How did China beat poverty and bring its poverty rate down from 26% to 4% in only seven years?
Fu Gui
I am glad to answer this question. Sorry my English is not good.
chinese has done a lot of work to help the poor get rich. I'll give you a few examples:
Poverty had been common in many parts of China, because the traffic is not convenient, so the government emphasizes improving the traffic condition as the most important work. For example, in Guizhou Province, one of the poorest province in China, the local government has spent a lot of money to repair a lot of roads. In China, there is a saying, “Building roads is the first step to become rich. ”
The chinese has a great plan known as "村村通" (Every village has a highways, electric, tap water, telephone lines, etc.), Sometimes the investment may seem not worthwhile in economic point of view. I saw a news: in a small village in injiang with only one hundred poor people was asked to move out by the local government, but they don't want to. So they spend nearly one million yuan to build roads from the highways nearby to their village, and the government never asked them to move out from then.
In some remote places, there is no electricity nor cable TV, so the chinese offers free solar cells and satellite dishes to residents.
The chinese has ordered communications companies to build mobile phone signal towers in remote areas regardless of financial benefits. Since these communications companies are state-owned enterprises, they have to execute orders.
In some of the rural areas in China, the government has a great plan called "New Socialist Rural Areas." Houses are built in groups and the government has paid most of the expenses, and the rest is paid by the residents themselves.
中国为了部分农村地区提出了一个伟大的计划,叫做“社 会主义新农村”。村子里的房子是集体建造的,政府支付了大部分费用,居民自付剩余费用。
There is also a policy called "结队帮扶" (help the poors by collaboration), which means richer areas are assigned to poorer areas in order to help them get out of poverty. In the countryside, every official is required to help a difficult family. The job is very stressful. If his work is done badly, it will be difficult for him to advance, some of them even complain about this.
Sometimes, government officials become a salesman to help farmers sell their products. Look at the picture below. A county market sells watermelons on the street.
The chinese also has a policy that sounds very interesting, called "精准扶贫" (targeted anti-poverty projects). It sounds like the policy targets poverty and “destroy” it like Tomahawk missiles.
A large numbers of scientists and agricultural experts are sent to poor areas to research the local environment, figure out what is the most suitable product for them to grow, and guides the local people to grow it.
Since 2011, the chinese has implemented the rural compulsory education student nutrition improvement program. The central government has allocated about 16 billion RMB per year to provide food subsidies for rural students. The policy benefits 26 million rural students.
In the past, most rural officials did not have a high diploma. Now the chinese encourages college graduates to go to the countryside to serve as officials after graduation. They have a name called "大学生村官" (College students as rural officials).The government hopes their knowledge will help farmers become rich.
In my hometown, poor people can apply for subsidy if his house is not safe to live in. The subsidy is between 5,000 to 20,000 RMB.
There are still a lot of poor families in China, but we see the government trying to improve their lives. But now people have a new topic: in some areas, sympathy because of poverty, the government to give them a lot of benefits, the folk also gave them a lot of money, they don't want to change my life, too lazy to work, so that they can continue to make contributions. Such things are not uncommon.
Miao Master
Originally Answered: How did China beat poverty?
By hel poor people.
Poverty is actually very expensive. It's not that the rich must help the poor and therefore will become poorer, but that poor people are not participating fully in society and achieving their potential. The opportunity cost of poverty is huge.
To that extant, the chinese has tried to address problems that cause or exacerbate poverty: gender inequality, illiteracy, lack of family planning, lack of infrastructure, lack of technical skills and expertise, lack of access to capita, lack of social security, and on and on. It didn't do all of those all at once, but gradually, persistently, continuously. It didn't take seven years, but decades. What you're seeing is the compound interest payoff of previous decades of work.
Nathan James
How can China lift more than 800 million people out of poverty?
All nations can elevate their population out of poverty through economic growth. It’s only a question of time.
In the case of China, time was compressed to an astonishingly short four decades (after Deng iao’s reforms in 1978) through:
very effective policies of economic growth
focussed/prioritized policy on poverty alleviation
efficient execution of these policies
This was possible because China’s government is a strong state firmly based on meritocracy. Within this state, China is de ocratic with a form of representative de ocracy based on elections.
Peter Banh
Work hard and live below their means and live responsibly. The big advantages that China has over Western countries are Chinese people are willing to work hard, live below their means and willing to delay instant gratification. If you look at the population, how many people in China have credit card debt while using iPhone and spending money on Starbucks daily? There aren’t many.
Santhakumar V
China has capitalism or market economy which creates wealth. Such an economy can reduce poverty if people have the endowments including education. The pre-reform China started investing in the education of people. It also encouraged the education of girls against the patriarchal norms that were prevailing then. Hence when China opened its economy and started benefiting from the wealth created through capitalism, most people could participate in such an economy, and gain somewhat adequately to get out of poverty. The important lesson from Chinese experience is that capitalism is good to create wealth but people need endowments (and governments should ensure this) to see that they can gain from such an economic system.
中国拥有创造财富的资 本主义或市场经济。如果人们有了教育等的赋能,贫困现象就能减少。改革开放前,中国就开始为百姓普及教育。中国还鼓励女童接受教育,对抗当时盛行的重男轻女风气。
因此,当中国开放经济并开始从资 本主义创造的财富中受益时,大多数人都可以参与到这样的经济中,并在一定程度上获得足够的收入来摆脱贫困。
从中国的经验中得到的重要教训是,资 本主义有利于创造财富,但人们需要赋能(政府应该保障这一点),让百姓能够从这样的经济中获益。
Samuel Liu
“ poverty rate down from 26% to 4% in only seven years?”
UPDATE: April 2019: The Chinese Statistical Bureau defines poverty at 300RMB/month (US$45).
False statistics!
“7年内贫困率从26%下降到4% ?”
#1 The China Statistical Bureau uses the United Nation/World Bank definition for extreme poverty at US$1.90/day and redefines that mark as its poverty.
#2) The China Statistical Bureau readjusts and modifies already inaccurate “raw data” from lower levels of government for a lower Costs of Living.
1) 中国统计局使用联合国和世界银行对极端贫困的定义,即每天1.9美元,并将这一标准重新定义为贫困。
2) 为了降低贫困线对应的生活成本,中国统计局调整和修改了下级政府提报的本就失真的“原始数据”。
Man Kun Fong
Or a better question why China, which used to be the richest country in the world, produced one third of GDP in the whole world, has turned into ashes and became a undeveloped country unde?
Kevin Sun
Why has China been so successful at lifting 800 million people out of poverty?
Adopting a market economy, rather than a planing economy.
Building infrastructures to make resources and labor movable.
Establishing schools and colleges and making them accessible to the most population.
Don't get involved in a war.
It is the diligent Chinese people who believe their lives could be changed though their hard-working that pull them out of poverty.
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