

Why don't Chinese people use chopsticks made of steel? It would save lots of trees.





ing Leo

1.     Chinese people Do use steel chopsticks;

2.     Bamboo chopsticks are more widely used in China. Bamboos are mostly grown for such applications;

3.     In most Chinese families, chopsticks can be reused many times, and using steel chopsticks doesn’t save materials significantly.

1.     中国人也有铁质筷子的;

2.     竹制筷子在中国使用得更广泛。竹子主要就是为了这个用途而种植的;

3.     在大多数中国家庭中,筷子是可以重复使用的,使用铁质筷子也不能显著节省材料。




Gordon Hsu

Uh, what? The majority of chopsticks in China are made from bamboo, not wood. Bamboo is not a tree despite being called as such by some people (bamboo "tree"). It is actually a type of grass that grows rapidly thus it is very sustainable. Due to deforestation concerns, more wooden chopstick are being phased out with each passing year in China.


BTW, the steel manufacturing process isn't exactly that environmentally friendly either.

Lastly, you should also pose this question to Japan as that is actually the country that has the most widespread use of disposable chopsticks.






Mark Jia

Wait, do you really think we do only use chopsticks like these?



Too naive




Plastic chopsticks



Porcelain chopsticks



Chopsticks made from alloys, which mostly used in hostels and some big restaurants in China.



Some made from wood



And bamboos



Back to your question, do you mean that?


Chopsticks made from stainless-steel.





Sean Landy


We using wood/bamboo chopstick for saving metals.

Now you wanna us go back and using metals ?

Why don't you just suggest us go back to our prehistoric era and try using fork and knife again?








Blake Bennett

1.     Because they already use many other types of chopsticks.

2.     Because bamboo is the opposite of a limited resource.

1.     因为他们已经使用了许多其他材质的筷子。

2.     因为竹子并不是有限的自然资源。

This is a great example of the simplistic solutions of many environmentalists. Bamboo is an incredibly environmentally friendly and renewable material, but you assume it’s harming the environment because you think we're running out of trees. Steel manufacturing has a huge environmental impact, but you assume it's better because it's reusable. It’s not unlike the promotion of electric cars while ignoring the massive impact of battery production, or belief that solar is an unquestionably preferable alternative to exsting generation despite manufacturing, installation and land use costs.


These technologies are appropriate in many cases, and the market demand is important to improving their future implementation. But they're not evaluated based on the environmental impact, they're purchased at great expense to make the user feel good about themselves. There are far more economically efficient ways to make a difference. So sure, use reusable chopsticks if it makes you feel better. You can even pretend you're saving the rain forest. Just don’t try to shame people out of using their favorite eating utensil.





Teresa Lin

Our family uses a variety of chopsticks, however we have rarely use wooden chopsticks. Most families I know use plastic chopstick because they are cheap and far more endurable than wood or porcelain (which can be broken if they’re dropped).

We do have stainless steel chopsticks in the household, and we have never used them due to several reason.



Steel chopsticks are usually round, in comparison to the usually rectangular wooden/porcelain/plastic chopsticks. In my opinion, round chopsticks are a terrible design, they’re slippery and if you place them on top of bowls or on the side of plates they roll off. I, for one don’t want to pick up my chopsticks every time I put them down.





Hongtao Zhang

Short answer:

We Chinese use chopsticks made of bamboo, in history and right now. Chopsticks is written as 筷子 or 箸 in Chinese. The means 竹(bamboo).



Long answer:

This question could be divided into 2 question:

1、Why do the Chinese use bamboo chopsticks instead of iron one?

2、Why do the Chinese used to be high on wood chopsticks?



1. 为什么中国人用竹筷子,不用铁筷子?

2. 为什么中国人过去很喜欢用木头筷子?

Answer of question 1:


•      Heat conduction: Steel has high thermal conductivity comparing to bamboo. It means iron chopsticks is too cold when not in use, and too hot when you are using it. The same reason why we Chinese don’t use iron bowls, but porcelain blows.

