

We are relocating to Bangalore, India from the US. What are the challenges?




Victor Stone

I moved to Bangalore from Toronto and I think I am qualified to answer this question.


1. Housing: Good housing is limited to gated communes which have their own pools, sports facilities, club houses etc. Good housing starts from at least 40,000 a month which I think is fairly cheap. You can get full time house staff and even a chauffeur at very cheap costs.

2. Health: Really good infrastructure but limited to private hospitals and doctors. Much cheaper than North America and you can get appointments the same day, as long as you are ready to pay.

1. 住房:有门卫、带游泳池、带健身器材和会所的小区就已经是顶级社区了。高档小区一个月至少4万,我觉得很便宜了。花很少的钱就能找到全职的家政人员,甚至是司机。

2. 卫生:基础设施非常好,但仅限于私立医院和私立医生。医疗费用比北美便宜得多,只要你愿意付钱,你可以预约到当天的时间。

3. Weather: No place in India has better weather than Bangalore. It's not super warm or cold. However, it rains almost continuously from May to January.

4. Traffic: The worst traffic I have seen in the world. The traffic moves agonisingly slow and the roads are full of Ill mannered drivers. The tuk tuk and other drivers are very aggressive and there is a lot of road rage. It's a good idea to get a dash cam and a baseball bat. Traffic cops are worthless and extremely corrupt.

3. 天气:印度没有哪个地方的天气会比班加罗尔更好,这里不冷也不热,但从5月到1月总下雨。

4.  交通:班加罗尔的交通情况是全天下最糟糕的。车子只能龟速前进,路上全是不守规矩的司机。嘟嘟车和其他司机誓不相让,很多司机都有路怒症。车上装配行车记录仪和棒球棍是个不错的选择。交警毫无存在感,而且极其腐败。

5.Roads and other public infrastructure: Roads are extremely pathetic, full of potholes. Construction moves at a snails place. Large parts of the city frequently get flooded during the rains. Public sports infrastructure is non exstent, so stay in a good housing society with a pool, squash and tennis courts. The public transport is poorly connected.

5. 道路和其他公共基础设施:路况非常糟糕,到处都是坑坑洼洼。建设速度堪比蜗牛。下雨时,这个城市的大部分地区经常就会严重内涝。公共体育基础设施没处寻,所以你们要选一个带有游泳池、壁球和网球场的高档小区。公共交通网络很不健全。

6.People: While the city is cosmopolitan by Indian standards. The people are quite conservative. Many homeowners or neighbours will make a scene if you bring a girl home. You may also be discriminated on the basis of your nationality, colour, religion, caste, eating habits etc while looking for a home. People lack civic sense and constantly honk, spit, ogle at women, get into fights for random reasons.

6. 人:按照印度人的标准,这座城市已然是一座国际化的都市。这里的人都很保守。如果你带女孩回家,很多房主或邻居会很有意见。找房子时,你也可能会因为国籍、肤色、宗教、种姓、饮食习惯等而受到歧视。人们缺乏公民意识,经常随意按喇叭,随地吐痰,盯着女性看,一言不合就开始打架。

7.Food: Easily one of the best foods in India. The city has excellent food. The local cuisine is mouth watering and I absolutely love it back. It was a shame that in North America you only get Tamil styled dosa whereas Bangalore styled are so much better and you find them everywhere. Beef is of very poor quality though and the portion sizes in general are much smaller than N. America. Hotels are much better than N. America and very luxurious.

7. 食物:这里是印度最好吃的城市之一,有印度最美味的食物。当地的美食令人垂涎欲滴,我也非常喜欢。遗憾的是,在北美,你只能买到泰米尔风格的多萨饼,但其实班加罗尔的多萨饼更好吃,随处可见。这里的牛肉品质很差,分量也比北美小得多。这里的酒店比北美好得多,非常奢华。

8. Education: No public schools. Decent schools are all private and start at C$9000 a year. The education system puts a lot of emphasis on rote learning and passing exams.

9. Travel: The city is very well located. Loads of places in a 500 km radius. However, roads are again not great. Even on expressways, the speeds are limited to 75 miles/hr. The tourist places again get filled by people from the city on weekends and are generally very dirty and unhygienic. But i personally liked going to Coorg, Chikamangalur, Conoor etc and stay in tea coffee estates.

