

China doubles spending on basic research over past 5 year


China doubled its spending on basic research over the past five years, Premier said as he delivered a government work report to the opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress in Beiing on Sunday.

The country fully implemented the innovation-driven strategy and improved and upgraded the industrial structure during the period, according to the premier.

"We promoted development of the real economy through innovation, continued to foster new drivers of growth and effectively countered external attempts to suppress and contain China's development,"

3月5日,中国总 理在北京向第十四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议开幕式发表政府工作报告时表示,过去五年,中国基础研究方面的支出增加了一倍。






'China doubled its spending on basic research over the past five years' Keep innovating Сhina, never stop! Also, stay laser focused on develo your home-grown front-end and back-end semiconductor manufacturing with a focus on lithography and on the RISC-V design. Make sure those subjects are included into the curriculum and that you invest heavily in the sector's R&D. This is the only way for you to achieve complete independence in the semiconductor field which will practically make you fully sanctions and tech banning proof.







Let's hope it doesn't come to that. YouTube has censored your reply though. There are now words which you are no longer allowed to use(you have to modify them/use other words to trick the algorithm).




Nicolau Poceiro

I was wondering the same thing. How is China's chip industry doing? I also think chips should be China's #1 priority. I think China should be able to make its completely own 12nm chips, including the machines and software to make them, by the end of the year. It may be legacy for the Dutch monopolist, but for China it would be very important to be able to build as many chip factories as necessary without importing any machines. 12nm is enough for most scenarios.

Simultaneously, China should of course catch up with the most advanced lithography. I think China should skip various nm nodes and head straight for the 3nm node by 2025.

Once China has its completely independent chip industry, China will see a huge boom, it will feel like someone takes the shackles from a slave. Freedom from racist and ideological bullying and economic warfare.









@Nicolau Poceiro It takes time Nicolau. 3 nm by 2025 is impossible. Maybe they have a chance to do that toward the end of the decade. If they manage to produce indigenous EUV machines. Which is a tall order on itself. They'll get there. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
The focus at the moment is on the 28 nm production since that's by far the most used node(and will be for at least several more years) and covers most of the chips requirement(cars, IoT, automation, home appliances etc.).
They are otherwise ahead in the memory chips production. On par with South Korea basically.





Nicolau Poceiro

@catonpillow Oh, I thought they might get there faster because I read that Huawei filed a lot of patents for EUV technology last year.
There is also a lithography company in Shanghai that is making good progress.

Do you think 7nm is possible by 2025?

I think single-digit nm chips are important to be present in the gadget world, including smart phones.

It's absurd that the 5G leader Huawei can't make a domestic 5G smartphone








@Nicolau Poceiro Yes, I know everything Nicolau. The process itself is slow due to its complexty. You have many different components, from software, through lasers, etching, optics etc. So it just takes time to manufacture, assemble, test and eventually mass produce everything.

They are already on 7 nm. The node should enter mass production by 2025. The U$ cannot ban the DUV machines which are already there. And they have enough of them.

About 90% of all the chips needed today are covered by the 28 nm node. And like I said that's not going to change in the next several year. Сhina has the time on its side.

Huawei 5G problem is already resolved. That wasn't a node issue, they just needed a certain RF chip which Сhina is now able to produce on its own.






Nicolau Poceiro

@catonpillow Just read a new article on the chip war on Sputnik, ‘Whole Nation Strategy’: Beiing Calls for ‘Key Tech Breakthroughs’ Amid China-US Chip Race.




But like I said, don't place too much hope for a quick resolve of the matter. The process is slow and complex, there are no shortcuts.



Nicolau Poceiro

Well, I do think that China might simply find new ways of solving lithography problems, that skip the long evolution the Dutch have undergone. Especially since they develop their own system, so they are not bound to anything. They don't have to build their solution around other people's components. In that case they could not skip steps.




​ @Nicolau Poceiro Again - there are no shortcuts. You need several firms to work on the different components of the machine. And do that synchronously. And none of those should fail. Otherwise it will bog down the progress of the rest. Long story short, you won't see an EUV machine from Сhina in the next several years. But like I said, that's not that big of a deal since there's still room for growth in the sector, just the margins will be lower, that's all. Сhina will be slowed initially, that's inevitable, but it will catch up and reap the benefits of an indigenous production in the long term.





Urim Tefiki

Doubles the spending in research and development. Seems that scientist have decent life.



Grandson of Sky Blue Eye's

Eliminating the inaccuracies
Narrow the scope of accuracy
Distance and Distinction
Well done




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