

Is Chinese culture being Westernized?





Understanding China

China is moving toward modernization. Instead of being westernized, China and Chinese culture are bursting with new vitality in the wake of collision and communication between traditional Chinese culture and the modern European and American civilizations.



The modern concept of culture is an open, confident and progressive one. It is necessary to learn more boldly and comprehensively all the useful things in the world, digest them, localize them, contemporize them, popularize them, and turn them into an integral part of Chinese culture.


China can never stop learning and borrowing from advanced foreign cultures, and absorb, digest and apply them while effectively inheriting and carrying forward Chinese culture, said Wang Meng, Chinese writer who served as Minister of Culture from 1986 to 1989.





Feng ian

Chinese culture has mainly three parts:


(1) the traditional culture


It contains the Han culture as the majority and the ethnic minorities’ cultures (Manchurian, Mongol, Zhuang, Miao, Tiban, U, Dai, Tujia…) as the minor parts. Among which, Han, Manchurian and Mongol cultures have the main influence due to the Yuan-Ming-Qing Dynasties. The three cultures also have a lot of exchanges and absorptions with each other.


中国的传统文化以汉族文化为主,以少 数民族文化(满、蒙、壮、苗、藏、维吾尔、傣、土家族等为辅。其中,在元明清时期,汉、满、蒙文化占主要地位,这三种文化之间也有很多的交流和同化。

Among the Han culture, there go the Dynasty culture. Every Dynasty has its own unique cultural elements and thinkings, either under the Han or minority regimes along with foreign migrants (including iongnu, ianbei, Persian, Jews, Arabs, Tiban, Qiang, Dangxa, Di, Japanese, Goguryeo, Southern Barbarian, Nanzhao, Miao, Indian, Turk, Khitan and Jurchen, Mongol, Manchurian). But overall, they did share Confucianism, meritocracy, the centralization of power, big government and big governance, secularism, historicism, humanism, pragmaticism, naturalism, dialecticism, religious freedom, the ancestor worship, hero worship, Emperor worship in common.


在汉文化中,各朝有各朝的文化。每个朝代都有自己独特的文化元素和思想,无论是在汉族政权下,还是在少 数民族政权下,以及移民(包括匈奴、鲜卑、波斯、犹太人、阿拉伯人、藏 人、羌人、党下、棣人、日本人、高句丽、南诏、苗族、印度人、突厥人、契丹人和女真人、蒙古人、满洲人。但总的来说,他们有儒家思想、精英主义、中央、大国家和大治理、世俗主义、历史主义、人文主义、实用主义、自然主义、辩证法、宗教自由、祖先崇拜、英雄崇拜、皇帝崇拜等共同点。

(2) the red culture


This culture was obviously from Russia’s . It experienced the great transformation from the mechanical duplication of the into localization/sinicization and then the independent development.



(3) the modern culture (imported or self-developed since 1976).


Again, this part includes both the absorption of foreign culture as well as the domestic development/new culture.


For the former, it mainly includes American culture, Western European culture, South Korean and Japanese cultures and to some extent Thai culture (without Muay Thai there would be no modern Chinese martial arts). If we consider Taiwan and Hong Kong’s uniqueness, then the cultures of Taiwan and Hong Kong also have a significant role.






Since Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong in a sense are partly the “localized agent” for the Western culture (plastic surgery, pop music, beauty standard…), it could also be partly defined as “westernization”. Though this is not entirely true, part of Japanese and Korean cultures are the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture in certain periods (the Tang or Ming Dynasty).


For the latter of modernization, it’s the self-development inspired by the foreign or just really self-constructed cultures. A better term for this, to differentiate from “modernization with Western Characteristics”, is “modernization with Chinese Characteristics”.


This category is too big to summarize, including TikTok, Weibo, Epay, Esport, Ecommerce and etc. In a broader term, it could also be intertwined with the westernization and red and traditional cultures such as technocracy, meritocracy, modern bureaucracy, just to clarify.


Therefore, there is definitely part of Chinese modern culture being extracted and defined as “western culture” or “westernization”. This is determined by the reality of social productivity and the past hundreds of years of tech and cultural accumulation of the Western countries.


This would include Christianity, Western law and social justice, economic theories, IR and IPE theories, Hollywood, pop music, TV series, sports (UFC, NBA and European football leagues), Westernized beauty standard, coffee culture, fashion culture.

这其中包含了基督教,西方法律和社会正义,经济理论,IR和IPE理论,好莱坞,流行音乐,电视连续剧,体育(UFC, NBA和欧洲足球联赛,西化审美标准,咖啡文化,时尚文化。

In short, the traditional culture was the core at first. The red culture then partly inherited the traditions (revolutionism, meritocracy, big government and big governance) while eliminated the backward feudal, agricultural, nomadic, oppressive, patriarchal, superstitious elements for as much as possible. The modern culture then helped the dominant red culture to evolve, revived the remaining traditional culture if good (though in practice, the bad one could also be awakened).


The three are the unity of opposition. They are not static or mechanical but dynamic and dialectical to develop and evolve.




