

The U.S. dollar is described by many as the last bastion of U. S. power. Will the United States go to war if the world (or most part of it) abandons the US dollar for the Chinese yen?




Ted Chyn

The Dollar is still the king of the currency. The following Fedwire funds Service statistics show there has not been any slowdown on the Dollar as the reserve currency yet. (The last column)



There is a drop in Foreign Exchange Reserves in Dollars as the result of the Pandemic slow in world commerce.



As of the end of 2022, it is evident that the RMB has not made significant progress, primarily due to its fixed value within the dollar range and limited trading in major markets owing to its scarcity compared to the dollar, which has over 100 trillion in circulation. Additionally, the capital control measures imposed by the PBOC further hinder the RMB's potential as a reserve currency. Most of China's de-dollarization efforts are defensive, aimed at avoiding sanctions and future trade embargoes. Thus, it is clear that there is still a long way to go before the RMB could be considered on par with, let alone surpassing, the US dollar.



However, in an unpredictable world, the performance of 2022 cannot guarantee future outcomes. By the end of this year (2023), we will find out how far the once mighty dollar has lost its value, as the US faces a shortage of countries to impose sanctions on.






I do not think USA can. Because dedollarization is a global thing. USA cannot fight with so many countries at the same time.

USA may try to beat up China, but there is Russia & India the other 2 big country. Not to mention France & Germany, Saudi & Iran.

Besides, China & Russia are militarily prepared for the crazy USA.







Brian Rauchfuss

Somehow the dollar is the last bastion rather than the huge military?

Anyways, the dollar being the world reserve and trade currency has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that our debt has a lot of ready buyers and so we can run up a huge debt .. ok, maybe that’s a disadvantage. The other disadvantage is that we need to provide huge amounts of dollars outside the country by running a huge trade deficit.



So the world switching away from the dollar would allow the USA to rebuild its manufacturing base and become more independent. Unfortunately, China has no interest in switching from a huge trade surplus to a huge trade deficit, so the yuan will simply not be widely available and cannot be a world currency. The yuan can be used in trade with countries China has large bilateral trade with - China buys from the country in yuan and then the country sends the yuan right back by buying from China.





Done with the Bullshit?

The yen is the currency of Japan. Chinese currency is called renminbi, and the yuan is an element of that. As you may be aware, China and Japan are separate countries. I’m not familiar with the description of the dollar as the last bastion of U.S. power, but what do you think going to war under the circumstances you describe would accomplish?





Robert Quek

(1) International use of the Chinese Yuan is rising. But the world is not moving to a Yuan system. There are not enough Yuan floating around in the world. We are moving towards a multi-currency system. Yuan, US$, and a few other currencies will be major currencies. US$ will be just a major currency, not the dominant currency.


(2) US has spent trillions of dollars to wage wars, all of them overseas. Costs are difficult to account if not unaccountable. Unbeknown to the people, they have been disguised and socialized - inflation, government debt burden, poor social and government services…. But gains have been privatized. MIC have been enriched, coffers of political campaign funds filled up, and many private pockets as well. MIC has the purse-string and politics under control.


(3) A few numbers to show you who have voice and who just listen. US budget expenditure in 2022 $6.01 trillion = Mandatory (Social securities, Medicare, Medicaid) $4.02 trillion + Net interest on government debt $305 billion + Discretionary $1.69 trillion = Defence $756 billion (45%) + Non-defence $932 billion (55%), that covers other government activities from foreign affairs, education, and everything else. Defence almost equal Non-defence. Congress does not dare touch Defence. Off budget increase is common.

(3) 以下这些数字能告诉你谁有发言权,而谁只有听话的份儿。2022年美国预算支出6.01万亿美元=强制性(社会保险,医疗保险,医疗补助)4.02万亿美元+政府债务净利息3050亿美元+可自由支配的1.69万亿美元=国防7560亿美元(45%)+非国防9320亿美元(55%),这包括其他政府活动,从外交事务,教育到其他一切。国防几乎等于没有国防。国会也不敢碰国防,经常出现预算外的增长。

(4) Wars in foreign lands are profitable, ideal to create wealth for the MIC, owners and corporate. The size of the budget says it all.

But war in homeland USA will destroy wealth, and if it goes nuclear, it will destroy everything they have built. Under no circumstances will MIC allow this to happen.

(4) 在别国土地上打仗有利可图,是为军工界的所有者和企业创造财富的理想选择。预算的规模就说明了一切。


For this reason, the US will not go to war if the US$ loses its dominance. MIC will not permit it. US government will obey. MIC controls the purse-string. MIC will not permit it because such a war will be a war against Russia or China, or both of them. A war against any one of them will not stop at the border. Both are fully quipped and capable nuclear powers.





Gilbert K

There’s nobody to go to war with.

If a large part of the world slowly abandons the US dollar, it is because of the USA’s own doing.



Firstly, it prints too much money and accumulates too much debt. At some point, this makes other countries worry about holding too much USD. Republicans and Democrats constantly having arguments about whether to raise the debt ceiling simply has the effect of further eroding confidence.

首先,美国印了太多钞票,积累了太多债务。在某种程度上,其他国家因此会担心自己持有了过多美元。共和党和民 主党不断争论要不要提高债务上限,这只会进一步损害外界对美元的信心。

Secondly, it uses its sanction powers too liberally. Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela are the most well-known targets of these sanctions, but there are also others. All countries see the possibility that one day, the USA might issue sanctions against them. Therefore it is important not to be overly reliant on the USD.


Thirdly, in recent years, the USA has been imposing tariffs. The main target has been China, but countries such as the EU, UK, Canada and Mexco have been affected. These tariffs can be interpreted as the USA moving away from globalisation. This also means that there is less reason to use the USD.


What I mean to say is dedollarisation is not a political move. It is a sound decision, purely from the perspective of financial risk management and the economics of international trade.

And the last driver is fintech (financial technology). This is a fast-growing area. With each passing year, technology is making it quicker and easier and cheaper to make cross-border payments in different currencies. This again means reduced reliance on USD.






Bill Langston

The dollar is in no way shape or form the “last bastion” of US power. Whomever thinks that is simply ignorant about the US and is drinking the propaganda Kool=Aid of vile dic ships.


The US derives it’s power from it’s really fortunate geographic location on the planet. It is completely self sufficient, bordered by friends and allies and utterly uninvadable. If the US disengaged with most of the world then most of the world collapses into regional warfare, trade collapses but the US, Canada and Mexco are just fine. We don’t depend on the rest of the world, the rest of the world depends on us.


As far as currencies go, the world depends on the dollar because it is the most reliable currency not because the US demands it. Most currencies float freely on international markets and ANYONE can buy of sell ANY currency that they wish. Everyone is FREE TO BUY whatever currency they wish. Currencies are backed by the full faith of the economy of their respective governments.


Are you or anyone else going to trust the or Russia and their economies? If you do than you can by their currencies all you wish. So can everyone else. Thin is, when the economic shit hits the fan people and governments flee to safety and that’s the US dollar first and the Euro second.




Mark Cardin

The US will simply sell itself to China in exchange for cancelling their T-bills. They get the cities and their problems and the US keeps the countryside—the mountains and water.



此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 美元被视为美国影响力的最后堡垒,如果世界大部分地区抛弃美元而选择人民币,美国会不会开战
