Why do so many US people not understand how advanced China has become?
Brooks Hurd
I have been to China many times. I understand what is happening in China. It is hard not to be impressed after landing at one of the world’s largest airports and taking the Maglev to Longyang Station at 430 km/hr. This is the fastest commercial ground transportation system on the planet.
Shanghai has huge and growing subway system. In the downtown area of Pux, there are multiple levels of highways .
I went to Semicon China last year and saw a vending machine that only accepted WePay, no cash or credit cards. This simply follows the trend to allow everyone to accept payments phone to phone.
The high speed rail system connects the country in a way that makes the ICE, V or Shinkansen look small by comparison.
When I first went to China in the 1990s, little of this exsted. There were no multi-level highways in Shanghai. There was no Maglev, nor Pudong airport. The subway was partially built but the high speed rail network was still a dream.
There may be people who believe that China is a poor country living in the last century without the benefits of modern technology. All I can say is that they should visit China and see the reality with their own eyes.
Colin Riegels
To be fair, it is not just China but Asia generally (well, probably the world generally - but let’s keep it manageable). When I lived in Asia and my wife’s relatives would come to visit, they were invariably taken about by just how developed the airports, transport systems and cities were in Asia. Compare landing at Boston Logan and taking the decrepit subway into town with landing at Hong Kong and taking the express to the centre of town (or better yet, being able check in and drop your luggage in the centre of town at the airport express terminal when leaving).
Popular perceptions in America about what Asia is like don’t bear much resemblance to the reality, and relative few Americans travel there. So the world of gleaming, super efficient airports, and hi tech cities might as well be on the moon for all that it enters their daily perception.
Godman Andrew
There can be a number of reasons why some people in the United States might not fully appreciate the advancements that China has made. Some possible factors include:
Lack of exposure: People may not be well-informed about China and its advancements due to a lack of exposure to accurate and diverse information about the country.
Media coverage: The media can play a role in sha people's perceptions of other countries. Some media outlets in the United States may emphasize negative stories about China and downplay positive developments, which can give people a skewed view of the country.
Cultural differences: Cultural differences between the United States and China can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and misperceptions.
Political factors: Political tensions between the United States and China can sometimes cloud people's perceptions of the country and its advancements.
Education: Some people may not have had the opportunity to study or learn about China's history, culture, and recent advancements, which can limit their understanding of the country.
Ultimately, it's important to seek out accurate and diverse information about other countries and to be open to learning about different cultures and perspectives. This can help to reduce misunderstandings and promote mutual understanding and respect.
Sthitapragnya Deshpande
Disclaimer - The author currently lives in China and used to live earlier in UK and India.
A few reasons (and this is true for people outside US as well) -
1) Most of them do not know what a typical Chinese city looks like today. How modern they are, how financially better off ordinary Chinese people are (clue - a worker in China also has a proper brick and mortar house to live in, eats good fresh meals thrice a day, gets reasonable medical health care, gets a bonus each year, and usually signs on contracts of 1 year, and rarely has to worry about unemployment)
1) 他们中的大多数人都不知道,如今一个普通的中国城市是什么样子的。这些城市有多么现代,普通中国人的经济状况有多么富裕(提示—中国工人也有房住,有一日三餐,有医疗保健,每年还有奖金,通常都签一年的合同,很少担心失业)
2) Most are brought up either on nat geo ‘megafactories’ documentaies, the popular news media rhetoric (clue - NYT and WaPo hardly have many reporters living in China), or old time documentaries dating from 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s!
2) 大多数人要么看着国家地理拍摄的“超级工厂”纪录片长大,要么看着新闻媒体的报道长大(提示—《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》几乎没有几个记者常住中国),要么看着50年代、60年代、70年代和80年代的纪录片长大!
3) We have all been indoctrinated into the idea .... Hence we simply cannot imagine that a country that is not a conventional dem racy can be developed.
3) 我们都被灌输了一些错误观念。因此,我们根本无法想象这么一个国家也能得到发展。
4) Few Americans have visited China and seen the country and its development for themselves. Few of them have interacted with peopel who have visited teh country. Chinese language websites that regularly show this are unknow outside the country. Ditto even for English language Chinese websites (Peoples daily and inhua give a pretty accurate idea of what the country is like, especailly if the iamges - and they are flush with thousands of images - even if what they type is partly propaganda)
4) 很少有美国人去过中国,亲眼看看这个国家及其发展现状。他们也很少和去过中国的人有过接触。中文网站在国外无人能懂。英文版的中文网站也是如此(《人民日报》和新华社如实准确地描述了中国的情况,网站上有海量图片—尽管文字内容上有一部分是政治宣传)。
Ty Yang
I’m not surprised because even as a Chinese like myself, I feel little about how advanced China has become. When I was in high school, I was so used to the nice and neat subway newly built and thought to myself that those stuffs out there are so surely better than Chinese. So the conclusion I have to draw here is that those people, who understand little about how advanced China has become are the people who have not been traveling to the advanced parts in China too much.
Defining what it means to be advanced. From how I see it, the advancedness of a country does not reflect on how well being of any individuals but reflecting on people as a whole. Therefore, to see how advanced a country could be is to see how much effort a country has put into the well being of its public. For example, the construction of fundamental infrastructures, CPI and crime rate will be very good examples here. I will discuss CPI and crime rate in some other answers, and focusing on traffics and educations on this matter.
Like anything I’ve written on Quora, I’m open to all kinds of comments, if you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. I won’t take it as you hate me if you don’t disagree with me, and I admit flaws exst in my writings. So, feel free to comment or anything you want.
This is how nights look like in China. As you can see there are still a lot of places unlighted on nights.
In the link above, you can see how much has China been working to raise the economy of less developed parts of China. It’s a sophisticated answer, so please read this. But since all the high ways and bridges are built in China, and to be honest, before I read this answer I had no idea that China has been contributing so much about its people.
The 9-year basic education in China is compulsory. There were many very traditional and very wrong ideas in China regarding women. Some of them are still very popular in South Korea and Japan. That is, 女子无才便是德, which means that the ignorance and lack of skills of a woman is her virtue.
Zhipeng(Jason) Wang
When I was a kid, our family never traveled to US. All of my impressions of US came from media, TV and magazines. In the 1990s, a lot of American movies with topics related to US Civil wars shown in Chinese TV channels. The background is mostly sugar cane farms in the triangle area of Mississippi, which is extremely depressing and rural. To be honest, before I turned 12, that is the my impression of US.
If you go to the triangle area of Mississippi even now, you will see a completely different US, US is not only SF, New York, Chicago, Boston and DC, even in our world No. 1 most powerful country, we still have some places which are less developed. So does China.
David Barry
Plain stupidity or wilful ignorance. It is the same reason why people voted for Boris Johnson and Adolf Hitler. It is the same reason why people voted for Trump. However in the USA the alternative is even worse. The Democrats are likely to cause WW3 if they get elected. Pelosi, for example is more dangerous for the world than Trump.
纯粹的愚蠢或故意的无知。这正是人们投票给鲍里斯·约翰逊和阿道夫·希特勒的原因,也是投票给特朗普的原因。但如果美国民 主党当选,他们可能会引发第三次世界大战。举个例子,对全世界来说,佩洛西比特朗普更危险。
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 为什么很多美国人不明白中国已经很发达了