

 Trump criminally charged in New York, a first for a US ex-president


NEW YORK: Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury after a probe into hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, becoming the first former US president to face criminal charges even as he makes another run for the White House.


The charges, arising from an investigation led by Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, could reshape the 2024 presidential race. Trump previously said he would continue campaigning for the Republican Party's nomination if charged with a crime.

这些指控源于民 主党曼哈顿地区检察官阿尔文·布拉格领导的一项调查,或改变2024年的总统竞选。特朗普此前表示,如果被指控犯罪,他仍将继续争取共和党提名。

In a statement, Trump said he was "completely innocent."


"This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history," he said, providing no evidence.


The specific charges are not yet known and the indictment will likely be unsealed by a judge in the coming days. Trump will have to travel to Manhattan for fingerprinting and other processing at that point.


His lawyers Susan Necheles and Joseph Tacopina said they will "vigorously fight" the charges.


The Manhattan investigation is one of several legal challenges facing Trump, and the charges could hurt his presidential comeback attempt. Some 44% of Republicans said he should drop out of the race if he is indicted, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released last week.


The White House declined to comment.




•3 h

Biden is a liar including his son, these evil Democrats need to be thrown out, pray for Donald Trump.

拜登是一个骗子,他的儿子也是,把这些邪恶的民 主党人赶下去,为唐纳德·特朗普祈祷。


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Ohhh!!!! Democracy is in danger in USA...we indians should take up the matter with the Government of USA on our shared commitment to de ocratic values – including, of course, freedom of expression,POOR DONALD TRUMP IS FALSELY FIXED IN THIS CASE.

美国的民 主正处于危险之中。我们印度人应该就我们对民 主价值观的共同承诺和美国政府讨论这个问题,可怜的唐纳德·特朗普是被冤枉的。

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We are having a close watch...India



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hindenberg should now publish a detailed report on hush money....hahahahaha...these pseudos are facing much more shame than anyone in the world



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Alarming West Asia Realignments led by China. New World ruled by Left Liberal Labaiks ? ( Dems are left liberal too ?)

令人担忧的是,由中国领导的西亚重新结盟。新世界由左派自 由主义者统治?(美国民 主党也是左派自由主义者?)


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hahahahahaha...now pappu must show concern...and ask for US opinion



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We in India should also be concerned about witch hunting and political repression in US and the attack on their de ocracy. Our ministry of external affairs should issue a statement saying we are watching and kee eye on developments in US ans on supression of opponents.

我们印度人也应该关注美国的政治迫害,以及对他们民 主的攻击。我们印度的外交部应该发表一份声明,表示我们正在密切关注美国镇压反对派的进展。


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Some past Presidents of the USA have suffered ignominy due to exposure to their extra - marital relationships or sexual misconduct or deals involving pornographic stuff. This is no big deal in the USA. People there take it with a pinch of salt. It's not seen as an offence in US society. Democrats have been at it for a very long time, to besmear Trump's honour and reputation and somehow disqualify him to contest again. Among the Republicans, he is the only one who has a fair chance of wng the ... Read More

一些美国前总统因婚外情、性行为不端或涉及色情内容的交易被曝光而蒙受耻辱。这在美国不是什么大事。那里的人对此半信半疑。在美国社会,这并不被视为一种冒犯。美国民 主党人这么做已经很长时间了,抹黑特朗普的荣誉和声誉,以某种方式剥夺他再次竞选的资格。在共和党人中,他是唯一有机会赢得总统大选的人。


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now rahul and trump in same boat! I can't say about trump case as I don't follow, but rahul must be put in jail for hate speech against whole Modi community. unless of course he apologize unreservedly like in rafale


• Rise India

Oh ! Read same boat and about his escapades in Cambodia , Thailand and Spain




Time for India take action



Arun Nath• Venka

Ban APPS and take away security barriers in the consulates..hahahaha



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death of de ocracy in USA! no independent judiciary!

美国民 主之死!司法并不独立!

• Rise India

How much do you know ? Ask people who live here.



Munish Anand•Unknown

No smoke without fire.



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We are closely watching what is happening to Trump !



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Now is the real test of Feku ji with 56 mm chest. Let him say that de ocracy is in danger in US and he is closely watching. No, he will leave no opportunity to hug Biden tightly and grab him.

现在是真正考验莫迪的时候。他敢说美国的民 主正处于危险之中,他正在密切关注吗?不,他不会放过任何紧紧抱住拜登的机会。


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Lesson for Indian politicians, sabka time aayega.



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Hahahaha n these were lecturing us on de ocracy. Actually de ocrats always had problems with India and now they have to tolerate a rising India but still they don't want to let go of any opportunity to belittle us.

实际上,美国民 主党一直找印度的问题,现在他们不得不容忍印度的崛起,但他们仍然不想放过任何贬低我们的机会。


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Murder of Democracy, low point in politics of USA, silencing the voice of opposition



Bharat Barai

Now should other countries say “Democracy in danger in USA” ?

现在其他国家可以说“美国的民 主处于危险之中”吗?


Harsh Bhat

India is closely watching the developments in the US Biden govt and monitoring the danger to US de ocracy. Its time for India to make the commentary on the US internal matter just like the US does on rest of the world

印度正密切关注美国拜登政府的发展,密切关注美国民 主面临的危险。印度是时候对美国内政发表评论了,就像美国对世界其他地区那样


Sanjoy PandeyKolkata

What will be the fate of the richest de ocracy in the world ? Will it follow Pakistan ?



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