8.  教育:没有公立学校。像样一点的学校都是私立学校,每年学费9000加元起跳。印度的教育体系非常重视死记硬背,强调考试。

9.  旅游:这座城市的地理位置很好。方圆五百公里内有很多景点。但路况实在不好。就算上了高速公路,车速也被限制在每小时75英里。周末,旅游景点挤满了来自城市的人,通常都十分脏乱差。但我个人喜欢去库格, 齐科麦加鲁和康纳等地的茶叶咖啡庄园玩。

10. Local government: Very unresponsive and horribly inefficient. Most public servants are very corrupt also. Be prepared to spend many hours and bribes in government offices.

11. Jobs: Lots of new startups and the city is flush with money. Finding a high paying job is not difficult. However, the bosses i have seen do not seem to respect the time of other people. Lot of hierarchy as well. The concept of work life balance is almost non-exstent. So draw a line with your bosses day one itself.

10. 地方政府:反应迟钝,效率低下。大多数公务员也非常腐败。你们要做好准备,可能需要在政府办公室耗费很多时间和贿金。

11. 工作:这里有很多新的创业公司,这个城市资金充裕,高薪工作并不难找。不过我认识的老板似乎都不尊重别人的时间。


12. Nightlife: While the city has many clubs and pubs. But only 2-3 clubs which have good crowds, nice music and female friendly environment. But the cover charge is really cheap by American standards. The city shuts down early by midnight with some places till 1am. No clubs till 4-5 am. Overall, the city sleeps very early.

But welcome to Namma Bangalore. This has been my experience yet. May differ for other people. It's a good city to be at if you earn even decently.

12. 夜生活:这座城市有很多俱乐部和酒吧。但群体素质高,音乐有品位且环境对女性友好的也只有2-3家。按美国的标准,消费水平真的很便宜。午夜时整座城市基本就关停了,只有少数地方会营业到凌晨1点,没有哪家俱乐部会营业到早上4-5点。总的来说,这个城市睡得很早。





Anubhav Roshan Hanjura

I have lived in the US and completed 5 years in Bangalore this month.

Here are my unbiased observations by topic:



1.Work: Bangalore now has a large number of big corporates and startups for Tech, so opportunities abound though it isn't as friendly for senior professionals because of type of the tech companies that exst here. Many interesting companies are very young and chaotic but provide good options for working in new age tech.

2.Housing: Great housing options for your family if you want to spend (think 40–50k pm) in a good locality and property (5–10% escalation each year). Maintenance is of the order 5–10k pm in good places.

1. 工作:班加罗尔有许多大公司和初创科技企业,所以工作机会很多。不过因为这里的科技公司类型的关系,对高级专业人士来说并不那么友好。许多有意思的公司都非常年轻,秩序混乱,但为员工在新科技领域工作提供了很好的选择。

2. 住房:如果你愿意花4-5万的租金选择地点好的房子(房租每年增长5-10%),那么就可以为家人物色到很好的房子。

3.Education: Good (not great and I am being honest) schooling options for kids but more than that I love the fact that average/good schooling is compensated by availability of many learning opportunities in different things (music/sport/hobbies). So, kids are well rounded and confident.

4.Healthcare: Bangalore has got good doctors but not enough of them given the burgeoning population and yearly inflow of people to work here. Many hospitals but very few are good & easy on the pocket. Good healthcare is synonymous with high expenses in Bangalore though good care can't be guaranteed.

3. 教育:孩子们可以享受不错的教育(但达不到优秀,我必须诚实说),但更重要的是,我很欢的一点在于中等及以上的学校教育提供了许多不同的学习机会(音乐/体育/爱好)。所以,这里的孩子们是灵活而自信的。

4. 医疗保健:班加罗尔有不错的医生,但跟迅速增长的人口和每年涌入的打工族对比,医生数量还是不足的。这里有很多医院,但物美价廉的好医院不多。在班加罗尔,良好的医疗服务就意味着费用昂贵,但依然无法保证接受到良好的护理。

5.Life style: You can buy anything and everything in Bangalore if you want to and can afford - from a 2 seater Tata Nano to a 5 crore Benteley but given the traffic situation, investing in expensive cars is a waste IMHO. An SUV ( 10L-1CR) can be a good choice in the city and outside.

