreans edge out both Japanese and Chinese for tallest males at +5cm and females at +3cm. There is not any appreciable differences at all. Historically though, the Japanese were called ‘dwarfs’ by the Chinese. This has reasons more to do with diet than any genetic differences.





Vivian Chen


Why are Chinese taller and more pale than Japanese?

If we just count younger generations then the Chinese are definitely taller than the Japanese on average but I don’t know if they’re “paler”. Japanese people have a range of skin tones and Chinese people have an even greater range.



Northern Han are usually lighter than Japanese, southern Han are usually darker (unless we’re including Ryukyuans in this discussion), and then a bunch of middling Han populations can have a similar skin tone to the Japanese. If we add in ethnic minorities then we have groups that are much lighter skinned (like Russians and other West Eurasian related groups) or much darker (like Wa and other Austroasiatics).






Donald Werve


Do Chinese and Koreans tend to be taller than the Japanese?

Yeah. Look at old WWII photos.

The Japanese soldiers are shorter than the people they perpetrated war crimes upon.

See them compared to the Indonesian prisoners?






Or how thech and Korean comfort women are the same height. With some women taller than the Japanese men.


The average Japanese man in WWII was 5′3″. The women were around 4′10″. Decades later, you started to see 5′6″ women after the war. With some men getting to the 6 foot range.

二战中日本男性的平均身高是5英尺3英寸(161cm)。这些女性的身高约为4 英尺 10英寸(147cm)。几十年后,女子的身高达到了5英尺6英寸(170cm)。有些男子身高达到了六英尺(182cm)。

Coincidentally the surviving children of the comfort women grew up. Adding their genepool to Japan. Those were the lucky ones who weren't murdered by their rapacious fathers. But only a DNA test would show results. Japan had an isolationist policy for centuries. A sudden jump to 25% to 50% non Japanese DNA is clear as day.


I understand the Japanese don't like bringing up their dirty laundry. That they do everything in their power to portray themselves as friendly and peaceful people. Remember this the next time you're in Japan. You're a foreign barbarian to them. They only tolerate you since you're spending money.


I have heaps more respect for the Germans. They admitted to their dark past and broke free of it. The Japanese? Sweep it under the rug and deny. Saying all the photos were Photoshopped. That all they did in WWII was try and develop the economies of their neighbors and spread the language/culture.


Sorry to be an ass about this. But I had a heated argument with a Japanese lady on Quora earlier. Where she didn't like the fact Korean guys and white dudes are quite popular in Japan. She pulled a Karen move on me. She reminded me of my ex wife. Who prefered false honor and saving face over the truth. Along with all the people who reminded me I'm a dirty foreigner.

So here is a lethal dose of the truth. Up to 30 million deaths? No remorse or apologies. Then they glorify these deeds at the Yasukuni shrine. Those aren't heroes!






Michael Wright

Well, there are some who say it is because of “Island Dwarfism”.

Smaller animals need fewer resources to survive and reproduce. That's important on islands, where resources are more limited than on continents/mainland.

However, that condition is change for human when globalisation happen since resources are not limited on the island that they live anymore. Japanese actually growing taller than their ancestors in recent century because of that.







James Yi

Probably genetic reasons.

The Japanese also sit on their knees but then Koreans sit cross-legged.

Another thing to think about is the climate. People living in colder climate seems to be taller. Cold climate prohibits adequate farming. Hence the necessity to hunt. Having a larger stature is favorable when it comes to hunting.





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