12-hour shifts, night-time work for women: Apple, Foxconn pushed for labour reforms to advance Indian production plans
NEW DELHI: Apple and its supplier Foxconn were among the companies that lobbied for a landmark liberalisation of labour laws in Karnataka earlier this month, the Financial Times reported, citing three people familiar with the matter.
The successful lobbying efforts have paved way for a two-shift production to take place in India, similar to the practices prevalent in China, the primary manufacturing base of the two companies.
The legislation will give Karnataka one of the most flexble working regimes in the country as India aims to become an alternative manufacturing base to China, the FT report said.
It will now allow 12-hour shifts, as well as night-time work for women.
Welcome to the Amritkaal. This is just the begng, wait for more.
aniket ranjan
on an average people work for 12 hours except incompetent sarkaari babu
Anuj Agarwal
Sarkari babu finishes 8 hour job in 1 hour. Others need 12. Those working 12 hours are inefficient.
Sarkari babu1小时内能完成8小时的工作。其他人需要12小时。那些工作12小时的人效率很低。
User Sengupta
Beautiful job by karnataka govt. With fast pace of infra outside bangalore and 3-5 new airports coming foxconn will have definate advantage in Karnataka
Common Man
8 hour duty is fixed by ILO and it must be observed by all establishments
Anand Mirle
Seems like you have dyslexa - That's what the whole article is about...LOOSER...
Myth Buster
These working conditions are horrible. Permitting such company to function in India would be an insult to the country.
Anand Mirle
It's a pre-condition to bring the pant to the state. If we don't like it, they will go to Vietnam or Thailand...Choice is ours and both Karantaka and Telengana have made their choices clear...
Wake up
Only Indians could think being chosen by Apple as the next 3rd world sh1thole to be used and abused for cheap labor is a sign of development
Anand Mirle
There were few things going for China before: 1. Their depreciated currency 2. Large consumer market 3. Lax labor laws that allowed exploitation of labor Under the Scumgress governments investing and establishing a manufacturing plant in our country was unviable on fronts because of the our labor was more expensive than that of China, our consumers largely were could not afford expensive gadgets and our labor laws were too restrictive. Under Modi government things have turned way better especially on the labor front. Now were not lax but we are not overly restrictive either which allows some freedom for the investors to maxmize the labor efficiencies. And our consumer market is in the growth phase while that of China’s is in saturation.
We do see a momentum shifting in movingthe supply chains to India simply because we have couple other things going for us – We value Intellectual Property Rights and we do not steal technologies unlike China. And we have come a long way in terms of infrastructure – Wigh major highways, ports and airports which make for better logistics comparable to China. Best thing is our growing consumer market makes it very attractive for manufacturers to be close to the destination in our country and save on shipment coasts which have grown 500 times more expensive over the last decade…
R Venkatesh
Mirloo, well said! Without wasting time, Modijee should use the PM-Buys-Fund, buy out Foxconn, instead of buying MLAs.
User Balkur
For the first time ever, in a long time, under Modi, government has taken some sensible labor laws. If all states follow this, India could get a significant portion of manufacturing to India
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