5. 生活方式:只要你想,只要你掏得起钱,你可以在班加罗尔买到任何东西,从2座的塔塔轿车到5千万卢比的宾利,应有尽有,但这里的交通状况就没必要购买昂贵的汽车了吧。在城市内外,SUV (价格介于100万卢比到1000万卢比是个不错的选择。

6.Weather: How did I miss this the first time? Bangalore is rich, very rich when it comes to weather. Beautiful weather almost all year through. Rains, cold yet comfortable winters and not so bothersome summer. The “hugest” selling point to consider for living in Bangalore. When rest of the country is burning in sweltering hot weather, Bangalore enjoys a fan-less season. Consider this. The biggest of builders don't provide an AC duct option :-). Tells us something about the cool weather.

6. 天气:我之前怎么会漏掉这一点呢?班加罗尔可值钱了,就天气而言非常非常值钱。这里的天气几乎整年到晚都很好。多雨,冬天寒冷但舒适,夏天也不难熬。这是班加罗尔的“最大”卖点。当印度其他地方都在酷暑中煎熬时,班加罗尔连风扇都用不上。所以这里的开发商都不会配备空调。

7.Savings: I used to save 30–35% of my gross salary in the US whereas in India I saved 40% of my take home salary in the last decade or so. I spend wisely and am a very utilitarian individual. If you are a much more fun loving, travelling, expensive gifts type, you may be able to save 20–30% of your net salary in India at my age.

8.Travel: Bangalore is one of the few cities in India that has many scenic spots in the periphery of 50–250kms ( 2–6hrs of drive).

7. 储蓄:过去十年左右我在美国往往会存下工资总额的30-35%,但我在印度可以存40%。我花钱精打细算,是个实用主义者。如果你是一个爱好乐趣、喜欢旅行、喜欢买昂贵礼物的人,在我这个年纪的时候,你也可以省下工资的20-30%。

8. 旅游:班加罗尔是印度为数不多的50 - 250公里(2 - 6小时车程)范围内就有许多景点的城市之一。

9.People: Due to the cosmopolitan nature of the city, you find people from all geographies settled in this city including foreigners mainly in the newly developed areas. However, I feel that individualism is on the rise and social interaction is decreasing over time. I find people on the road more argumentative than many other cities. Road rage is a thing here.

9. 人:班加罗尔的国际化吸引了各个地区的人来定居,其中也包含了外国人。不过随着时间的推移,我觉得个人主义在上升,社交互动在减少。我发现这里的人比其他城市的人更爱争论。“路怒症”在这里十分常见。

10.Traffic, traffic and some more traffic: If you want predictability in your commute time, Bangalore ranks last in the WORLD. The traffic is BAD, so are the driving skills of MOST on the road.

11.Water Quality: One word of caution. Inspite of good apartments, water supply isn't of good quality.

10. 交通、交通还是交通:如果你想知道通勤时间的长短,那么班加罗尔绝对垫底。路面交通很糟糕,大多数人的驾驶技术也实在糟糕。

11. 水质:提醒一句。虽然公寓很好,但供水的质量并不高。

12.Food: Bangalore is of the foodies, by the foodies and for the foodies.

13.Drinking: Drinking isn't taboo. In my view, Bangalore is the drinking capital of India. Drinking is visibly commonplace given the cosmopolitan culture.

14.Music: Bangalore is a great convergence of many musical styles. You can feel the influence of western music as well as hear the tones of Indian veena. Music has a bigger influence on the culture than many other southern cities of India and I love to be here for that reason.

12. 美食:班加罗尔是吃货们的天堂。

13. 饮酒:这里允许饮酒。在我看来,班加罗尔是印度的饮酒之都。考虑到班加罗尔的国际都市的气质,饮酒是司空见惯的事。

14. 音乐:班加罗尔是多种音乐风格融合之处。你可以感受到西方音乐的影响,也可以听到印度五弦琴的曲调。音乐对班加罗尔文化的影响比许多南部城市都要大,我喜欢来此就是因为这个原因。

15.Social Life: Bangalore is an interesting intermix of cultures - both indian & international (thanks to flegdling tech industry). Since a large chunk of people living in the city have moved here for jobs and recently so, the social fibre isn't as strong as it should be for a city with such rich history.

15. 社交生活:班加罗尔是一个有趣的文化混合体——既有印度文化,也有国际文化(多亏了新兴的科技产业)。由于大量城市居民来此工作,对于一个历史丰富的城市来说,社会关系弱化了。

16.General health: Though it isn't my personal experience but I have heard people complain about allergies in Bangalore. What I recommend though is not compromising on the quality of cooking, drinking and bathing water.

16. 健康状况:虽然我没有亲身经历过,但我在班加罗尔听过人们抱怨自己过敏了。我建议你们要保证烹饪、饮用水和洗澡水的质量。


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