•      Friction Force : Iron chopsticks is smoother than bamboo one.

•      Sound: Personally, I hate the sound of metal friction.

•      Taste: Iron chopsticks isn’t friendly to tongue. It teste cold, lifeless and not natural. Bamboo one is more friendly.





•      Weight: Steal is heavier than bamboo.

•      Metallurgical Technology: It’s harder to make an iron chopsticks than and bamboo one in history.

•      Price: Bamboo is more common than steal.

•      Custom: You have a ton of reasons to justify what you are accustomed to, Whereas you are hard to understand it if you aren’t accustomed to it.





Answer of question 2:


Why do we Chinese used to be high on wood throwaway chopsticks?

Because we used to consider throwaway chopsticks as a indicate of industrialization. When throwaway chopsticks was introduced from Japan in the 1990s, it’s considered as a way of saving labour force and improving food safety. It made by machine and, just as its name, can be thrown away after use. Restaurants are honored to offer throwaway chopsticks, consumers would like to use it to show they are more civilized or Japanese-style. In short, It was considered as a luxury to throw away chopsticks.



But now, we have returned to the embrace of reusable bamboo chopsticks. Furthermore, we have had another indicate of industrialization and civilization —— chopstick sterilizer.





Emma Xü

I feel like the question is equivalent to asking why we use plastic silverware in the United States. Plastic silverware is not what we use in a home-setting or in a sit-down restaurant, they are just a common, inexpensive alternative favored by fast-food restaurants.






What I want to say is that China divides forest resources into "ecological forests" and "commercial forests". For the former, they have introduced relevant protection laws to protect primary forests and have been planting new forests; while the latter was born to be used Cut down and make various wood products.


When the Chinese make bamboo chopsticks and wooden chopsticks, they use fast-growing forests for commercial use. They just plant a tree on a specific site, cut it down after five years, and plant another tree after that.

What forest is this destroying?






Max Yang

Wrong question.

This question is a perfect example of the following point I’m going to make:

There is a famous saying on 知乎 - 与世界分享你的知识、经验和见解

which I am not sure whether it originated from Quora - before you ask why, ask if it is the case in the first place!





As other answers already pointed out - this is not the case at all!

What you should be asking is “why don’t people around the world stop importing throwaway chopsticks from China to save trees?”

Free bonus for you (you all who are reading this answer): fortune cookies is NOT a thing in China. You won’t find them in restaurants in China.







Allen Dawe

While chopsticks made of steel may seem like a practical and durable choice, they are not commonly used in China because they can affect the taste of the food. Steel chopsticks can give a metallic taste to the food, especially when eating hot dishes or acidic foods. This is why chopsticks made of materials such as bamboo, wood, or plastic are preferred in China. Additionally, chopsticks made of these materials are more lightweight and easier to handle than steel chopsticks.





Tom O'Connor

As a natural-born Westerner, I am not as practiced using Kuàizi as native Chinese, Japanese or Koreans, etc…therefore I like to use the easiest to manipulate. To begin, I HATE the oblong-shaped ones chosen by some restaurants. Especially when deformed (not straight) as many bamboo ones are, I can’t manipulate them well at all.


Second, I dislike the bamboo ones in general. Whether they start out deformed or become deformed with the heat of the dishwashers, it doesn’t matter. I am not proficient enough in the usage of Kuàizi to pickup food when the points are spread so wide apart.


Therefore, I prefer the machined rectangular-handled ones that are straight and come to round points about 3/16″ in (about 5 MM) diameter at the tips. These I can manage very well by now.

Steel? Just too slippery…period.






Chenyao Lu

Steel production also has carbon emissions, and it burns a lot of fossil fuels.

If bamboo or trees are managed well, the tree use could be counteracted by new trees.






Khengchat Ng

Disposable chopsticks are made from bamboo, the fastest growing plant. Our family reusable ones are made from plastic. Steel is too slippery and does not have the ' bend-ability ’ for a good grip. Some do use them.


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