Mexco has a GDP per capita slightly lower than China's. How does the quality of life compare?
Ah Lîm
I’ve been to both countries many times. Here are my observations:
• The most obvious difference in terms of quality of life is that China is way safer and more stabilized than Mexco is. There are no towns in China that are run by drug cartels the same way there are in Mexco. Also, in Mexco, it is very common to see police officers wearing full body armor patrolling the streets. You don’t see that in China.
• 就生活质量而言,很显然中国比墨西哥更安全、更稳定。中国没有哪个城镇会像墨西哥那样被贩毒集团牢牢控制。另外,在墨西哥经常能看到全身武装穿着防弹衣的警察在街上巡逻。但在中国是看不到的。
• That being said, the best thing I like about Mexco is that Mexcans are extremely friendly. In fact, I would say they are the friendliest people I’ve met. I speak no Spanish, but yet, every time I visit Mexco, I’m always greeted with smiles and friendliness. So many Mexcans would go out of the way to help me, even if we can’t communicate at all.
I’m not saying Chinese people aren’t friendly. Chinese people definitely are very friendly… but you have to pass their barriers first. Chinese people treat friends really well, but you really have to earn that friendship. Chinese people are quite rude to strangers (although that has been changing in recent years), whereas Mexcans are super friendly to everyone.
• I feel safer driving in Mexco than in China, although both countries are quite bad at road safety. Mexcan driving is aggressive, but as long as you are also aggressive, then driving in Mexco is absolutely doable (I’ve done this many times); but I’ve never driven in China before, and I don’t think I want to.
• Contrary to popular (American) beliefs, Mexcans are NOT lazy. In fact, they are some of the hardest working people around. The typical work week in Mexco is Monday through Saturday, so they work six days a week. I also believe Mexcans work longer hours per week more than any other country on the entire North American continent.
That being said, work culture in China is no joke, with the notorious 996 (9 AM to 9 PM, 6 days a week). My conclusion is that both countries are a nightmare to work in.
• Both countries have delicious food with questionable food safety. I love Chinese food, but I’m not so much a fan of Mexcan food, so I’m going with China on this one. But in terms of food safety… I’ve never gotten real food poisoning from either country, but I have felt dizzy and the “I want to puke” sensation multiple times from eating street food in both countries. So I guess we’ll just call this one a draw.
• Both countries are loud. People love blasting loud music everywhere. Mexcans work hard, but they party harder. Chinese people, on the other hand, are just loud in everything they do; from watching TV, to playing music, to talking, etc. Everything has to be done at ear-shattering volumes. I don’t like this aspect in either country.
• Mexco is a free country. Mexcans can vote for their representative and go on Facebook
• Corruption is way more in your face in Mexco. Even I’ve been robbed by a Mexcan police officer before. China definitely has a lot of corruption, but those corruptions tend to happen at higher levels, and they tend to not be in your face. I’ve visited China numerous times, yet no public official has ever openly demanded that I give them money.
Those are my observations. My personal conclusion is that both Mexco and China are very fun and exciting countries to visit, and I know for sure I’ll keep on visiting both countries. However, neither country is for me, and I wouldn’t move to either one.
Henry Yeh
Forget about per-capita GDP, that’s what one makes for the boss. Whether the boss pays you fairly is another matter.
Let’s compare the wages instead. At this point, the average wage in China is US$900/month, while that of Mexco is only US$500/month, roughly comparable to Thailand.
Wages - Countries - List
And guess what’s, that number is actually going DOWN in Mexco.
Yet curiously, life in Mexco isn’t all that bad at all, that’s because Mexcans have no qualm spending beyond their means. And those who do have expendable incomes aren’t so butt-hurt about sharing their resources with less affluent friends and family, regardless of whether they’re responsible of their own poverty or not (e.g. ninis, el Brayan, la Kimberli). OTOH, poorer Mexcans often think they’re entitled to the surplus of more affluent friends and relatives. They don’t see their own irresponsibility as “wrong”, yet they get really hung up on “fair sharing” as a Catholic virtue.
Sorry about the negativity, but I’m just FED UP with those rural loser relatives demanding (sometime violently) “fair share” as if that’s the only virtue that matters.
It’s pretty comparable i think. China and Méxco are similar countries considering Méxco is 100 times smaller population wise.
The thing you must understand here is the big gap between the super rich and the super poor.
Méxcos 1% families control and holds half the country's economy so you will find a pretty wide range of economic situations and development.
Leave you with this picture from Amazon mexco:
Also Méxco:
William King
According to the data of the "World Economic Outlook" by the IMF in October 2020, China's per capita GDP has surpassed Mexco.
I used to visit American factories built along the other side of the USA-Mexco border very often (once every one and half month), in cities like Tijuana, Mexcali, Ciudad Juarez, Matamoros, Monterey, etc. I also visited other Mexcan cities far away from its border with USA. Since I originally came from China, I think I’m qualified to answer this question.
Back then, the GDP per capita of Mexco was still higher than that of China, but already I felt that the living standard of average people in Mexco was not as good as average Chinese people. Most Mexco downtowns were decent (but not great), but once you reach their outskirts you would see huge areas of slumps (simple shelters built with think metal sheet). It’s generally much more dirtier in Mexco, and I also didn’t feel safe when walking from restaurants back to hotels during night time.
当时,墨西哥的人均GDP比中国还高,但我觉得墨西哥普通民众的生活水平比不上中国普通民众。大多数墨西哥城市的市中心都还不错(也算不上很好),但一到郊区就能看到大片的棚屋 (用金属板建造的简单避难所)。和中国比,墨西哥要脏乱得多,而且晚上从餐馆走回酒店的路上也让我觉得有点危险。
At least in those cities near the border with USA, you can pay with US dollars at any shops there, which was unbelievable in China. I felt that the Mexcan economy was dominated by American companies (to the point that the former boss of Coca Cola’s subsidiary in Mexco could even become the president of Mexco), and Mexcan people drink much more Coca Cola than American people themselves. Mexco looks more like a colony of USA, even though this is not true legally speaking. I think that, being so close to a powerful country like USA, it’s both an opportunity and a tragedy for Mexco. It will forever live in the shadows of its giant neighbor, people there seem to have used to this reality without much thinking of a long term solution
Daniel Cohort
In 2015, the Mexcan GDP per capita is over 50% higher than Chinese GDP per capita. It's not slightly higher. It is noticeably higher.
I remember reading a news report telling the story how prospects of Mexco seems brighter because for the first time in history they export a car to China.
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