Why is China such an economic powerhouse? Is it purely a result of their population and cheap labor force, or are there extensive natural resources that I'm not considering?
For example Germany has 83 million people with a workforce of 46 million. The German economy is just under $4 trillion. This works out at about $50,000 per capita.
China has 1.4 billion people with a workforce of 807 million. The Chinese economy is $23 trillion. This works out at about $16,500 per capita.
Germany does not have a “giant economy” like China because it does not have 1.4 billion people. If China had only 83 million people like Germany does it’s economy would be only $1.3 trillion in size. Australia’s economy at $1.35 trillion would be larger and Australia has only 25 million people.
Demographics matter. If China had only 83 million people hardly anyone would be talking about China.
Chinese people living on less than $5.50 a day is over 340 million people.
That’s the second largest population of people that are living in deep severe poverty in the world.
Less than 1% of the population is this poor in the U.K. for example and even less in the top western countries.
Huge population and mass slave labour is the SOLE reason for China high total GDP.
China has 3 reasons that are seldom explained & mostly unknown to most foreigners.
China has the most numerous, most comprehensive in variety, as well as largest mega factories in the world, prior to the 80s. Many of these factories are size of towns in the west, employing 10,000 to 100,000 workers each. Largely due to the dogmatic socialist policy of industrial independence from other countries. For example every city or county will have its on independent factories making knives. Just making knifes alone there are literally over 1000 separate independent factories, and its true for virtually every single product needed. However, most of these factories were outdated, low quality & unproductive.
Democratic Chinese states like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau & Singapore are some of the wealthiest & most productive industrial economies in the world. As well as millions of affluents 2nd & 3rd generation chinese migrants living in various countries in SE Asia, Americas & Europe, who are mostly very loyal and nationalistic towards their Chinese homeland. They were eager to relocate their factories to China, as well as to invest & share their know how with their fellow chinese. Within a short period of time China has access to manufacturing expertise, foreign market & capitak investment that is unprecedented in the world.
China provided the world largest untap market with over 1 billion people. Many foreign manufacturers were eager to invest & set up manufacturing in China, allowing for even more knowledge transfer that is also unprecedented in modern history.
All these allowed China to quickly rise in productivity, as well as provide the world largest & most comprehensive supply chain in low & medium tech industries.
But for anyone who truly understand economics, these are only impressive in quantity & speed, but not in quality. Chinese per cap GDP is no different than that of Russia or Malaysia. Another words China’s economic performance is no different than those 2 countries. But because China has a population of 1.4 billion people, compared to others its rise seem impressive or meteoric. If China’s population is only 20-100 millions, its would not be newsworthy.
Ranjan Manas
1. Scholars say that China's "soft power" has contributed to its rise in the 21st century.
2. The country has the largest reserves of coal and natural gas in the world.
3. China is the world's largest producer of rare earth elements.
1. 学者们说,是中国的“软实力”促成了中国在21世纪的崛起。
2. 中国拥有全球最大的煤炭和天然气储量。
3. 中国是全球最大的稀土生产国。
Robert J. Kolker
Originally Answered: Why is China such an economic powerhouse?
Before you declare China a "powerhouse" first see how they handle the problems of rural poverty and the degradation of their croplands. They have a lot of serious economic and environmental problems that need addressing.
China has made rapid progress in creating an urban middle and upper class which is quite prosperous. That that is only about 300,000,000 of their 1.25 billion people that have advanced economically. see how the other 900,000,000 people make out before you declare China an economic champion.
Joseph Wang
Originally Answered: Why is China such an economic powerhouse?
Nigeria has a large population, cheap labor force, and even more natural resources.
Two items here:
1) A government that (by third world standards) is clean, effective, and efficient. The amount of corruption is shocking if you compare to Vermont, but the Chines government looks very good if you compare to Nigeria or Pakistan.
2) Well educated workforce and first world level infrastructure.
1) 中国有一个(按照第三世界标准而言)廉洁、实干、高效的政府。如果跟佛蒙特州相比,中国的腐败现象还是令人震惊,但如果跟尼日利亚或巴基斯坦相比,中国已经算很好的了。
2) 受过良好教育的劳动力和世界一流的基础设施。
And the big one....
1) Sooner or later someone was going to get it right. China has been trying and failing to come up with a workable political/economic system for over a century. China has tried a lot of different system and most of them have been disasters. If you keep trying then sooner or later you get it right.
1) 早晚能取得成功。一个多世纪以来,中国一直努力打造可行的政治和经济体系,但尚未成功。中国尝试了很多不同的制度,多数都以失败告终。但如果你坚持不懈、不断尝试,迟早能取得成功。
Alfred W Croucher
China's economic development has been held back for centuries due to the Ming dynasty reverting to Han dynasty thinking after the extraordinary technological and scientific development of the Tang and Song.
For a millennium or more China had been the world's leading manufacturer and exporter as well as one of the most advanced in technology and science. During this time a synthesis of Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism called Neo-Confucianism had produced a forward looking, science based approach to develo Chinese society. But this was lost in the Qing in a strong reversion to a re-purified Han Confucianism called 汉学。
Chinese intellectuals brought up influenced by the West in the 20th century believed that it was Confucianism which prevented China's transformation into a powerful modern country which could compete on equal terms with Europe, the U.S. and a resurgent and aggressive Japan.
They determined they needed to smash traditional thinking as defined by Confucianism in order to bring about progressive forces and make China powerful again.
Partly as a result of the 21 demands of Japan in 1915 and the betrayal of China at the Versailes treaty in 1919, China's activists lurched towards Socialist Revolution. But the first half of the century saw a China which had no central government and warlords, inheritors of the modern armies set up by late Qing reform, ruled for their own selfish interest.
First China had to be united, and this was the great achievement of the Co unists. The pragmatic idea that military power was needed to establish central political power.
在一定程度上,由于日本在1915年提出的21项要求、并于1919年在凡尔赛条约中出卖中国,中国的活动人士才迅速展开社 会主义革命。但在20世纪上半叶,中国各大军阀(前身为清末革新时成立的现代军队)为各自的私利割据一方。
Hence until in 1978, the pragmatists returned to power to complete the freeing of market forces, to open China to foreign investment, to free the business talents of intelligent and resourceful Chinese, to allow China to return again to being the major manufacturer and exporter, and ultimately a major centre of scientific research and technological development.
Swagato Barman Roy
China has a population of almost four times and a considerably larger land area compared to US. And the land is blessed with plenty of natural resource, mineral. They have a hard working population who produce a lot and consume less (as seen in the trade surplus). It is just expected that they will have a bigger economy than the US.
John Master
Originally Answered: Why is China such an economic powerhouse?
It has embraced Free Market ideas, has a cheap currency which makes exports easier, and has crushed the Labor Unions.
I don't dispute the fact that China has developed enormously over the past several decades, but its starting point was so low that even double-digit economic growth for decades still leaves it comparatively poor, underdeveloped, and with a whole mess of other problems (sanitation, pollution) compared to developed countries, even in the most highly developed mainland cities. China is a develo country.
Also, poverty and middle class are measured quite differently in China than in say the US for example. What is considred to be poor in China is almost nonexstant in the US. What is considered to be middle class in China is mostly considered poverty by the US government.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 为什么中国经济这么强大,是单纯靠他们的人口和廉价劳动力,还是因为有丰富的自然资源