

Do Indians still believe that they were rich before British misrule in India? Why?





Tan Teka

That’s because you consider wealth in different terms.

India had a massive amounts of Gold, which was needed to peg currencies.

India was rich in the idea that it had all these raw resources, which is how you get money and currency.




Yes, the British acted like they found a fortress when they kicked out all others from India and then colonized India.





Vivek Narayan

Something that is not being addressed here: The British themselves were not rich before colonialism. Colonial wealth extraction, regardless of how it affected the colonized people, allowed the accumulation of enough capital in England to ultimately produce the industrial revolution. Money makes more money. Controlling capital allows further wealth accumulation, which enables further development of capital, in a positive feedback loop. The standard of living in Europe was very low like much of the rest of the world in the 17th and 18th centuries. Here’s a graph of the economic growth in England over time:


GDP per capita in England

Adjusted for inflation and measured in British Pounds in 2013 prices.




So, the answer to your loaded question is no, because there was nowhere in the world in which the common people (i.e. the “99%”) were rich before the colonial era. Most of the world lived in kingdoms and empires where the common people had very little power, or in smaller indigenous communities where there generally was not a huge amount of wealth overall.


Colonialism changed that (first through strategic colonial enclaves set up by western corporations like the BEIC in the 17th century, then larger-scale colonialism by the 18th and 19th centuries); it allowed the accumulation of capital by the west, the creation of the western middle class, and the advent of social reforms that continue to maintain the higher quality of living we see in the west today.

殖民 主义改变了这一点(首先是通过17世纪西方公司(如英国东印度公司)建立的战略殖民飞地,然后是18世纪和19世纪的大规模殖民 主义);殖民*义帮助西方积累资本,创造了西方的中产阶级并促进了社会改革的到来,而改革维系了西方更高质量的生活。

This was no secret. The entire point of colonizing India, one of the richest lands in the world, was to extract wealth. India was the “jewel” in the British monarchy’s crown, as they say. This is the reason why the rest of Europe engaged in the “Scramble for Africa” in the 19th century - the rest of Europe was poor compared to England by that point and they realized that the only way to grow their empires was to imitate England and extract wealth from richer lands.


“Misrule” is the wrong word. The goal was not to “rule”, as most historians could tell you. The goal was wealth extraction, and they did achieve this. You can see in all former non-settler colonies today that the country as a whole (regardless of distribution or inequality within the country) is much poorer than the country that colonized it.

“暴 政”这个词不太恰当。正如大多数历史学家会告诉你的那样,英国的目标不是“统治”。他们的目的就是榨取财富,他们也确实做到了。你会发现,在所有前非驻领殖民地,一个国家整体而言(不考虑国内财富分配不平等的因素)要比殖民它的国家贫穷得多。

The hypothesis that colonialism produced the *massive* inequality between the Global North and Global South that we see today is the only hypothesis that is supported by evidence *and* fully explains the patterning of wealth throughout the world. (I don’t have the space here to list the countless examples of this, but for example look at the one Southeast Asian country that was never colonized by Europe (Thailand) and compare its GDP to the rest of Southeast Asia; you will see the huge difference.) Colonialism was the economic tool that developed the colonial powers, while kee colonized nations in a state of un-development. In the post-colonial era (which we are only a few decades into), trade agreements and economic policies continue to support the global inequality.

殖民*义导致了如今全球南北半球之间的“巨大”不平等,这是唯一有证据支持的猜测,充分解释了世界各国的财富格局(由于篇幅所限,我无法列完所有例证,简单举一个例子吧,看一看从未被欧洲殖民过的东南亚国家(泰国)吧,把泰国的GDP和东南亚其他国家对比一下,你就能看到巨大的差异。殖民 主义是壮大殖民大国的经济工具,同时会使被殖民国家经济停滞、无法发展。在后殖民时代(我们几十年前才刚刚进入这个时代),贸易协定和经济政策继续助长了全球不平等。




Samir Das

If India was so wealthy and powerful then how British could rule India? Wealth and power comes from smartness, so how a smart amd progressive country became british colony.... I doubt all these facts.. Indian people were not rich rather the kings treasury was rich.. Go to europe or america, you could see cities build 200-300 years ago and people staying in those houses and cities till now. Imagine India 200 yrs ago. U could only find monuments and heritage of 200years old not any house or building....


Australia, America, New Zealand, southAfrica were also british colonies. Why they were not looted and made poor like India? There are 2 sides to every discussion and no side can be presented with 100% surety when we are talking about history.. Who calculated GDP in 1700s, if india hold 25% of world GDP then what was the 100%? Before British, Mughal was ruling India. How India became rich under mughals who had such negetive image in Indian history? Yes Mughal king were rich if they can build a monument like Taj Mahal in memory of his loving wife.





Somak Chatterjee

Boss, read the true history before speaking

Economic loss :-

India’s GDP before the British came : 27% of World GDP in 1700.

India’s GDP when British left India in 1947: 3% of World GDP.





When British left us in 1947 our literary rate was 12% today 74% and still increasing. Our life expectancy was 27 and today 70 and still increasing. 90% live below poverty line when British left us in 1947 and today 2.9%. It's far better than 90%. In 2025 poverty will be vanished from India.


We have long way to go but today's situation is far far better than in 1947. 90% poverty, 12% literacy and 27 life expectancy in 1947 when British left us....can you imagine this?? Nowadays situation is far better no doubt but we have still long way to go. And people talk about why there's so much poverty. One thing I want to tell them that if you don't know past then you can't understand present. I don't blame those people but their government is hiding colonial history and that's the main problem because they don't know the real reason behind our poverty. If they know it then they don't ask those questions.


India lifted 271 million people out of poverty between 2006 and 2016, says United Nations

India may get rid of extreme poverty by 2030, under 3% to remain poor by 2020: Report (India may get rid of extreme poverty by 2030, under 3% to remain poor by 2020: Report)

India’s pulled at least 170 million people out of poverty since 1990 (India’s pulled at least 170 million people out of poverty since 1990)

British Raj siphoned out $45 trillion from India: Utsa Patnaik (British Raj siphoned out $45 trillion from India: Utsa Patnaik)

World Poverty Clock (World Poverty Clock)














Siva Kanagaraj

No. We are richer today than we were in 18th century. India’s population from 1701 through 1800 AD were just 10 crores. We are almost 140 crores today. India could not have provided food/medicine for 140 crores of population during those days.


We including entire Africa were invaded by almost every European country during 18th century not because India and Africa were rich, rather entire Europe was poor. Europe needed products and man power from these countries so that they can build their nations in all aspect.

We are comparing today’s India vs today’s European nations. We grew little but they grew monsters. Africa never grew.






Renny Koshy

Before Britishers arrived in India there are 678 states in India .India may be rich but of no use .Anybody can invade India.





Gurpreet Singh

India was rich before British rule but Indians were never rich. Indians have always been harassed and made slaves by their rulers throughout the history.





Pratik Nair

For your kind information, you can check out and find out if you read the "economic history of the world" that India had the largest portion of GDP from the time written history is available and china was closely behind.

Only in 16th century or so we lost the first position to china but regained it again in 17th century. Our GDP as a percentage of world GDP was consistently above 30% or so.

Only after the british came. the downslide started and by the time they left, India was nowhere in terms of GDP.




此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 印度人至今相信印度在英国殖民前十分富庶吗,印网民:我们只在16世纪左右把第一名让给过中国
