Why does France seem friendlier to China than most other Western countries? Are they really unafraid of being isolated by the eldest brother US and other allies, like Hungary, for daring to ride on two horses?
Yoan Joseph Leleu
Because France follows a policy of strategic autonomy: we like to keep our options open. Which is the very opposite of being isolated if you think about it. “Splendid isolation” isn't an option for a middle-sized power, “vassalization” isn't either, and if a middle-sized power attempts the former it will only reap the latter.
We’re polite with our noichis fellows (China); we’re polite with the ricain friend (America); we’re integrated with the neighbors (EU); we’re especially warm with the rising powers (India; Indonesia…). Note that we were polite with Iran until Donald Trump shenanigans and Iranian posturing made that impossible. Or friendly with Russia until they pulled the most nonsensical move ever, literally forcing us to stop being friendly (realpolitik only goes so far).
Allow me to show you Ze Chart, it’s all clearer with it:
France uranium imports (in tons) over the last twenty years. There's no evil trap or hidden agenda to decipher: it simply originates from everywhere with commercially viable uranium deposits.
For instance the CIA-backed Greenpeace complained the other day about “France uranium coming from Russia”. 40% of it went through Russia, yes. But comes from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc… (which is also the case for 25–30% or US uranium imports, but mysteriously that one didn't trigger Greenpeace). Consequencially, France has been talking with those partners and with China to study an alternative route. Thus the need to be friendly with them. The possibility of importing all those raw materials by airplane was also considered.
That's not “being reliant on Russia”. That's not “Françafrique”. That's certainly not having our nuclear sector controlled by the US (despite their insistent efforts). That's not being aligned on China either. That's simply remaining friendly with the maxmum number of people we can, because diplomacy is a good thing.
Also, there's almost 2 million French people living in the Indo-Pacific area. So of course we want to remain friendly with everyone there. We're not lunatics! Ahahahah
One last word: jokes and geopolitical ugliness aside, what's wrong with being friendly and polite with China? Whether we like it or not, there are major challenges right now requiring mankind, all of mankind, full attention. And cooperation.
Bora Taş
The UK and France reacted to the Suez Crisis in completely opposite ways. French decided that they should be an independent actor. The UK fully aligned its foreign policy with the USA. You can still see the results of this in today’s Europe. France is still the most self-interested country.
EU countries isolating France is just not realistic. It is one of the few countries that keep the EU going. The only bigger player is Germany.
One reason none of the other answers have mentioned is that China is a major export market for France.
Only second after the USA outside Europe.
The Napoleon wannabe former banker that is president Macron was accompanied by a group of French business leaders on his last official visit in May 2023 to the PRC, for example.
On the plane with him were some 60 chief executives or “captains of industry”, including household names such as L’Oréal and Danone.
And less well known to the public ones like Airbus, state power utility EDF and one of the world’s largest private waste management companies, Veolia.
Despite stereotypes, France’s biggest export sector is aeronautics because Airbus is HQ’d in France
China is still develo its first commercial planes. In the meantime, China’s growing aviation industry needs to continue importing commercial planes.
And France-made Airbus is the only alternative for now to US-based Boeing.
Which isn’t to say French exports to China don’t conform to stereotype: France is the leading supplier of imported wines & spirits to China. And of course, “luxury goods”.
China comes in 7th and Hong Kong, at 8th for French wine imports. Combined, one of the biggest markets for French wine in the world:
So, it’s not just about strategic geopolitics but also trade promotion.
Which isn’t to deny Macron doesn’t fancy himself a modem incarnation of the famously weary-of-the-USA General de Gaulle.
But he does have a full plate of domestic interest groups to cater to, including the major exporters.
Norman Tan
Why is China a threat to the United States & other Western countries?
At the end of the WWII, the US was the only major world power that was not devastated by the war. It soon became the leader of the Western bloc of countries that got into a Cold War with the Eastern bloc headed by the Soviet Union.
At the start of the 1990’s the Soviet Union imploded and the Cold War came into an end. The US then became the strongest country in the world. By far. It's the 800 pound gorilla in the room.
The recent rise of China is a threat because China has the potential to be a competitor that can hamper US interests. It's not really a competitor yet, by a long shot, but they have the potential to become one in the future.
After all, the US has been the biggest protector and ally to Saudi Arabia for decades. Despite the absolute tota tarian nature of the regime and the horrible things they have done for years. The US doesn't see Saudi as a threat because they don't have the potential to be a competitor.
Nathan James
Why does it seem that China is scaring the bejesus out of every Western country?
It seems that way because in your mind, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and the US vassal states, Japan and India, constitute “every Western country.”
These are the only countries that are worried about China’s rise. They’re worried about losing their global hegemony.
The rest of the world is happy to trade with China, to receive infrastructure assistance from China, to receive vaccination assistance from China.
Victims of American Hegemony
France was jilted by her Anglo-American lover when the Yanks pulled France from building submarines for Australia worth hundreds of billions in contracts.
The contracts were signed, France had started to build the nuclear submarines until Biden got into power, stopped Britain from having China build a 5g network for her, and told Australia to pull out of their deal with France.
This is on top of France desperately wanting to be higher up the NATO food chain than the UK.
France turned to China in a moment of desperation. She pulled down her panties when she went to Beiing only for the Chinese to ask her to cover herself up.
France is humiliated. The West knows France is a bitch, China doesn't have much use for her!
Li Pengii
They're slightly more pragmatic. That's all but pragmatic in their own self interest.
Hence, De Gaulle taking back their gold.
France is snookered as Niger says no more uranium:D
Victims of American Hegemony
France ist prideful and arrogant. American hegemony hurts their pride, so they are flirting with Russia and China to create the illusion for themselves that they are independent. Flirting, not more.
Aaron Jantzen
Is there a chance, no matter how slight, that the United States and China can become allies of sorts?
Um, maybe you didn’t get the memo, but we are and have been allied on a number of fronts for quite a few decades, since Nixon went to China to broker a peace deal. Some of the forms of cooperation today include an ever expanding amount of trade; China is now the largest single country trading partner, having eclipsed Canada that had long held that position.
And China has cooperated by “bailing out” the US, especially since the great recession, in buying up US debt. Thus the Chinese have been funding your lavish lifestyle of living beyond your means by using their hard earned Yuan to lend $1,250,000,000,000 to the USA.
The Chinese also directly invest in US stocks and vice versa; I have mutual funds that include Chinese stocks. They also send over 300,000 students to study in the US.
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