Suresh Datta

I am an expatriate and live in Hong Kong since 25 years. Have travelled almost all over China and have offices in Fujian, Yiwu and Guangzhou and thus understand the Chinese culture and traditions quite well.

I will give you my perspective as a foreigner.



1) All Chinese whether living on the Mainland or overseas are very conservative and traditional. They are very proud of their heritage and ancestry irrespective of whether they live in Mainland China or in Hong Kong /Singapore/Taiwan/Canada or USA.

Although those living overseas are more modern and westernised than Mainland Chinese.

1) 无论是生活在大陆还是旅居海外的中国人都非常保守、传统。无论他们生活在中国大陆,还是生活在中国香港、新加坡、中国台湾、加拿大或美国,他们都为自己的传统和血统感到自豪。


2) I find them more modern than Westernised.

By modern I infer they like western movies,music, branded clothing watches, shoes, cars , food and other consumer products. This shows them in good light with their peers which accords them a higher social status.

To most Chinese money and status is very important.

2) 我发现他们更多的是现代化,而不是西化。



3) Most Chinese whether rich , educated or westernised ( not counting exceptions to the rule ) tend to be more tradional than Westernised because of the following reasons.

3) 大多数中国人,不管有没有钱,受没受过教育或者有没有被西化,常常都较为传统,原因如下。

a) They are more comforatble speaking Chinese than English in a group, at a party or at a dinner table. They have a higher comfort level speaking in their mother tongue.Sometimes it is considered rude or insensitive if one Chinese spoke in English to the other. This is more in kee with the social norms too.

a) 他们在群体、聚会或餐桌上说中文比说英语更自在。他们用母语说话更舒服。如果一个中国人用英语对另一个人说话,人们会觉得他无礼。这也更符合中国的社会规范。

b) Whenever I ask my office staff in China or a group of friends for a dinner the unanimous decison is to eat Chinese food rather than try Japanese, Korean, Italian, Mexcan or French even if such diverse fare is of Michelin Star quality.

b) 我每次邀请中国员工或一群朋友共进晚餐时,他们都一致同意吃中国菜,而不是去试试日本菜、韩国菜、意大利菜、墨西哥菜或法国菜,就算这些食物都是米其林星级的品质也不为所动。

c) In a multi-cultural society such as Hong Kong where people of different natiionalities work together in the same office, they usually cling together as a group for mutual help or go out for lunch together rather than with other foreigners.

c) 在中国香港这样一个多元文化的社会,不同国籍的人在同一间办公室工作,中国人通常会抱团互助或者搭伴吃午餐,不会主动和其他外国人一起。

d) They keep opinions to themselves, do not share their problems with others especially foreigners and tend to be overly discreet as opposed to a westerner who tend to share their problems with others or discuss an isssue with anyone to find an answer . This is because of the issue of 'face' which is a very cultural thing. ' Face ' is very important to a Chinese.

d) 他们不会发表自己的意见,不跟别人分享他们的困难,尤其对方是外国人时尤为如此。他们往往过于谨慎,而西方人西化和别人分享他们的问题,或跟任何人讨论问题寻求答案。这是‘面子’问题作祟,这是一个非常具有中国文化特点的问题。面子对中国人来说非常重要。

e) There is a general perception that Western values are different and rather out of sync to Chinese traditional values hence a Westerner is looked upon with some suspicion and doubt. In Hong Kong a foreigner is sometiomes called a ' Gweilo' meaning a Ghost. Foreigners are usually considered as ' outsiders'

e) 人们普遍认为西方的价值观与中国的传统价值观不同,而且与中国的传统价值观不同步,因此西方人会受到一些质疑和猜疑。在香港,外国人有时会被称为“鬼佬”。外国人通常被视为“外人”。

f) One hears lately that the Chinese Govt does not want Western influence in Schools and universities hence they have banned/restricted many books in their educational institutes to preserve the Chinese culture

f) 最近听说中国不希望西方势力影响中国的学校和大学,所以学校内禁了许多书籍来保护中国文化。

My observation is that Chinese society is too tradional , conservative and deep rooted for Western influence to make any appreciable dent.The Western influence is only to the extent that is beneficial to them and helps them to interact with others and in no way does it alter the basic tenents of a deeply tradional society.


There is difference between being modern, Westernised and traditional Chinese, you cannot replace one with the other.

I believe it is good to maintain and preserve one's own culture and at the same time not being too rigid to move with the modern times. One does see that in HK the local Chinese people celebrate Bun festival, Ching Ming festival, Dragon boat festival and the Chinese New year with great pride in preserving their culture and at the same time are quite modern and forward looking.






Isaiah Pablo

Sadly, yes.

I don’t agree with the westernization of China. It’s destroying a culture. I’ve read that the chinese is destroying traditional Chinese culture by rebuilding China. If they do use ancient Chinese culture, it’s to promote co unist and political ideals rather than historical accuracy.

As a Chinese person myself, i lean towards ancient Chinese culture. That’s where China’s cultural identity lies. I strongly believe that it must be preserved rather than thrown out.





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